
Bad Bad Coffee

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Can anyone tell me why coffee is supposedly so bad, that people keep telling me to give it up ?
Surely it's not only because of the caffeine ????
Caffeine is available in many other drinks, but coffee gets the bad rap [:/]
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Here is an article from our newspaper this morning. It seems coffee may not be so bad!

Coffee may cut liver cancer

By Randolph E. Schmid

The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — That hot cup of coffee may do more than just provide a tasty energy boost. It also may help prevent the most-common type of liver cancer.

A study of more than 90,000 Japanese found that people who drank coffee daily or nearly every day had half the liver-cancer risk of those who never drank coffee.

The American Cancer Society estimates that 18,920 new cases of liver cancer were diagnosed in the United States last year and that 14,270 people died of the illness. Causes include hepatitis, cirrhosis, excess alcohol consumption and diseases causing chronic inflammation of the liver.

Animal studies have suggested a protective association of coffee with liver cancer, so the research team led by Monami Inoue of the National Cancer Center in Tokyo analyzed a 10-year public-health study to determine coffee use by people diagnosed with liver cancer and people who did not have cancer.

They found the likely occurrence of liver cancer in people who never or almost never drank coffee was 547.2 cases per 100,000 people over 10 years. But for people who drank coffee daily the risk was 214.6 cases per 100,000, the researchers report in this week's issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

They found that the protective effect occurred in people who drank one to two cups of coffee a day and increased at three to four cups. They were unable to compare the effect of regular and decaffeinated coffee, however, because decaf is rarely consumed in Japan.

It's the caffeine in coffee that makes some people nervous, and it has been shown in other studies to increase mental alertness in many people. Some studies have suggested caffeine aggravates symptoms of menopause or intensifies the side effects of some antibiotics. Heavy caffeine use has been linked to miscarriage. But studies have also shown that a skin cream spiked with caffeine lowers the risk of skin cancer in mice.

"It's an excellent, interesting and provocative study, and their conclusions seem justified," said Dr. R. Palmer Beasley of the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, who was not part of the research group. "It will provoke a lot of new work here."

While the study found a statistically significant relationship between drinking coffee and having less liver cancer, the authors note that it needs to be repeated in other groups.

And the reason for the reduction remains unclear.

However, Inoue's team noted that coffee contains large amounts of antioxidants and that several animal studies have indicated those compounds have the potential to inhibit cancer in the liver.

In their study, the team also looked at green tea, which contains different antioxidants, and they found no association between drinking the tea and liver-cancer rates.

"Other unidentified substances may also be responsible" for the reduction in cancers, they said.

Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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Make no mistake, I love my coffee...but everyone keeps telling me these lies :P
I haven't had for ONE day and have a dull headache.... But I'm sure they are not related B|

That's the right idea, don't believe them...it's a conspiracy with the Lipton tea company. They're trying to convert you into a tea-drinker. :)

Nope. The headache is totally unrelated. ;)

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A little caffeine is good for you.

Caffeine's bad side is that it's a diuretic - it's flushes fluids from your body and causes dehydration if you don't put fluids (water) in your body to keep it in balance (hydrated).

In a class I took I learned that if you drink a 16oz cup of coffee, you need to drink 32oz of water to break even.

If you drink a lot of coffee, drink a ton of water too.

In the Summer when I tend to get dehydrated frequently because of the heat, I switch to decaf and increase my water intake.

I drink coffee for the taste anyway, not the caffeine. For that I drink Red Bull. :)
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That's the right idea, don't believe them...it's a conspiracy with the Lipton tea company. They're trying to convert you into a tea-drinker. :)

and not even 'normal' tea...ever heard of Rooi Bos tea ??? A disgusting tasting 100% cafeine free tea :S
"Africa is not for sissies"

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The coffee in New Orleans was to die for best coffee I've EVER had

You're probably taking about Community Coffee that has Chickory in it. I love it so much, I asked sweet Mel to bring me some to the Pink Mafia boogie. I'm drinking it right now! B|
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Supposedly good for "A"
blood types.( just to keep up with those crazy other people.)Ha.
Oh they say a shot of everthing is good for you. And three shots..... well maybe if they're jello shots. Ha Which are NOT good for you by the way. They just feel good an hour later.
So.... Coffee , green tea,grapefruit juice, grape juice,pineapple juice, soy milk, beer, red wine, and something 80 proof,
in moderation and you'll be healthier. Oh yea , Water in between all those is a must.
Dehydration is the number one cause of everything bad.

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The coffee in New Orleans was to die for best coffee I've EVER had

You're probably taking about Community Coffee that has Chickory in it. I love it so much, I asked sweet Mel to bring me some to the Pink Mafia boogie. I'm drinking it right now! B|

You're not kidding about Community Coffee....that stuff ROCKS! I've gotten to the point where I'll order a whole case of it at a time. I don't think I could start my day without it now. :S


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Coffee, yummy. I probably drink WAY too much over the week. I haven't tried the coffee your guys are mentioning, but will need to check it out.

I don't care what people say. Coffee is still better than crack;)

Where is my fizzy-lifting drink?

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