
When you get home from work:

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Last Thursday, I actually had a friend agree that I am happy 90% of the time. I can find joy in some of the simplest things. Of course, he then said something about amusing me with pretty shiny things.

After sorting through my memory, the only shiny thing he's ever given me was a photo of himself.

Yup, it amused me, too. :P

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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After 15 years with this Co.(as of today) I found a position I REALLY like.
I'm very Happy in Life an a daily basis now.:)
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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Do you bitch about your day or share something positive?

Ummm....neither; I live alone so that would be a bit disturbing:P

But I DO have the coolest job in the world in my opinion, so I honestly have nothing to bitch about! :)

Nah, that's my job!!!
I've been melting gold and palladium all day B|
Tomorrow I'm gonna melt salt!!!
Scars remind us that the past is real

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I pinched some sort of nerve in my neck yesterday. I have now completed my first bottle of Yellow Tail Merlot.

My neck is killing me.

Today at work, though, I installed all my Mom's shutters in her bedroom. She thinks I'm clever and handy.

I am.

Other stuff happenend, but it's not postitive, or relevant.

I have Gareth's towel, still. I like his towel.


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When I arrive home after work, I'm lucky enough to be greeted by someone who loves me unconditionally and is nearly ecstatic to see me, kiss me, rub against me and otherwise show physical affection to me. With this kind of welcome, how could I possibly share anything but the most positive, uplifting and downright happy highnotes of my day?

Gawd, I love my dog.

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When I arrive home after work, I'm lucky enough to be greeted by someone who loves me unconditionally and is nearly ecstatic to see me, kiss me, rub against me and otherwise show physical affection to me. With this kind of welcome, how could I possibly share anything but the most positive, uplifting and downright happy highnotes of my day?

Gawd, I love my dog.

SOunds like my home comming ritual.
I come home from work after 11p or 7am, she give me full attention and love and I let her out to go pee:ph34r:
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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Well..... Being as when I come home from work I've been on the road for a month and a half (I'm a long haul trucker), first I throw the truck keys as far as I can and then I corner my wife in the bathroom (where 6yr old eyes can't see) and .......................;)

Strange how I always find those dagblasted keys:D.

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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Interesting....I think I handle my life differently than some...

When I get home I cannot wait to hear Skymedic's stories about his day....be they positive or negative, it is what his life was while we were apart....

Likewise...I love sharing my humorous stories about my students and my not so humorous...I just want him to understand what my world is like....

Neither of us obsess about it...we share...laugh or hug or both...whatever is appropiate..offer advice....or not...and then go on with our evening.


I'm a Doll!!!!

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Tomorrow I'm gonna melt salt!!!

I meant to ask you this the other day, but I just now remembered...

What is the purpose of melting salt, and what happens to it when it is melted? Does it become a liquid or a gas?

It turns to a liquid. I do it to calibrate my thermocouples. Salt melts at 801 C. So I stick my thermocouple in a bucket of salt and watch the temp go up. When it levels off, I know I'm at the melting point of salt!

And once its all melted the temp goes up again.

I love thermodynamics B|
Scars remind us that the past is real

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