
how much have you sold

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just wondering how much yall have hocked for jumps, i cleared out my apartment earlier in the year and had a garage sail to get me a new rig, just thought i would here from some of yall who have been at it longer than me

The only bad skydive is your last!
chris "sonic wookie" harwell
Piedra-belluda-roja Rodriguez

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I sold anything that I didnt use for at least 1 year to buy my rig and AFF course. Guns, scuba gear, a boat, dive computer, and whole list of odds and ends. Actually it was a great thing in the end. It simplified my life by eliminating things I didn't need.

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JoeBob: I wasn't specifically saying that to you, more in general.

Higher priority:

-a vacation to see the rest of the world, versus spending hundreds a month on jump tix.

-A nice house versus a little apt. I gave up jumping 3 weekends a month versus 1-2 so I could have my own house.

Dont get me wrong--I could see selling an extra vehicle for AFF.

However, I've had friends live on ramen and natural light for one extra jump ticket. I've known people to hock VCRs/DVD players, TVs, etc. A little overboard to pawn things to jump, IMHO.

I could be spending $500/month on jump tix, but I'd like to retire at age 50, so that cash goes to investments...I guess I'm not as addicted to jumping as others are...No biggie...

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Such as....?

-Paying for my nephews' education
-Giving money to people who actually need it because they're starved and homeless...or just unfortunate (as in, it's not an orphan's fault they're there.)
-Getting more education
-Taking random, fun classes
-(already mentioned) Seeing the world

There is so much in life.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Yes sir

Kinda thought so, w/free education & travel. Although the travel usually requires MOPP gear, and therefore sucks.

Seriously, there is more to life. Go on leave, get to Dover AFB, get a C-5 hop to Germany and see Europe. You only live once (and for those us in our line of work, that's of dubious importance)...

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I've traveled quite a bit, but always for work. Honestly I make a crappy tourist, I'd rather spend my off time doing things, rather then seeing things.

You are right though I should do something to burn up my leave balance.

It doesn't matter if a cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice.

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I sold my car and various other miscellanous (spelling??) objects for jump tickets.

For some of us owning a house is not important, I used to own a 4 bedroom house, with a swimming pool and a double garage, it did not make me feel any better than my Garden Flat does. I don't want to be tied down by material things, that is not what is important to me.

I put away money for my retirement, but I plan on seeing the world with my rig and my daughter, I can't think of a better life than travelling and jumping in different countries, meeting different people.

I guess each to his own, every body has something different which is important to him / her. Just because something is important to me and you value something different, does not make what you value wrong or of less value, that is what is so great about variety - it is truely the spice of life. :)

"Most of us can read the writing on the wall; we just assume it's
addressed to someone else!" Ivern Ball

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Well I used to scarf up the scrap metal around the shop to pay for jumps, but then the company went on this ISO 14001 kick and put an end to that. So now I pack to put $$ on my account. I'll be getting ratings one at a time here over the next year, and I have about five boxes of old vinyl LP's I may try to get a few bucks for on eBay. I need a new rig. This one will last me two more years max.

Easy Does It

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I literally sold almost my intire houshold goods. Didn't even keep a chair to sit on. And i sold my van as soon as i got a company car. This was years ago when I started jumping, but have since bought a few houshold items again :P
"Africa is not for sissies"

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While I voted "Not a thing" I must admit that this is not entirely true.

I perform all of the PC work [installation, maintainance, upgrades] at the dropzone. This labor is then converted to jump money in our JumpRun5 system. B| The DZ gets a deal as this is "soft money" and I get a deal for obvious reasons.

With that said I guess I hock my services for jumps.:P

D.T. Holder

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My cat paid for my Static line course.
I have a pure bread and I decided that she wanted kittens.
So as I sold them and I could pay for my jump course.
My bank paid for my first rig. The bad part was I had to pay them back.

I sold a computer, I sold a lawn mower, and I sold a bike... And a whole bunch of stuff actually.

And then eventually I sold all my furniture, car and pretty much all but my clothes to come here. But that was not so much for skydiving as for my sweet hubby ;)
Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
And that's why I don't skydive anymore!

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