
16 year old skydivers????

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Betsy--pack-a-ho, i saw her in z-hills opver the holidays, she is doing good.

Clay, for one this girl jumps at my DZ...as you know, and no disrespect to you but gene-paul knows and aproves of her jumping, seeing that she is of legal USPA age to jump. there is no added liabillity from her jumping here then there is you or me jumping here.

she is actually very safty consious for her young age, plus like tim saiod earlier, she is well looked after both in the air and on the ground, not only by her father but by the rest of us as we do for all on our DZ.
"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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I apologize to all for starting this post that has been horribly blown out of proportion... I do accept the fact that not everyone is going to accept me jumping at the age I am although I wish I could just get in touch with other jumpers my own age without the interference of old experienced jumpers... but thank you for all of your opinions and concerns...

"get off my nutz"

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I'm just curious do these underage people wear signs around their neck saying they are underage, cause they really should. I mean this is a liability to me, cause the dz was about the only place on earth I could trust every girl to be atleast 18 and legal... I mean i'll prob end up in jail sooner or later but i dont need anymore help :ph34r:

I don't need to wear a sign my father is around to make if perfectly clear how old I am and if he is not someone else is....

"get off my nutz"

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Jean-Paul........as in Jean-Paul Thacker. Really nice old guy that owns Raeford,DZ. Walks with a serious limp.....I hear it's because he burned in under a double mal. He has spent most of his life building Raeford to be the DZ it is today. I started skydiving there and I'm very grateful to him for that. I just hate to see some people........no matter how high speed....skilled....whatever.......that's great........causing the guy such a HUGE liability for him. Lets just say hypothetically......she burns in and kills someone. You know damn well who is gonna get sued......and he will have LITTLE to no defense. But.........again..........I obviously don't know shit. It just tends to piss me off when people so flagrantly risk OTHER PEOPLE'S lives and livelyhoods.

Edit to add: Once again......when it's YOUR millions of dollars worth of aircraft and property at stake......do whatever you like. Till then........;)

I'm curious to have you ever MET and talked to Gene Paul? Your physical description of him is not respectful to the man I have met on numerous occasions: with age comes wisdom (he's not some broken down old coger), and that limp is testament that he's seen more than many and is still in the game and has many contacts that are loyal to his and Miss Billie's airport. He has made many sacrifices to the sport (you can see the biggest as you pull into the airport) and he is ALWAYS somewhere ready to stop someone and ask them if they are SURE they know what they are doing. IF you don't, you're not going to do it there so if this young lady is jumping at Raeford, I'm sure he is not losing any sleep over it. As far as 'the nice old man' comment is concerned, follow him around, for you must not have seen him doing business. The man is on the BALL.

I watched this young lady work before and she didn't give up for hours. I asked her if she was tired and she said 'yes, but its my job' and I brought her a bottle of water. Of course I knew she was young, but who I am to question what a highschooler does for spending money if the owners know she is there and she is obviously TRUSTED.

I've highlighted your last comment for emphasis. It is Gene Pauls show and he knows what he's doing.~~April
P.S. Rock on, little sister. I hope to have my A and jump with you this summer!

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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old experienced jumpers

Who ya callin' old?!

Who ya callin' experienced?!

Jeez, kids these days... :ph34r:

I think it's awesome that there are skykiddies. As long as they're being safe and not following the usual teenage "I'm awesome and hot and invincible" thought process, I see no problem.

If I had started jumping when I was 16, I'd be dead. I had no maturity or sense of responsibility and most likely would have bounced trying to show off for a hottie. :S
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. --Douglas Adams

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I apologize to all for starting this post that has been horribly blown out of proportion... I do accept the fact that not everyone is going to accept me jumping at the age I am although I wish I could just get in touch with other jumpers my own age without the interference of old experienced jumpers... but thank you for all of your opinions and concerns...

I'm obviously catching into this thread late but imo I don't think there is anything wrong with it. I wish I could have started jumping with I was 15-16, little did I know I actually could have in Brazil. As long as there is a waiver in place, the DZO is aware of it and most importantly of all, you're safe. I don't see a problem with it. I know a number of skydivers who started young, power too you, just be careful and don't let other try to push you around. Follow the rules and remember you're just one of us, no one should be holding your hand or making any exceptions. Have fun, maybe I'll fun into you somwhere and take you on your head
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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Wow...this post did get blown way out of proportion. Amazing how that can happen on here. Im 16 and its legal to jump at 16...i really dont see why people are making such a big deal out of it.

Most of us who started when we were 16 didnt just show up at the DZ one day and go "i wanna jump out of the airplane" We were there packing all summer and editing vids (for me anyways). Most of us have probably saw someone burn in or get hurt some way. And at night when everyone is sitting around talking about skydiving...you think we didnt pick up on most of it. In skydiving...i really dont see the difference in starting when your 16...or 18 (other than a bunch of legal concerns).

When it comes to maturity...i think that there are some 16 year old kids that should NOT be skydiving....but have i seen 30+ year olds that shouldnt be skydiving...yes.

As for wearing a sign around my neck that says im 16.....never done that. Dont think i need to. And i think most of the people that jump with me would agree on that.

--I don't even know enough to know that I dont know--

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haha ohhh...i see that kind of sign...thought he was refering to a sign that said "im 16, i could sue your ass off...if i get hurt the dz will lose everything" sign.

Freeflir29....I know but it seemed like you were making it sound too dangerous to jump at 16. USPA has actually said that its perfectly legal to jump at 16. And...most of us have known the DZO for awhile so i guess its more of a matter of trust. For me...theres no way i would take any legal action against my DZO and he knows that. I agree though, with not letting every 16 year old that comes through the door skydive.

--I don't even know enough to know that I dont know--

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theres no way i would take any legal action against my DZO and he knows that.

Not saying you or any other jumper would. It's 3rd parties that are my concern. Like if someone ended up in the power lines across the street (I helped put that fire out once) and burned down someone's house.....or landed on a car and killed someone. Since a 16 year old kid doesn't have much to be sued for......they are going to look at the millions of dollars of property and aircraft that were associated with the jump. Then they will start to hear the cash register ring.....[:/] Then Gene Paul's attorneys are going to have to prove, in court, that you should have been jumping. Speaking in a strictly legal sense........that's going to be a tough sell to a Whuffo jury. But........that's just IMHO.....I'm sure I'm wrong. :S

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hey now, I've met a little skydiver at a boogie before, then he was like 11 and had at least 200 jumps I think.
Ya never know, maybe this girl's father owns a popular jump-plane:S

If your talking about who I think your talking about
I met him in a T-otter 6 years ago at WFFC
That little guy really impressed me
Then his Daddy did own a jumpship

Gone fishing

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I got no problem with her skydiving at 16. seems like she's been around sport long enough to know, been packing 4 years etc. etc plus sounds like she got good group of skydivers keeping an eye out on her..sounds like they trained her well, and hold her to higher standard too. so she's 16? damn.. I was I could have started at 16 instead of when I was 24... Way to go girl.. but let me know when you turn.. 21 and can buy beer, because then your BEER! list while be so long.. you'll have to buy whole damn beer truck to pay off your beer!

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You are so very right about being sued by a third party or anyone for that matter. That is what makes this country so great, FREEDOM, if you take a chance and lose, be prepared to except the consequences.

Have you seen the waiver at Raeford lately? It is the size of a blank check. Worry will put you in a grave just as fast as a spinning canopy.

We all know what the risks are, especially DZ owners!!

My 2 cents (or lack of)
BSBD...........Its all about Respect,

USPA#-7062, FB-2197, Outlaw 499

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I've been to dropzones before that wouldn't let me jump because I was underage, and also not been allowed to jump out of certain aircraft during boogies and the wffc. So in the end the DZO/Aircraft Owner have the final say. I don't see anything wrong with the situation if it is alright with the DZO. Besides this thread was about her trying to find other 16 year old skydivers, not whether or not she should jump at a DZ. I mean this is a forum for skydivers isn't it?

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Besides this thread was about her trying to find other 16 year old skydivers, not whether or not she should jump at a DZ. I mean this is a forum for skydivers isn't it?

I agree...now how did all this legal stuff come up? Back to the original post.

--I don't even know enough to know that I dont know--

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I agree...now how did all this legal stuff come up? Back to the original post.

I couldn't have said it better myself. :)
If anyone wants to debate the subject of 16 year olds skydiving, please start a new thread. This thread is back to Sky_Chica finding other kids her age to talk to.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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She was exposedm early and started packing 4 yrs ago. She is a great young lady who took up freefly right off of student status (last year). Her dad is a freeflier (former GK) and video guy out here. She is "watched carefully" as all "grommets" should be.

We got it...

Tim T. sends

"grommet" HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!:D:D:D

"Some call it heavenly in it's brilliance,
others mean and rueful of the western dream"

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I for one am so excited you are up in the air with us. I can't wait to get up there and hopefully jump some with you even although I REALLY miss your packing skills as I still hate to pack.

I'll be up this w/e and actually have something for you. Remind me.:)

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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