
Thread titles : be more specific

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Anyone else dislike thread titles that are misleading/ non descriptive... a waste of your precious "time wasting " time ?
If you want people to open or read your post, don't play games. If i have to guess what it's about, I'll move on to a better title. yes I judge a post and poster by the titles. Then the content... if i even open it.
So there, has this been discussed or bitched about before ? Am i the only one who feels this way ?

I must not have much to whine about . But i've thought about posting this topic for a while.
I feel better now .. Haha

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Totally agree.

Titles like "interesting" are usually bound to be stupid.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Some people like to be obscure, thinking that it will make you open the thread. Now that they know it bothers you, they will probably get more of a kick out of doing it. ;)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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May their high speed connections break and they are forced to use dial-up service.

Well i did a little search and thought it was funny how one guy's thread or thoughts were so similar to mine.

>:(>:(I only have dial up:P:P:P:P
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May their high speed connections break and they are forced to use dial-up service.

no thanks.. i like my 3000 kilo bits per second conec tion speed and my 400 kilo bytes per second dwonload rate.... notice the kilo bit vs. byte........ i could never go back to dialup............ well maybe.. in an emergency like world war 3.....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Some people like to be obscure, thinking that it will make you open the thread. Now that they know it bothers you, they will probably get more of a kick out of doing it. ;)

BRILLIANT, Andrea...just BRILLIANT!:D...bet it's working too..:D


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Anyone else dislike thread titles that are misleading/ non descriptive... a waste of your precious "time wasting " time ?a

One-third of the people here skip over such thread titles. If a message creator is looking for the widest possible readership, that's not the way to entice people to look at it.

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Bonfire's getting a bit dilluted once again... off to the skydiving forums!:P

katiebear makes her dramatic exit!

This is a joke, this is just a joke, any real exit would have been prefaced with Ron or Kallend pissing in my Cheerios!:D

Get your PMS glass necklace here

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Bonfire's getting a bit dilluted once again... off to the skydiving forums!:P

katiebear makes her dramatic exit!

This is a joke, this is just a joke, any real exit would have been prefaced with Ron or Kallend pissing in my Cheerios!:D

Could it also include some sarcasm?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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