
Is it like riding a bike?

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I'm sure you will do just fine, but maybe we can jump together while you're still a little rusty so I won't feel so intimidated

hey that's a good point... Darcy can probably tell you about my multitude of RW talents.

Lol...hmmm. I'm sure that you guys will be just fine. It's me that hasn't been in the sky in over 4.5 months while all my friends have been getting better and better and better...

Bozo ~ Maybe Michele can join in on some jumps with you and me, if she feels ok with it. Her and I have yet to jump together...

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Bozo ~ Maybe Michele can join in on some jumps with you and me, if she feels ok with it. Her and I have yet to jump together...

sokay with me I jump with pretty much anybody :o)

Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.

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I was down for two months with my shoulder injury. I did a tandem (just to make sure my shoulder would hold up in freefall and controlling my canopy). That was scary.....the tandem that is ;).
All went well and had my handle moved to left side.
I was scared to death on the ride to alti.....as soon as I left the plane it all came back to me "GOD LIFE IN THE SKY KICKS ASS"! You will have the same emotions. Wait no more.....if your better "GET YOUR WINGS BACK"!!

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Here's my .02C. I have taken 2 LOOONG breaks. One of 6 months when I had 48 jumps.....the other about 4 months last winter. The one at 48 jumps was really bad. I WAS not all that comfortable in the air. I spent a lot of time thinking about the jump. Freaked out the DZO when asked what I was doing on the way to alti. It was ASC so I got away with making a jump I most likely shouldn't have. The first one went fine actually. Cause I was being careful. It was the second that almost bit me. I made a packing error and came the closest I have EVER come to cutting away. Had both hands on the handles and looked up one last time before I chopped it. By some miracle.......it opened. The second break........over last winter....had somewhere near 300 jumps. Wasn't too bad.......but I was WAY rusty. My first jump back can be seen on my Mardi Gras vid. Did a jump with Kansasskydiver and Superwoman. That jump is where I learned that jumping with Jill is one of the COOLEST things I have EVER done. I love jumping with her! I have enjoyed several more jumps with her since. One on the WFFC 2004 vid. It has me wondering though......would we have as awesome of sex as we jumps? :D Anyway..........just take it slow......Drill your emergency procedures and do LOTS of visualization. Say again.........LOTS of visualization! You already know how to jump.......just let your mind practice a bit and take the safety stuff VERY seriously. Break off and pull a little high. It's a good thing. Be safe sweety and if you break yourself I'll kick you right square in the ASS!!!!!! ;)B|

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i know the feeling big time. i have been out now for 6months due to travelling the uk after injury. i have just spent £3000 quid on brand new rig and gear. it arrives from america via new zealand at my door within the next 12 hours. This means i have to jump now, bot i love skydiving but just reading this post is making my gut do the washing of my insides. I have to get back into it as it is my biggest passion in life. I have already been uncurrent before and got over it but now....yeah i am thinking the way to go about it for me is to do coach jumps, or coach jump. I wish you all the best for your first jump back as i know i can do it easily but the nerves, well they are trying to tell me different. This weekend better be sunny.....but if it is not well that is ok too;)
Good luck have a great second jump back;)

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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You're awesome, Kris...but you've seen my rig right? It is huge on me, but it cannot hold anything bigger than a 150. I will be getting repacked, and I will first jump a 170, then a 150 for the weekend, I think. (If all goes well, or I may even go back to a 150 depending on how it goes.) I WAS jumping a 135 with about 12-15 lbs of lead at my weight (97 lbs or so), but I am not going back to that for quite a while.

I'll see you there, right? :)

I have a demo rig with a Pilot 150 in it that I can bring down.

Lemme know.

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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Rosa, you'll be just fine! :)

My longest ever lay off was just over 5 months, during a particularly awful English winter and I've had several lay-offs of 3-4 months. There have been a couple of times when I have seriously considered whether I even wanted to jump again but each time after that first jump back I fell in love with the sky all over again! :)
My advice: Get your reserve re-packed so that you can jump your own familiar kit if that is what you want. Get an instructor to go through your reserve drills with you - it is something that never does any harm but is particularly useful for setting your mind at rest after a long lay off. Find someone you trust to do a simple, no-pressure 2-way with you where you can get comfortable in the air again and break off and pull high. Be safe and enjoy! :)

And besides you have to get current now so we can jump together in Eloy, right?! :)

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You'll be fine. I've had my share of layoffs. The last few were particularly interesting in that when I returned I was barely nervous; even when the door opened I was just taking in the sights. (This from a guy who took a long time getting past the "gear fear" thing due to a long, drawn-out student career.)

You might want to consider a night big-way horny gorilla with borrowed gear for your first jump back, but it's not absolutely necessary.

Have fun!


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hey rosa-

you will be fine. I had to get recurrent last weekend and it came back very fast. first jump was a little rough, but it comes back very fast. Second jump was an 8 way. It will work.

Good Luck!!!
Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

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Gee..I can't prove read today, I had to edit for two mistakes

That would be proof dear Mar:P:)

Rosa, you'll remember everything once you're back in the air! Rust doesn't stick to flesh!:)

Told you it was one of those days. I think I'm having another one again:S
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Rosa, I just went through the "getting back in the air" performance anxiety, worries ect...ect...

Forget about it! Just go up and have fun! You will know what to do when you get there. I started jumping again on the 16th, and just finished Nationals (Canopy formation) 27 jumps and had a blast!

It's better than riding a bike!


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