
bungy or skydive, whats scariest?

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Our rigs put you the right way up before deceleration. A bungee band around the ankles does exactly the opposite.

So, the optimal scenario would be to tie the bungee cord around your neck, right ? :P

I did two bungee jumps before I started jumping. Having done both, IMO the bungee jumps were scarier.

"When in doubt I whip it out,
I got me a rock-and-roll band.
It's a free-for-all."

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i think skydiving is borring.. i never tryed bungy,i think im stuckwhith BASE:ph34r::D

NOTE: i dont really think skydiving is borring,but calling bungy borring can only be said by one that either:
did so many bungyes that he/she can sleep while doing so
dont realiced that they dont dare jumping the thing,therefore call it a waste of time..
he/she were so drugged up that they never realiced what they did...

As others says dropping from a thing towards hard ground knowing that your only your gear can save your life,will never be borring...

It will make Adrenalin to your body,the day Adranalin aint enough,your in big trouble...

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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My only bungy jump was scary only in the sense of "Can I trust this gear" though I admit that I don't like seeing the ground that close up. But, step off, one, two......What, it's over all ready??

I'm used to hearing that, not saying it.;)
I am not the man. But the man knows my name...and he's worried

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I get that question a lot when people find out I skydive, they ask "ever been bungee jumpin?"

Heck. I think bungee jumping would be kinda freaky, falling headfirst, then BOING! snap back into the air.
Bungee jumping, definitely scary, skydiving is loads of fun. :)

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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I went Bungee jumping twice when I was 20 back in 1992. That was when it was first getting big, at all the county fairs, etc. That is also when they were reporting accidents left and right. I did it, it was fun, I even have it on video. (wow, was I ever skinny back then.)
Bungee jumping is fun, but I enjoy skydiving so much more. The money I spent back then to do it, could have bought so many jump tickets...... to bad I didn't start skydiving till I was 30.

ring ring ring ring ring ring, bananna phone!!!

(yes, it's stuck in my head too.)
Goggles and Teeth

"You fall like a greased safe!!!"

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i think skydiving is borring.. i never tryed bungy,i think im stuckwhith BASE:ph34r::D

NOTE: i dont really think skydiving is borring,but calling bungy borring can only be said by one that either:
did so many bungyes that he/she can sleep while doing so
dont realiced that they dont dare jumping the thing,therefore call it a waste of time..
he/she were so drugged up that they never realiced what they did...

As others says dropping from a thing towards hard ground knowing that your only your gear can save your life,will never be borring...

It will make Adrenalin to your body,the day Adranalin aint enough,your in big trouble...

Would you say bungy is the closest thing you can get to BASE? :)

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i dont know but some how i would say yes... its close to the ground and even as i can belive it will be hard to be stabel all the way then i think its one of the closest things on how it will feel falling that close to the ground...

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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There's no Plan B. No reserve bungee, no hook knives. Some of the fatalities I've read about happened when they mistakenly put the long bungee on somebody making the short drop. Real smart.

At least you'd be dead before you knew there's a problem.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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The vast majority of whuffos i've spoken to reckon bungee is scarier - was discussing this with a guy at work the other day & his thinking was that with a bungee, you have to overcome the fear and jump off yourself, whereas with a tandem you just sit there and the 'tandem guy' does everything for you. in terms of adrenaline rush, he reckons a skydive is far better as a bungee's over in literally 20 seconds.

I'd done a few bungee jumps before taking up skydiving, after doing AFF a bungee is a walk in the park. If you ever get the opportunity do a tandem bungee. Did one of these a few years ago with my partner of the time in Taupo here in NZ...both of you are hooked to the same bungee cord, stand side-by side (or facing each other) with your arm round the other persons shoulder then fall forward. Remember asking one of the girls who was operating it 'what happens if one of us goes, but the other doesnt?!!!' and she replied absolutely deadpan: 'then it gets messy' B| im 100% convinced she and the other girl standing behind us were gonna push us both off together if one had hesitated :S >:( :D. Definitely better (and infinitely scarier)..especially if your partner has a fear of heights :ph34r:

The Nevis in Queenstown in farkin awesome, if you haven't seen it, have a look at the AJ Hackett website...all the others pale into insignificance.


my mate ownns this thing in auckland and it is called sky dcreamer, this is fun(cause it's free), but you sit in this ball shape with two other people and it releases you straight up on a bunjee, thats quite entertaining when you are on the piss in the middle of auckland city.

If you want to try something really cool though go and see the bloke leighton who runs it and ask tell him you skydive(like himself) and maybe he will get you out doing some bridge swinging with him and his crew one weekend.

Cheers for that, i live in Auckland CBD 5 min walk from the sky screamer (never done it, even though ive been here 4yrs lol) so I'll check it out & go say hi to your mate :)
all the best


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yeah when you see him( i am in the uk at the moment)
tell hime that for all th free tickets he gave us at the dz and the marketing he did for us that he still has 2 coach jump tickets creditied to him at mercer. i would love his email if you could get it for me.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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