
Has anything made you smile today?

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Smiles today..yes lots of them!
Hugs from friends generally start my day with a smile, or when my terror of a dog does something silly at 4 am[:/]
Knowing that I have so much to be thankful for...even on what may appear to be a really crappy day. In the end...they are all good days...just ask Mar:)

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I had a few things make me smile today, but there is one that always stands out. There are two days a week I work late and when I am driving home from work (an hour commute at 7pm) I always call my son Mason to make sure I talk to him to in case he falls asleep before I get home. I smile the whole time I talk to him as he tells my about the day in his 5 year old life. But what makes me smile even more is that he fights to stay awake until I get home so he can cuddle and get a good night kiss from Mom. When I walk in, it is always the same, he gets soooo excited and runs to me and gives me the biggest hug and kiss. Nothing in my life has ever made me smile like that does and I doubt anything ever will. :)


"May the best of your past be the worst of your future"

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When I used to live in NJ and commute out to Queens, NY (no, I don't know what I was thinking) I would transfer through the Port Authority every day, and every single morning there was a guy with a keyboard singing gospel songs in the LONG tunnel between the bus station and the subway station. That is a dank, nasty walk any time of day. Add wall to wall people and it is just plain disgusting, but I'll be damned if every single morning I walked through there and for a stretch of about 10 ft, as they passed the keyboard guy, almost everyone had a smile. I hadn't thought about him in a while, until I was sitting in Atlanta rush hour traffic this morning (which in only my second week of doing so I've already decided is one of the most obnoxious things a person can have to put up with) and thought of him and smiled. :)
Killing threads since 2004.

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i was smiling all day!... well most of the day...

the boyz at the dz must have smoked some crack with their cereal this morning. they were out of control funny. :D

also, a lady made a tandem for her 71st birthday today, landed and screamed about how it was better than sex!!! i laughed and smiled and... almost cried. that was WAY cool!

i smiled at the last PM i got too. :)

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for one,, it was a simply beautiful day around here....

Clear blue skies warm sunshine,,,, wisps of cirrus clouds... tied together with High altitude Jet Contrails...:o B| ;) a glorious sort of day....
Then after completing a job ,,, for a wonderful elderly couple,, ( the lady kept bringing me a glass of ice water.... :) ) I gave them the bill and the gentleman says,,, " Give him 50 dollars MORE than that ,,, when you write the check" hahahaha
His dutiful wife followed instructions,, and I walked away with some happy clients, and a fat paycheck....
Plus.... during my work.. I received a couple of phone calls from a dear friend who not only made me smile,,,,, but made me laugh... as well.....B|
Not bad for a tuesday.....:D ;) :)

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After a depressing weekend of being at home knowing that I couldn't go out and jump, I finally smiled on Sunday night when a friend called and talked to me for about an hour about nothing in particular. Those are the best calls. Just knowing that someone is out there who knows you are still alive and calls you up to talk. It makes you feel all good inside and you smile.

That's about all the smiling I'm probably going to do for the week. I'm starting to get all kinds of depressed and I don't like it. I want to be able to drive around aimlessly, but I can't. Maybe I could learn to drive left-footed. Think that'll work?
I'm so funny I crack my head open!

P.M.S. #102

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btw... where the heck were you this weekend???

Somewhere between the Southeast and Northeast part of the country. Working in other words......wouldn't have mattered.....I was sick as a dog from Friday on and still am right now. I have this Ebola on the run though. :D Unfortunately, I'm not sure if I'll get back to Tecumseh before it gets cold or not. I'm stuck with only Monday/Tuesday off until the end of Sep. After that I go to Thursday/ Friday. [:/] It'll be snowing by the time I have weekends off again. >:( Some days I REALLY hate this job. If it wasn't so damn noble and payed so well I would have quit LOOOOONG ago. :|

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Yes! I was asked to teach 4 different classes at my new office - 3 designed for newer agents (contracts, handling objections, and winning multiple offers), and 1 for teaching more experienced agents how to mentor new agents effectively. Me is rather tickled!!!


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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You know what made me smile today? Walking onto my deck with a cup of coffee and being able to see the sun rising over Lake Tahoe.

TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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