
Declawing cats

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If the city made them move? If there was a hurricane that wrecked their house? If? If? If?

You can "what if" ANYthing.... she made her decision and is taking responsibility for keeping the cats inside and safe...
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Why was it declaw or death?

Because if eitehr one of them would destroy any of my furniture, they would be put to death.

I find it funn that so many are against declawing, but have no problem with the neutering or spading.

Let me ask you Conundrum, would you rather have the tips of your fingers removed, or would you rather have your ovaries removed?

My cats cuddle up with me every chance they get and purr just as loud as before. They jump, play, use the litter box, climb, use the litter box and slap my dog around.

Now, I am assuming that all these anti-declaw people are also vegetarians. Because I don't see much difference between "mutilating" a cat for self gratification, or killing any other animal for self-gratification, because eating meat is certainly no inherent need.

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Here we are with all these unwanted cats in the world, many of whom are stray and never have a loving home, others who are euthanized because noone wants them. All of this self-righteous dribble is ridiculous. Many, many people have their cats declawed, and I'm sure those people love their pets no less than all of you who think it's okay to sit in judgment.

There is no comparison between a cat losing the most distal part of the phalanx and a human losing the same part of theirs. Cats simply do not use their fingers the same way people do. But, honestly, it would only minimally affect the function of a human's hand--we could do most of what we do without our fingertips too.

I'm much, MUCH more bothered by people who judge others so harshly than I am by people who choose to declaw their cats....

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Unecessary surgical mutilation of animals is banned in the whole EU as far as I'm aware. Rotts and sheepdogs have tails, cats have claws, and ears remain as supplied on the original models.

How about getting animals spayed or neutered? Any objections to surgically removing sex organs so we don't have to worry about too many kitties and puppies roaming the streets?

Which is worse? Declawing or spaying/neutering? Neither are medically necessary for the health of the animal?

Neutering or spaying doesn't mutilate the animal any more than a vasectomy does for a man or a tubal ligation does for a woman. The animal tends to be healthier, have no loss of motion or function other than the ablity to reproduce, and live longer as a result. It's mainly a necessary and desirable thing for all owners that don't intend to breed, because we've removed any natural selection to the life of the animals by domesticating them. My cat is 11 years old and very healthy. In contrast, the average age for a feral cat is two years. If we want to not be overun with animals that we can't care for, it's a better option than euthanising them en masse in shelters.

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Here we are with all these unwanted cats in the world, many of whom are stray and never have a loving home, others who are euthanized because noone wants them. All of this self-righteous dribble is ridiculous. Many, many people have their cats declawed, and I'm sure those people love their pets no less than all of you who think it's okay to sit in judgment.

That's because of a cavalier attitude to removing the ends of your fingers. You seem to think that you wouldn't really care that much if it was you. If you mutilate your cat because of your furniture, you're going to get judged by people. If that's the lengths that you'll go to protect cushions, then you probably should get a parakeet instead.

If losing the ends of your fingers isn;t much to deal with, don't you give it a try and get back to us with the results ?

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Our Vet, at Cats Exclusive in Seattle.
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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I have friends who have had their cats declawed. They are still my friends and I know they love their cats. I also know their cats have a better life as declawed housecats than they would if they were homeless on the streets. BUT, I still feel they were wrong to do it. Declawing a cat IS cruel and unneccessary. I think if more people realized exactly what the operation involved, and that there are alternatives, they might just think twice about it. So, if this thread has helped raise ANY awareness, that's a good thing.

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But again....my scientific mind does not believe every statement made on the internet. Where is your proof that it handicaps the cat? That it causes long term physical or psychological effects?

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I wonder how many more cats would end up being put to sleep if people didn't have the option of declawing them when they rescued them from the streets or shelters.
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because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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