
I just stabbed myself!!!!!!

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I've done it more than I'd care to admit! These serrated knifes are NASTY! I'm surprised I still have all my fingers...:S

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to avoid that I got the never-have-to-wash knives :P

already cut myself with a swiss knife... The blade folded back while my finger was in the way... That was 21 years ago and you can still see the scar...

Hope you're not too bad...
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I was loading up the dishwasher, and I had just put in one of those never-have-to-sharpen knives. Well, I can tell you... that shit is SHARP!!!! I reached down without looking to put something else in and AGH! Stabbed myself!! B|B|B|B|

Ever done this??

Cutting a bagel, cutting an apple. Ask to see my scars next time your down:P


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Using some sort of ridiculously sharp knife to cut a lime, I accidentally got my finger in between the knife and the cutting board. Ended up cutting my "fingerprint" all the way off minus a small thread of skin that was keeping it dangling there.

I got dizzy and almost passed out :S

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You DORK!!!!!


Yeah, I've done it too...:P:(:S

I cut the same finger twice (almost the same place), three years apart, now I have my name carved in my finger."J"

No, you have MY name carved in your finger!!! :ph34r:
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I remember once I was splitting a stack of frozen hamburgers with a sharp knife. At first I was doing well, push in the knife a little bit pop off a hamburger.. Then one of my friends was like "dude, I wouldn't do that if I were you" just as I said it's ok BAM, I pushed the knife too far and pushed it into the palm of my hand right out the back of my hand. I can still remember seeing the knife sticking about two inches out of the back of my hand.:S

Apparently not the best way to split hamburgers.:|
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