
i'm a celebrity....

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The new series on ITV (in the UK) started last night and rumour has it the 'celebs' parachuted in...

Does anyone have more on this, hopefully video?

Mr Poxon, i'm looking at you... ;)
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dont have video but i watched it :$
The first group containing Fran Cosgrove, Joe Pasquale, Nancy Sorrell and Paul Burrell, were shocked when told they would be parachuting into the wilderness.

It was hillarious to hear Joe Pasquale's squeeky voice sqeeling with excitement and Paul Burrell clinging on to the door not wanting to go but the tandem instructor shuffled out the door and went any way he squeeled like a whimp all the way down..............

Neither the passanger or instructor were waring helmets of any sort they were jumping out of a 208 i think a similar plain to a 206 but not the same........ i may be wrong with the plain so dont quote me....

If u can get video it was funny.........

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here's some more news relises for you.

Reality TV series I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! began on a high note today when contestants were forced to skydive into the Australian jungle.

The celebrities – who arrived by stretch limousines at their luxurious hotel - were woken at 4am for the fist day of their gruelling adventure, which will be shown on TV tonight.

The group of nine celebrities – minus former East 17 star Brian Harvey – then boarded helicopters.

They were divided into two groups for the final leg of their journey to camp at Murwillumbah near Brisbane on Australia’s east coast.

Harvey, the 10th celebrity contestant, will join the camp tomorrow following the death of his 70-year-old grandmother Betty Nabb.

The first group containing, Fran Cosgrove, Joe Pasquale, Nancy Sorrell and Paul Burrell, were shocked when told they would be parachuting into the wilderness.

The remaining five: Janet Street-Porter, Natalie Appleton, Antonio Fargas, Sophie Anderton and Sheila Ferguson, were let off lightly with a four-hour horseback journey.

The skydiving start was almost too much for Burrell who screamed “No, no, no” as he jumped before a sudden gust of wind swept the former butler and his tandem master a mile off course.

Pasquale said he was worried he would “fall out of the plane and poo myself” while Cosgrove was determined to put on a brave face and volunteered to be the first out of the plane.

After the jump, the group then set out on a marathon five-hour hike, which included scaling a waterfall on rope ladders in the rain, before they reached camp.

But Sorrell had nothing but praise after a tough first day in the Australian jungle

“I can’t believe I did it, but I did and I really loved every second of it,” she said of her skydive.

“After I’d jumped off a plane millions of feet up I think I can do anything well, not really, but it’s given me so much confidence.”

Alex Gardiner, executive producer, said the skydive was one of many twists the group have in store.

“The celebrities had absolutely no idea what lay in store for them and their faces were a picture when it was explained to them,” he said.

“There’s no question that this experience has helped them to very quickly form a bond and got them to work as a team.”

Harvey, 30, said he was told of his grandmother’s death as soon as his plane landed in Australia and was given the option by producers to leave the programme.

“I weighed up going into the jungle or getting on a plane to fly home and I’ve decided that I do want to do the show,” he said.

The 10 celebrities will be forced to survive on limited supplies and forced to complete a number of tasks as they try and avoid being voted off the show.

Early favourites to win the reality show were the glamour girls Nancy Sorrell, Sophie Anderton and Natalie Appleton, but the bookies are now backing the high-pitched comic Joe Pasquale to be crowned king of the jungle.

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what one of them is actually a celebrity?
i see there is that guy that disrespected Prince Harry and William.
Are any of the others well respected actors or are they average joes who want to be famous?
What is the point of the show?
I keep hearing about it since i have been the uk but have no clue what they do?

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what one of them is actually a celebrity?
i see there is that guy that disrespected Prince Harry and William.
Are any of the others well respected actors or are they average joes who want to be famous?
What is the point of the show?
I keep hearing about it since i have been the uk but have no clue what they do?

In case you don't know, Antonio Fargas is Huggy Bear from the origional Starsky and Hutch series.
The whole point of the show is to take ex-celebs and drop them in a camp in the Australian jungle and generally make them do stupid challenges for food, ie, eating various jungle insects or getting into boxes with them blah, blah.... the real motive is to get good onscreen arguements going or to try, like on last years show, to get some onscreen romance going. Utter twaddle.

I watched the skydiving bit. The tandem masters looked like Australian military (possibly Aus SAS). They jumped from a 208b and had no helmets or jumpsuits.
Also, and it may just be my imagination here or some funny editing, but it looked like Paul Burrel was not hooked up when the door was open. He was the last to exit.

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Neither the passanger or instructor were waring helmets of any sort they were jumping out of a 208 i think a similar plain to a 206 but not the same........ i may be wrong with the plain so dont quote me....

That my dear is a Caravan ( C208) and will carry at more than twice what a C-206 will. The 206 I have jumped they limit it to 6 people.. and the 206 I have seen 17. a WHOLE lot nicer plane:)

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That looks like Toogoolawah. I'm pretty sure that's their Caravan...

I'd be surprised if the TMs were military - I think the green fatigues are just part of the show. DanglesOZQLD should be able to fill in more - he's a TM in that part of the world.

edit: yep, it's a Toogoolawah caravan.

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Macca is fuckin hot. I like hot skyboys. Especially when they have sexy accents.

Hehe we all sound like that Sunny, meet me in January to check:P;)
And Macca is NOT a Skyboy He's a Sky Old fart:D:D
Macca owns and runs Ramblers Dropzone in Toogoolawah, that's where Als Caravans are operated from, (the caravans in the clip)
However they did NOT leave from Ramblers or drop anywhere near it. The terain looked more tropical, so they would have been further North. I don't know any of the TM (but one looks a bit like Archie). So they are probbly from up North aswell:)
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Oops! From http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/article/ds17278.html


'I'm A Celeb' parachute jumps unsafe?
Saturday, November 27 2004, 11:20 GMT -- by Daniel Kilkelly

Paul Burrell, Fran Cosgrave and Nancy Sorrell's parachute jumps, which took place on the first day of I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here!, have been criticised for being unsafe.

Air safety experts have claimed that the jumps were dangerous, because they were made through thick cloud.

One experienced skydiver told The Mirror, "I was horrified. What they did to those celebrities was totally irresponsible and stupid. What if there had been another plane or helicopter underneath them? It was the most foolish thing I've ever seen on TV."

The Australian Civil Air Safety Authority is now investigating the matter.

A spokesman for the authority confirmed, "There is a strong possibility that regulations were breached. Filming stunts for a glorified TV show is no excuse. It is purely a matter of air safety. We view this very seriously."

However, a Granada spokeswoman explained, "We used a fully accredited company with more than 30 years' experience. The celebrities were guided by them and jumps were only undertaken during moments of clear visibility."

I remember a few years ago, a bit of fuss about allowing jumping through cloud in Australia.

Found these authorisations on the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority for cloud jumping for the following dropzones: Paul's Parachuting, Sydney Skydivers and Skydive Nagambie but all of them exclude descents at locations other that specified.
Skydiving Fatalities - Cease not to learn 'til thou cease to live

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