
Do you have a can of BEETS in your pantry?

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So my SO and I are thinking about the local food drives that always begin this time of year...and we start thinking of what to donate...

It seems every year the local food banks are flush with cans of beets and green beans. Nobody likes them. Everybody donates them. Every year. But the question is....how did they GET in our pantry in the first place?!? I SWEAR we don't buy them, but there they are...every year....:|

Anyone else seen this phenomenon first hand? I mean the beet thing?? :o
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Ha ha haaa...proving once again that starving skydivers won't eat just anything...;)

Still not sure about this reverse black hole thing that's happening in my pantry...ah well. If the starving people of the world would eat canned beets, I could solve the planet's hunger issues. B|
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I can honestly say thta I have never bought a can of beets. With that being said. I wouldn't give them to a fod pantry either. They're just gross in my opinion.

I have made up about 6 different bags to take to the pantry consisting of Stove top stuffing. green beans, cream of mushroom soup, french's onions, corn, hominy, carrots and canned yams. I know most of it will be put to good use by those less fortunate than my family and I.


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Grandma (93) was craving fresh beets last week- I went out to her garden and dug em up, steamed them and smothered in melted butter. Did she enjoy:P (has always eaten fresh from her garden, fruit & veg.)
Raspberry vinaigrette basted on thick sliced beets (BBQ) are my favorite.:P

Never have I bought canned beets,:| but have noticed another heavily donated item is cans of peas- yuckers, nice and tasteless... mushy[:/]


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I like beets. Sue me. :S

I'm assuming that by beets you mean Beetroot, I love that stuff, it's great in salads and on burgers YUMMO:)
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I like beets. Sue me. :S

I'm assuming that by beets you mean Beetroot, I love that stuff, it's great in salads and on burgers YUMMO:)
no way man I mean real root pickled beets, YUM!!;)
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Beets... Yum yum. We have some canned beets, but the fresh ones are way better. I grew up on Beets.
After my older sister lived in the Ukraine for a year or two, she came in and threw all our beets and beet products down the drain. Ha, We fooled her and bought some more...
=========Shaun ==========

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