
Skydiving = Partying?

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I'm fairly new in the sport but come on over to Perris Valley, CA and it is all skydive during the day. Night party is good and still orientated to skydiving with lots of good info flying around if you want to catch it. Head for the city if you want parties.

once you've experienced flight, you forever walk the ground with your head pointed skyward. There you've been and there you long to return.

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Good point! I have a local brewery that I hang out at that has about the same male to female ratio as the DZ. There are times when I'm headed down there to have a beer and think I should just go to the DZ to drink.

As for partying after jumping... That's one of the fringe benefits. When I was racing motorcycles, I would have as much fun bench racing afterwards and it took much less energy and concentration.

I jump for fun not to compete or make money. I think that would definitely make the whole experience less enjoyable. But that's me!!!

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This is pretty close to my experience and at the heart of why I started this thread. At last, somebody who understands...

But to even further this discussion: there are some quite lengthy threads in "Events and Places to Jump" dealing with all sorts of arrangements for any given event: what to bring to drink, to eat, poker play, etc etc. But some of these threads do not contain even one post about skydiving along the lines: "Hey, let's try to built a three-point 8-way HD" this weekend, or whatever else your favorite style of flying is.


I recently moved from one DZ to another partly for this very reason. I love to party, but I love to skydive even more, and I got real tired of having to wait until 10:30 every morning for all the drunks to get out of bed before we could put a load together.

The two do go hand in hand, and that's a good thing, but in the end if the skydiving isn't coming out on top, then it's time to sell your gear and go hang out in a bar.


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As Spark has said, if a poster is fairly new to the forums and then comes out of the blue and post a question like this, and has no information in his profile, it makes me say "Hummmm?"

You guys are paranoid:D:D:D or have a wierd idea of your influence over the internet.
It's a post noting more nothing less (unless you want it to be);)
There's lots of people on here who don't have info on the profiles, mines states my name is Squeak Squeak and it has since I registered 2 plus years ago.

As to the poster being a reporter:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: If i were a reporter asking about DZ partying, I'd GO TO A DZ:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

Shhh :osomeone may be listening:P:D:D:D
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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But to even further this discussion: there are some quite lengthy threads in "Events and Places to Jump" dealing with all sorts of arrangements for any given event: what to bring to drink, to eat, poker play, etc etc. But some of these threads do not contain even one post about skydiving along the lines: "Hey, let's try to built a three-point 8-way HD" this weekend, or whatever else your favorite style of flying is.

You obviously haven't been to the Bonfire to catch the dualing East Coast/West Coast Holiday Boogie RW Challenge.:P

Seriously, I think that what you're eluding to - the competition/challenge of the sport - is a given. Everytime I go to the DZ I try to build something bigger and better or just make really good and productive skydives. I'd much rather walk away from a 10 point 8 way than just fall through the sky for a minute and not accomplish anything!:)
That said, a boogie for me is usually equally about the skydiving and the partying. Making connections with friends on the ground as well as in the sky.

Personally, skydiving is an incredibly social event for me. I work 12 hours a day, everyday, at least 5 days a week. Skydiving is my weekend release.B|

Get your PMS glass necklace here

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quite lengthy threads in "Events and Places to Jump" dealing with all sorts of arrangements for any given event: what to bring to drink, to eat, poker play, etc etc

Sorry that you are somehow offended that people are planning a Holiday Dinner at a Dropzone and may even play cards afterwards. And you know, I will bet there will be some alcohol consumed after the sun goes down as well. Isnt that is what happens at Most DZ`s after the sun goes down? It is an Event Thread. The people going are planning the EVENT. Lets face it, The Weather sucks this time of year. How many jumps do you really want to do when it most likely will be sub zero at altitude? Or if the weather is bad, Should people just sit at home? NO. Come on out get in a few jumps, swap gifts and enjoy a Potluck dinner.

The group I beleive you are complaining about are people who enjoy each others company. A Close knit group of friends that come from Dropzones across 3 States. Skydiving is what brought everyone together and keeps us (If I may be so bold as to include myself in that group (Even tough they never offered me a Number ;)) together. The Jumping is a Given. What other things everyone is going to do when they get together, well that is just another topic of conversation.

Is it just about Parting? I dont think so.
Is is more about Parting than Skydiving? NO. Its about doing what you love most with people you enjoy being around and that share the same passion for life.

Come on up some weekend. Its only a 4 Hour drive. I promise you some high quality skydives during the day and a Great Party at Night.

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As Spark has said, if a poster is fairly new to the forums and then comes out of the blue and post a question like this, and has no information in his profile, it makes me say "Hummmm?"

You guys are paranoid:D:D:D or have a wierd idea of your influence over the internet.
It's a post noting more nothing less (unless you want it to be);)
There's lots of people on here who don't have info on the profiles, mines states my name is Squeak Squeak and it has since I registered 2 plus years ago.

As to the poster being a reporter:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: If i were a reporter asking about DZ partying, I'd GO TO A DZ:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

Shhh :osomeone may be listening:P:D:D:D

Well Squeak Squeak, thank you for providing me with a phycological profile. I will be sure and forward it to my parole officer.

Is there something about your name that could possibly make you prefer "Squeak Squeak"? Maybe you are paranoid about giving your real name.:S

Squeak up, I can't hear you.:ph34r::ph34r:
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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Perhaps some people just don't want to have their names google-able and their comments in a recreational forum that includes massive amounts of references to sex, partying, recreational drug use, etc... used against them at a later date.

Personally, no one here has any reason to know my last name, where I work, or what I do to fund my skydiving activities. If someone had need to know I probably wouldn't have a problem telling them.

It's just personal preference IMO.
NSCR-2376, SCR-15080

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Perhaps some people just don't want to have their names google-able and their comments in a recreational forum that includes massive amounts of references to sex, partying, recreational drug use, etc... used against them at a later date.

Personally, no one here has any reason to know my last name, where I work, or what I do to fund my skydiving activities. If someone had need to know I probably wouldn't have a problem telling them.

It's just personal preference IMO.

You are right, it is personal preference. My personal preference is to be up front about who I am.B|
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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There's lots of people on here who don't have info on the profiles, mines states my name is Squeak Squeak and it has since I registered 2 plus years ago.

are you trying to say that you are not the real Squeak Squeak ??

Will the real Squeak Squeak please stand up, please stand up..
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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these are links too almost all of tantalum's post's

your a jealous dzo, or your not a skydiver.


I have been in skydiving for almost six years (1,200+ jumps, TI , Sr. Rigger and all that)

really? where?


At least in my state

ohh where is that? it wouldnt be tallahassee florida would it?


Does anyone these days still thinks of skydiving as a SPORT???

ya. me. as a matter of fact. i was at the swoop comp in tallahassee. i competed in it and had a great time. ended up getting 3'rd. When "proswooper" posted a poll about where the "flcpa", should go next i even voted for tallahassee. we have had alot of your jumpers coming up here to jump, why? because were building a kick ass drop zone. are we marketing in your area?. no. it is all word of mouth through fun jumpers. why are you pissed off at us?. well im sure it is because you pissed off alot of your jumpers, i dont even know how you did i just know you did. thats all they will tell me. yes i have asked. "why are all the tallahassee peaple coming up here?" and the answer i got from everyone i asked is because of the dzo in tallahassee.... leave us alone, and let us build our drop zone. we have not done one thing to you yet you keep trying to start shit one way or another. you pissed off some of your jumpers, im sorry you did that. i really am. but the fact of the matter is YOU are the one who did it, not me or us up here. you know where that is..

look at your posts. you even shot down the extreme dodgeball at skydive atlanta halloween boogie. jeese. just fukin move on. beat it, if you cant handle it.


Other than a venue to get laid after too many beers

no worries im switchin to liquor this weekend, the beer just isnt doin it for me. lol..:o


Maybe I am too old school...maybe I am just old.

ya think!:S

ok, another button was pushed... lol..

and if your not the tallahassee dzo, then sorry. lol...

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I would love to make it through ATL this weekend but CHuck's just now on his way back from Deland (tomorrow anyways) and I don't think he'll be up for the drive. I don't get off until late Friday in my new job.[:/]

His dad's getting his wings this weekend for his 10,000 I think and we would have loved to been there for that.

Z-Hills for Christmas and Dublin for sure in March! B|

Get your PMS glass necklace here

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Does anyone these days still thinks of skydiving as a SPORT??? (Other than a venue to get laid after too many beers.)

Maybe I am too old school...maybe I am just old.

I thought Skydiving was a hobbie????

Can I get Laid because I get drunk after skydiving???
Damn I shure have been missing out on that one.
Some body sign me up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And too judgemental.
If you dont like what you have at your home DZ then Find a new Home. If the DZO didnt like it they would change the program.
Its kind of like watching porn on TV and complaining about it.

Change the fucking chanel.


Uncle/GrandPapa Whit
Unico Rodriguez # 245
Muff Brother # 2421

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Will the real Squeak Squeak please stand up, please stand up..

Katie waving her hands side to side

Please stand up, please stand up!:D

Sorry, Sparky, couldn't resist!;)

Hey you, hang around in Z Hills until after the 15th so we can jump:)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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...Can I get Laid because I get drunk after skydiving???
Damn I shure have been missing out on that one.
Some body sign me up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From what I've seen at the 11 DZs I've jumped, sex is often talked about but RARELY done.



Maybe THAT'S what's wrong.....the ladies don't want to mess around with us old farts when there are so many young studs out there....

As for skydiving/partying, WTF? Bring 'em on! Max out on BOTH!
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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that in a serious forum.

You mean like the bonfire?;)

FYI, this was moved from General Skydiving.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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I am in the same boat as you, my friend. No, this sport is not all about the partying. I jump at a College Dropzone, and even here, it is pretty easy to seperate the two. When the Beer comes out, I just leave!! As simple as that!! :)I agree with you, and I completly understand your frusterations. There are a LOT of Dropzones I've been to where Skydiving comes absolutly first, and then there are some I've been to where the DZ doesn't open until noon the next day because the entire staff is hung over. They all just have different vibes. I think this is a personal issue more than anything....

Good Luck, and I hope that this doesn't get you too down! :)
=========Shaun ==========

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I dont understand why anyone would attack an individual DZ here. And ASSume that the DZO there is the one behind this.

It MAY in fact be true but w/o some factual backup, you are next to slandering my home DZ, and I dont appreciate it.

That said, I can safely vouch for the fact that the DZO in Tallahassee is NOT opposed to dz parties,
alcohol and fun.

Jeesh people, quit looking for conspiracy everywhere


Its supposed to be about skydivin and havin fun, a'int it??

edit-- and yes, I KNOW i am new and dont understand all that has happend in the past (it has been explained before) and that i dont understand "skydiving politics". And with any luck, I never will.

Scott Kremkau

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i dont understand "skydiving politics". And with any luck, I never will.

:ph34r:Trust me, if you stick around long enough, you will get sucked into them.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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