
How long can you hold your breath?

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Have not tried in quite a bit but it used to be 2+. That was while swimming not just sitting still either.

I am sure SkymokeyOne's number is pretty high. Also anyone who has gone through military scuba school.

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We were getting close the 3 minutes at the NBL, very un-offical contests. Breath-holding was forbidden. I think breathng 46% NITROX made the difference, plus practice, lots of practice:). The first part is working past that 'I gotta breathe' feeling. That hits long before you actually NEED air.

Sometimes near the end of a run if you mis-calculated your air, or used a bunch right before the end, you would really have to conserve whatever you had left. On more than one occasion a diver would be putting the subject in the donning stand without any air in the tanks. We would hide the fact we were empty by popping up to talk to topside, getting a breath, and finishng up putting them in the stand. Then make sure you broke down your own tanks so no one would notice:).


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ya well it only takes a few feet of depth change pop a lung if you hold your breath so i can see why its forbidden
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
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it's the whole lack of O2 thing, i just cant remember....

o2 who needs o2!!!!
Actually, what causes you to want to breathe is the buildup of CO2 (carbon dioxide), not the lack of O2. This is why free divers try to hyper ventilate before holding their breath and diving. That can be dangerous though because not having the desire to surface and breathe can result in your blacking out. Go rent The Deep Blue for Hollywood's version of free diving contests - it came out in the late '80's, not a bad movie. I read in Outside magazine a couple of years ago about a Cuban guy who could hold his breath for almost 8 minutes and was planning to break the 500 foot level for free diving competition (competitors grab a concrete weight attached to a cable and shoot down as far as they can go before letting go). Pretty wild.

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We used to do the same thing during swim season....i could go 2 mins +...used to scare my mom that way....i would stay under water for awhile and she would freak :D

just tried a little while ago....1:38 the first time...2:10 the next...probably coulda gone longer, but i started feeling abit light-headed loll

hehe the competition is on Viking!;)


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At practice just now i was able to hold my breath for 1 minute. :)B| fucking show off!:D

Believe it or not, I can freedive over 150 ft. As a kid at 12 years old I had astma and failed my scuba certification due to not being able to hold my breath and swim far enough. I was bound and determined to do this so I spent many a day in my pool practicing, I finally could swim an olympic pool 3 whole lengths+. And I would practice holding my breath, I can break 2 minutes easy no problem, used to scare the shit out of my ex in our hot tub. but you know what I went for my scuba cert 2 years later, and out swam my instructor that failed me, Im sure I came close to Shallow water blackout but there was no way I was coming up first. Now I have a useless talent.

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I can hold my breath all the way from takeoff till the door opens at altitude. Breathing makes no sense in the plane as it is completely filled with methane gas.B|


Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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