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:$ my mal was the stupidest thing ever
side step through malfunction
not so sure how i missed that one.. im still a little confused about how i did it:S

anyway! when i pulled i couldnt clear my entagled lines so i chopped and had a badass reserve ride all the way down to my main! and had the biggest smile on my face after landing
alana followed my main down with me and was waiting for me when i landed, what a great friend;)

glad its over with! :D
but i really did enjoy that reserve!

~boogie ho!!
pull before impact!
L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA

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No malfunction is ever stupid. Did you learn from it? If you answered yes, then you did good.

You did what you needed to do to get under a good canopy, you learned from that too.

I've enjoyed my reserve rides too, because there was a good canopy over my head.

Bottom line, you did the right thing and you walked away from the landing. You did good.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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reserve rides kick ass. my last one i took through the swoop course. even had a fair swoop too. i need dive loops on my reserve risers. that raven had pretty high riser presure. great job saving your ass. its what you spent all that money in aff for. and see it worked.

The skies are no longer safe

I'm back

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yeah i had a raven 150 too and landed it on my feet!
i didnt think i could fly a 150 right now but its really not all that bad or different

it felt like it took forever to open but alana watched the entire thing under canopy and said it was less than a second
guess thats what adrenaline does to ya;)

i also got to demo a pilot, saphire, and sabre2 while i was there
but damn!, i cant decide which i like best:D

~boogie ho!!
pull before impact!
L.A.S.T#14, PMS #309, Ci EL O DI O SA

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Hmmm ... where to begin?

Well I'm home safe and sound and I had a great time in Eloy. I'm sorry if I didn't introduce myself to all those who didn't know me there, but what can you do (you might have met me as Steve and not CanuckInUSA). I did many great/fun jumps including two very fun jumps with Justi the originator of this thread and got some good swoops in when I could. I know some people were more active with their jumping than I was (could being hungover every morning have something to do with this), but most of the jumps that I did get in were of the high quality variety.

- I did 36 skydives while I was in Eloy and I feel current again flying my Crossfire2 canopy. I went into the boogie current with BASE jumping, but I hadn't skydived in the 6 weeks prior to Eloy, so needless to say I was a tad uncurrent when it comes to swooping before the boogie began.

- Plus I did 3 BASE jumps during my absence from Denver. One of those jumps was off of a 270 foot antenna (my new lowest freefall jump). But I also soloed a cliff in Moab and jumped the same cliff with a friend this morning before hitting the roads.

- Finally I got a speeding ticket going 90 in a 75 area following my friend Oscar on the way home after our morning jump in Moab (Oscar also got a ticket). Lesson learned? Let your friends speed ahead even if it means losing them.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Decibel is still in Phoenix Hospital. He broke his Tib/Fib and compressed and fractured a vertebrate.

:(I hate hearing that:(

Oh and I see Remi is back:P
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Was he the one heli lifted the 31st or so?

The same one where the foot came off and got handed to the paramedics???

Decibel - heal quickly.


Foot came off? PLEASE!:S>:( His SHOE was handed to the paramedics. He is sore and out of the hospital. He is currently in a hotel in Phoenix waiting for family to come drive him home. And yes Remster, he was air lifted to phoenix

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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Well, I'm glad you cleared that bit of information up.

People need to learn to not post "rumors".

Sounds as if your friend is on the road to getting better. I hope he's got company in that hotel room and won't have to wait too long for family to get him.

Sending healing thoughts.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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