
Thank you Perris, Rantoul and the USA

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After a month and a half of travelling i'm back in South Africa and i'd like to say a HUGE thank you to Perris, Rantoul and the USA.

I had an absolute blast, made so many friends and above all did some awesome jumps. I'd heard the Perris crew could be a little "stuck up" and that Rantoul could be dangerous and filled with yahoos. I found neither to be true, the staff and jumpers at PV were awesome and unbelievably friendly and the organised loads rocked my world!

Rantoul was unbelievable and the people, the skydives (especially the birdie flocks) and experiences i had will stay with me for the rest of my life. And it was SUPER cool to meet a bunch of dotcommers! (There are too many to individually name and thank) Mucho, mucho thanks to everyone for making my time in the States one of the best of my life. I can't wait to get my ass back over there!

OK, soppy post over, carry on :)
peace out

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Glad you had such a great time over here in the USA!! It was great meeting you in rantoul. We all hope you can make it back here real soon! Hope it's not too hard for you to get back into the working thing again.
I look forward to jumping and partying with you again soon my friend!
take care in south africa!
oh, and please tell taya i said hi and give her a big hug for me!

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I don't think that I ever met you (my leg injury has kept me away from Perris), but that's wonderful that you had such a great time while here. Perris is always awesome and Rantoul (my beer time, too) was amazing, as well. Once again, I'm glad that you enjoyed yourself so much! Come back soon...:)

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It was indeed fun.

The fun we all had over at our place was caused by the entire crowd...and you were definitely part of the cause... why do the Brandy's keep e-mailing for your contact info?

Did I miss something?


The fun you take home will spread like wildfire in South Afrika... See you again soon!

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Hey PJ,

Glad you back in the good ol' SA! Come tell us all, we dying to hear about everyone especially all the kewl things you learnt!!! ;)

Blue skies hunni


"Most of us can read the writing on the wall; we just assume it's
addressed to someone else!" Ivern Ball

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Great to meet you as well PJ!!! It’s probably a good thing that you left the country before immigration heard about THAT night on the Sunset Strip…. Maybe next time you’ll make into the SkyBar, although you may have to leave the Kiwi and Ms. Windsock at home!
Look forward to your next trip out this way.


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PJ, you rock!!

Perris just isn't the same without you! I really didn't think we'd be able to pull you out of that nudie bar in time for your flight... and you let Colin drive?! Rantoul must have been a walk in the park after that. Sorry 'bout SkyBar, but that grocery cart ride up Sunset was way too inviting. ;)

Catch you on the next trip!!

PS- Lindsay's right... Colin cried.

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I'd say sobbing uncontrollably with snot bubbles is more of an appropriate description... yeah?
yeah. :P

infact, he used sooooooooo much kleenex and toilet paper to stop his tears that he made a little sore spot under his left eye. it even bled a little.
i have pictures to prove it.

ok, that'll be all

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Yeah PeeJ you rocked. PeeJ and Colin both cried at the exit point at a Potato State bridge. Colin was crying a little harder than PeeJ when he realized I had packed for him. :P

I'll try to make it to South Africa in the next year. I'm leaving Perris in about a week and a half.

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