
Does an Accent make a person Cuter?

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French really does it for me


I can hear a woman speak French and instantly I am turned on

Never mind...[:/]

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I'm Irish. I spent four years living in London. And I currently live in Australia.
Sorted B|.

LoL this is what I was thinking when I was reading through this thread.

I don't have an accent unless I travel, its just the same as everyone else (except dino and trav). I find it funny that alot of people here mention the aussie accent is something they like. I would be interested in knowing if this is based on backpackers they meet or from the movies/tv shows. A cute accent or just the way the girl talks can definately change my perception of a girl.

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Superman is only superman on earth. Back on Krypton he would be just plain old Kal El (sp?).

It was funny coming back to Oz after being overseas for a while, you could really pick out the aussie accent.
Dino, when you go back over to Ireland do you think people will be telling you how much Aussie your accent has picked up?

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Sorry I'm late.....but to answer your question....OH YEAH IT DOES!!! ;)B| Accents make me melt. :$

How you doin;) Maate

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What classifies as Counry Assed Bumpkin? You mean the type of accent that sounds like they should be playing a banjo while they talk?
I always play the banjo when I talk. Maybe that's why I still eat supper over the sink.

....with a capital P and that rhymes with T and that spells TROUBLE!!!

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I always play the banjo when I talk. Maybe that's why I still eat supper over the sink.

....which only shows that you ARE a country assed bumpkin, Billy! Good thang some of us love country assed bumpkins though....

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Dino, when you go back over to Ireland do you think people will be telling you how much Aussie your accent has picked up?

Definitely. Always happened when I went back to the UK from Ireland, and it'll definitely happen when I go back to Ireland for a holiday this year.

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When I first got here, one of my work colleagues always wanted me to go out to lunch with him so that the waitresses would pay us extra attention - LOL


I was hanging out with a bunch of girls in Thailand (read: NOT the meesta meesta kind!) and the'd be like "So talk to us" and i'd tell them it don't really have anything to say and they'd say "it doesn't matter, just talk!" Rather amusing.

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Really, I normally tell them to shut up and just lie there and look pretty.


Mmm, accents are great, normally the european block.

South African? Never really thought I had an accent.
Mmmm, can work on that now.
Hey, I have an accent!! I have an accent!! I have an accent!!

I think true friendship is under-rated

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