
Strange dream time: I "went in" and then didn't know if I was dead or not

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Ohhhh when I woke up this one freaked me out to remember.

I dreamed that I was under canopy (don't remember the rest of the skydive) and some weird wind came from my right side and collapsed my canopy (despite the fact that I fly an airlocked Lotus)... Anyway, I was at only between 500-1000 feet, setting up my pattern for landing almost. I remember trying to pull the risers to make something happen, and at some point I also deployed my reserve, and I'm not sure but I may have cut away my main or maybe I left it thinking that it might still help me get something I could land.

Whatever I did, though, I knew it failed to help, because I had a major ground-rush (I can still see the image I had in the dream) and I knew I was about to die from a horrendous impact with the ground.

Immediately after the impact, which I didn't feel as pain, I was standing before a door in a house, and I opened it to see my brother in a bedroom. I think he had been asleep. I woke him up, because I had to ask him if I were dead or not! I couldn't tell!! :o

I have skydiving dreams now and then, but I don't think I ever had one where I couldn't make something good happen after a mal. Funny, though, that lots of them do involve mals.

This dream may have had something to do with two things:
- I had my first cutaway last week
- I had just recently watched a Twilight Zone DVD that had an episode where a woman sees a hitchhiker over and over again, until she finally finds out that she had been killed days before due to a tire blowout, although she thought she had escaped the accident unharmed.

So tell about your own weird skydiving dreams, okay?
I can't be the only one who has them! :P

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I burned in during a dream last week.... main a big ball of shit overhead, cutaway and reserve not working.

Hit the ground, bounced back up and landed on my feet and walked away. It was like something out of a Wally Gubbins movie.

Not sure what signifigance it has other than possible apprehension about jumping next week.... :S
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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I had a dream a few months back where I was flying a camera helmet for the first time, with one of the video guys/coaches from my DZ doing a two way with me. In freefall, the camera housing opens, so I take the helmet off and close the housing and put it back on my head. Since that incident I guess worried me, I decided to pull "high" (I think we were at like 3k at that point) despite the other guy telling me that i had plenty of freefall left (for some reason, we could speak normally to each other O_o?). SO I throw the PC and the chute opens and it's not attached and I just keep falling. At this point, I'm seeing myself from above as I drop away from the main. The reserve opens just in time for me to hit REALLY hard, but I stand up and I'm fine. As I finish collecting the chute, some girl comes running up to me apologizing to forget to connect the 3 rings when she packed it for me. That's all I remember. Very strange.


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I used to have a dream where I would burn it, get up dust myself off, get pissed off, get on the next load and try again. I'd burn in again, get on the next load. After a few times I finally got mad that nothing was working right and left the DZ figurning "its just not my day."

I used to get that dream every once in a while when I had about 100 jumps or so.

Anymore I don't think I have dreams about skydiving, maybe its become such a common thing in my life my mind has moved on in the dream relm.

I do have odd dreams that turn out to be like a really bad action movie, though...really bad movie...really bad. Even the acting in my dreams are bad, nevermind the plot and action.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I had one last night that was so weird. It was like I was flying instead of falling. I was kinda in a track, but I wasn't losing any altitude. I had all my friends around me, even ones from high school that I haven't seen in forever. I remember how peaceful it was, like I was soaring like a bird. I remember not wearing a rig, but I did end up having a parachute over my head after a little bit. I remember landing so slow and graceful in the park behind my house. I remember I still had my broken leg up in the air, but when I landed it went away. Now that was a cool dream. One of the most peaceful and serene dreams I've ever had.
I'm so funny I crack my head open!

P.M.S. #102

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I had a dream just last night that I got on a skyvan and halfway through the climb to altitude, realized I wasnt wearing a rig :o I felt really embarassed about it....much like those dreams where you go to a public place and realize you are naked. :D

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The one I had a few months ago, I burned in. Didn't even attempt to pull. I sheepishly climbed out of the crater (and man did I make a HUGE crater) and looked around thinking "Boy I sure hope nobody saw that" and then I see the guy that took my sister on her first tandem standing by the hanger laughing and pointing at me. It was really strange.
I've done so much, with so little, for so long
I'm now expected to do everything with nothing forever

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I do have odd dreams that turn out to be like a really bad action movie, though...really bad movie...really bad. Even the acting in my dreams are bad, nevermind the plot and action.

You have dreams about bad acting?! LOL! That is really funny!

I sometimes have dreams where I'm in a gun battle with bad guys like in a movie. Sometimes I'm really bad ass and I kill a bunch of bad guys. Other times, the gun won't work right: trigger is impossibly hard to squeeze; ammunition is all weird jumbled assorted calibers and won't feed; magazine is wrong shape and size, etc. Sometimes the gun will fire but the bullet will droop out with all the muzzle velocity of my old Marksman spring-loaded BB pistol! :D

I did have a funky cool skydiving dream a few months ago where I was on a metal grate platform atop a tower, and I was there with several people to do a BASE jump (which I have never done). I suddenly realized I was not wearing my rig, so I got really nervous/vertigo because of being unprotected should I fall. I spotted the rig leaning against a girder of the tower, and was clutching another girder as I went toward my rig.

Then something changed in my mind, and I "realized" that I was really powerful and could FLY, so I didn't need the rig anyway! So I jumped off the tower, freefell for a while, and when I was right near the ground, just rotated to my feet and landed like some sort of gymnastics dismount, straight body, arms up and out in triumph! :)
It's a cool feeling, knowing nothing can hurt you even in a skydive with no rig. I definitely felt a power and a triumph in that dream that came with me when I woke up from it.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Anyone else have the one where you have a total and the silver breaks off in your hand. So you figure, what the hell, and line up a delta track right down the runway. Right before you hit you flare out and land like a hang glider???B|

I think that was one of the first skydiving dreams I ever had:D:D


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I used to dream that I didn't pull, but still managed a landing as if under canopy then sheepishly open up my container so that I would walk back to the packing area with an open canopy because I felt guilty for not having pulled and didn't want anyone to know that I hadn't flown my canopy. I'd always be worried that the creases in the canopy would be too obvious that it hadn't actually flown on that jump.

v strange!

Don't ever save anything for a special occasion. Being alive is a special occasion. Avril Sloe

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I have dreams every night, which I can remember the next day. I just dream random things, but in the middle of the dream I'll just start flying around, like there is suddenly this special space of air. And I'm so happy to be able to fly and I wonder why other people around me aren't flying. Think maybe this is from spending too much time in the "crack house" (wind tunnel)...

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

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I had a strange skydiving dream a few nights ago too! :S
Anyways, in the dream, my old Supervisor was flying me and a bunch of skydiver friends in a helicopter; we couldn't all fit, so a few of us just hung onto the helicopter on the ride to altitude! :o
Then, I noticed I didn't have an altimeter, so Spanky says, "It's okay. She's already done her first solo--she should be able to judge what altitude she's at." So I jumped, and my canopy opened right before I landed on the roof of a building. It was in a resort area, with palm trees, lots of fancy hotels, the beach....
maybe it's sign I'm supposed to....hmmm,this dream's got me! :D

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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I've only had about 5 dreams over the past year that I've remembered after waking up... and 3 of them have been skydiving related and happened over the past 4 weeks (which is odd considering I've only jumped twice - both tandem).

The first one was extremely strange... I was BASE jumping for some reason with some friends who I know would never even consider jumping tandem. These friends were the "pros" in my dream. I pulled my main and for some reason it was open but didn't work. I stood up and walked away after hitting the ground.

The next was about my first AFP jump (which I've been running through my head constantly). I was watching myself from an outside view, and for some reason I was allowed to jump with just a camera man and nobody holding me. The camera man gave me a signal to check my altimiter, I checked and saw 5,000ft and decided to pull high. I tried pulling but my arms were stuck in front of me for some reason, as if the wind was coming from behind. Eventually the AAD kicked in and my reserve deployed.

The last one happened yesterday night and was definitely the strangest of the three. Started out with one of the same people from the BASE dream, and for some reason we made a split second decision to get married - but somehow our families already knew about it and were already waiting in the chapel. After the wedding I phased into another dream about my first AFP jump, only she (my "wife") was my instructor. For some reason I wasn't wearing a rig during freefall and she handed one to me and told me to put it on after I noticed that my altimiter was reading 6k :S

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A few years back I had a strange skydiving dream. (Has anyone had a dream that wasn't "strange" in some way?) A bunch of us were in an Otter traveling cross-country to another DZ. The wierd part was that the inside of the plane was like someone's living room; we were all walking around, sitting in chairs, etc.

As we approached the DZ four people opened the door and lauched a four-way piece - without rigs. I saw them calling the exit count and ran toward the door to stop them, but didn't make it in time. I watched them exit and a moment later saw their horrified reactions as they realized they forgot their gear. (Even so, they held a nice, stable four-way.)

The actual people were nondescript; I didn't recognize anyone.

Please don't do this.

By the way, does anyone remember Ivan McGuire's (spelling?) rigless dive on April 3, 1988? I never knew the guy, but saw his video on the news a day or so later. Spooky.


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