
Anybody wanna video my crazy neighbor for me?

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I sell major security projects for a living and to fund my jumping habit. Anyway, when people ask me about stuff for home I suggest the website supercircuits.com low priced cameras you can hook up yourself as easy as hooking up a dvd player. There are some great toys there. if you need suggestions PM me here.

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OOO, Viking you've got me beat!

As to the suggestions about the Mormons and the Jehovahs witnesses, COOL!

This woman hasn't worked in a long time, so she has time to mess with us, our house and our lives. She has followed me to some of my clients properties, and as the cop told me tonight "she knows WAY too much about you" The restraining order is what I was hoping for, but no go, cuz of the property line thing, and I'll be damned if she'll chase me from the house I wanted my whole life, and have spent the last 20 years remodeling.

Another neighbor told me that she had a heart attack about 2 years ago, and she is at least 125 pounds over weight, so there is hope.

My neighbor is 20 yr's older than me and I'm old so I know I'll win. I talked to someone about it and they said cool just don't do anything to accelerate the end.

The Farmer Mcnasty at Kapow lives close to the DZO. He consumed himself with hate and has been trying to get even for 15 yr's. He's got the video camera and spends alot of time across from the DZ. The man is wasteing his life and will never get it back.

If you share a property line with MS Mc crazy How about a privacy fence after a survey? It could drive her to the ice box. You could also try and be a good neighbor and buy her big box's of chocolete:)

BTW Even if you had a good neighbor when you bought the house, neighbor's move, die etc. The next one? Put up big privacy fence IAW local code.


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The people accross the street were nice enough to run a meth lab out of there kitchen.

Lol.... after you doctored picture number 9, it looks like the cop is hardcore with a black mohawk!

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The people accross the street were nice enough to run a meth lab out of there kitchen.

Lol.... after you doctored picture number 9, it looks like the cop is hardcore with a black mohawk!

Cool "Bumper" on the front of their swat vehicle :P


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Well some of the stuff so far. There is a 6 foot privacy fence, but she stands right at it and hollars obscenities. It's only 8.5 feet from the fence to my house, so there is no real privacy, and that 8.5 feet is all driveway, or I would have VERY THICK bushes there.
We do have 2 dogs, but I had a dog die very suddenly and mysteriously a few years ago, so I watch everything that my dogs pick up when they are close to the fenceline (but Sammy is VERY cute, and I would love to have him him for much more than a week)
When she has spent hours chasing me around, peering out of her windows looking at me, or standing at the fence line staring at me (GEEZ< DOESN"T SHE HAVE ANYTHING to do?) I have tried smiling and waving (the I can drive you crazy by being nice wave)
Last Saturday she came and stood at the section of fence where my truck was parked. I had to go to work, so I put on sunglasses and headphones so that I didn't have to look at her, or listen to her. At the point where the truck was sitting the fence is 42 inches tall. She leaned WAY over it and within 4 inches of my face she yelled "YOU F&*(ING BIT&*!! at me. So I yelled back "get out of my face FAT LADY" Didn't faze her, she just kept yelling. I'm telling you she is NUTS, and obsessed.
[email protected]

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Beth, now I'm getting worried about you. You need to get her on video and get it to the police. I'm worried that she will move on to other things since the yelling isn't getting to you.

Damn, this makes me mad. Poor Beth can't even be at peace in her own home. Home is were we go to get away from the outside world, and Beth has no peace in her home.

Call the police all the time, have the phone in your hand when you walk outside, with the operator holding, waiting for the crazy lady to say some thing. Keep calling the police, and demand they send a car. They will get so tired of coming to your house, that they will finally do something.

Maybe a group of skydivers needs to move in with you for a few weeks. If that doesn't get her to move out, I'm stuck as to what to do next.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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what about renting a tree chiper and then going to a slaughter house and buying a bunch of scraps. Pack said scraps into old clothes and make it look like you're disposing of the dismembered body of the last person who pissed you off.

"If you end up in an alligator's jaws, naked, you probably did something to deserve it."

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I called the police twice last night. The first time they came up and tried to reason with her. The cop spent 40 minutes talking to her, and told me that her husband had to keep telling her to shut up, so the cop could tell her what would happen to her if she continued to harass me. He ended by telling her that she was to have absolutely NO contact with me, she was not to talk to me, look at me or make gestures to me. When he left, she came out of her house, over to the fenceline and started screaming at my kitchen windows again. I turned on the water and the garbage disposal to drown her out, and called the police back.
They wrote up a complaint that I am going to take to the States Atty's office, but I told the cop, she is disturbing MY PEACE! I want her arrested for disturbing the peace, and I will sign a complaint. He said the St. Attys rarely file those charges, unless there is video or other evidence.
Yea, come and stay with me, we could drive her over the top, she is nearly there already....
[email protected]

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I called the police twice last night

Good, call them every time she yells at you. Twice in one night is nothing. Keep calling them. Call and let them hear her yelling at you.

She is crazy and she belongs locked up or on Meds.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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The police want video, audio, no problem time date stamp every day etc but the wheels of justice turn slow.

The lady has a problem that has become your problem. Do the video's every day Keep sending dupes to the cops.

The lady is out of control, don't have a clue how long it will take befor the cops keep her for more than 24 hr's. she'll go right back to her los stuff nless she gets some good meds and takes them.

Damn that women has a husband living in the same house? If he disapears or just leaves maybe the cops will arrest her for assualt with her mouth a deadly weapon.

wonder if she locks him in the house so he can't escape. If the cops get the video and have the time to check that women has to have a serious diagnosed mental problem and isn't takeing her meds or there not working.

Crazy lady:S dumb husband[:/]neighborB|B|

Good luck

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What's driving her over the top going to achieve, apart from making a bad situation worse? Buy/rent a video camera and document. Stay calm.

Yup you all have valid points. Thank goodness winter is coming and she will spend more time indoors. Peace for a couple of months at least.
Slug, her husband usually leaves his garage about 10 pm, I know that he goes to work early, so he is rarely in the house with her. Man, I'd rather live in the garage than live with her, too!
[email protected]

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What's driving her over the top going to achieve, apart from making a bad situation worse? Buy/rent a video camera and document. Stay calm.

very good point, but there is absolutley NOTHING wrong with painting your fence....while she is on the other side screaming...and youre using a SPRAY paint gun. LOL there is also nothing wrong with kicking your fence so it will shake and scare the shit out of her .

there is also nothing wrong with losing your temper once in a while. even the cops whould expect you to tell her off every sp often. its like a freebee. LOL
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