
Self defense? Anyone know

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God I love this state!!

yeah - just make sure you're never accidentally trespassing anywhere....

like land out in McNasty's field...you know all the death from above talk, he was scared so *POW*

Like ol' Ben said - everything in moderation.
Scars remind us that the past is real

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hes trolling folks ... this is a continuation of an old thread where he and his roommates are enjoying themselves immensely at the expense of a very young and a little confused girl.

No, not trolling, being dead serious cause she broke into our house, stripped down and crawled into bed with my roommate... That's not a troll, considering we each have a weapon in the room and various throughout the house.

Ok, I'm trying to see the problem with this scenario;)

Assualt with a friendly weapon:|

Have her leave her teeth at the doorB|

Play Misty for me.


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God I love this state!!

yeah - just make sure you're never accidentally trespassing anywhere....

like land out in McNasty's field...you know all the death from above talk, he was scared so *POW*

Like ol' Ben said - everything in moderation.

Good point.. Don't you have some rocks to break up and tell someone what their made of or where they came from? :ph34r:

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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Good point.. Don't you have some rocks to break up and tell someone what their made of or where they came from? :ph34r:

holy shit you right...wth am I doing on here...
The line of rocks is never ending...

have fun kids.
Scars remind us that the past is real

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Someone enters your house unwelcome and comes into your room. Do you have the right to draw a weapon and if so, if you were to injur them, would you be held liable for it if it was a case of breaking and entering, you had advised the person many times not to contact you ever again.

That varies state to state. For instance, in TX you have every right to draw a weapon and defend yourself and your property to the fullest extent needed to protect yourself and your property. As for Kansas, I do not know the law there as well. I suggest you find out, and not by simply asking people, read the law (you should be able to find copies of the law on the internet).

Also, contact the police and file charges, if anything there will be a record.

Something to know, even in TX in a clean shoot to defend yourself against something drawing another weapon on you (the ultimate clean shoot), you will still spend on average $50k to defend yourself criminally and in civil court. A real shitty deal, but that's the story of our society, we're not able to defend ourselves without getting sued by the offending person's family. That's absolutely asinine, but that's the way of life.[:/]
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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she broke into our house, stripped down and crawled into bed with my roommate...

Then have her arrested for breaking and entering. But if your roomate went ahead and slept with her, then you'll have a hard time convincing anyone that her presence was unwelcome.

And if she's not threatening you with harm, you would be a fool to shoot her.

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Definition of deadly force: Force that a person uses causing, or that a person knows or should know would create a substantial risk of causing death or serious bodily harm.

If you know an action would cause or could cause death or serious bodily harm then you are using deadly force. Now if someone breaks into your home in the middle of the night and you get up, grab your trusty sidekick and confront the person. Announce yourself and that you have a weapon, If they make any aggressive movements, defend yourself with whatever means nessacery. Either by shooting them or using your weapon to strike them. I highly reccomend a muzzle strike to the forhead. It's extremely effective. ;) If the person runs, let them run, don't pursue them, if they comply with your commands prone them out on the ground and call the police. Inform the dispatcher that you have a weapon and you have the suspect proned out at gun point. When the police come in ensure your weapon is on safe, point it to the ceiling and hold the weapon by the bottom of the grip with one hand. The police should take the gun from you or give you commands what to do with the weapon. Don't fight them or argue about their taking your gun. You will get it back. At this point tell your side of the story and cooperate with the police. If you can justify your use of force, you will have nothing to worry about. Don't play a tough guy, tell them how you felt, threatened, violated, scared etc. Hopefully this has helped you, I highly reccomending getting this info straight from the police in your local area too, they will have more specifics for you. I highly reccomend one of the many firearms courses out too. There is some great courses in all parts of the country that can make you a more compitent and comfident firearms owner.
"I've taken the liberty of drafting your confession, you will be given a fair trial and then taken out back and shot."

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KRIS!! I just had a brainstorm (brainfart)....since telling this girl to "go away" and she hears "keep coming" instead..then try reverse psychology on her. Flood her with invites to everything and smother HER with affection..and perhaps she'll freak out and run. There ya go..problem solved. That'll be 10 jump tickets please;)


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In other places you can only use as much force as you are threatened with.[:/]

That's what I was worried about...

There was something on the radio (NPR?) very recently where a state (not sure which) was trying to change their law so that it no longer reads that you have to first try to run away ... and if you can't do that, you can defend yourself against an unwanted intruder.

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KRIS!! I just had a brainstorm (brainfart)....since telling this girl to "go away" and she hears "keep coming" instead..then try reverse psychology on her. Flood her with invites to everything and smother HER with affection..and perhaps she'll freak out and run. There ya go..problem solved. That'll be 10 jump tickets please;)

You forget to mention:
- Tell her you love her.
- Tell her you can't live without her. ;)
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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In other places you can only use as much force as you are threatened with.[:/]

That's what I was worried about...

There was something on the radio (NPR?) very recently where a state (not sure which) was trying to change their law so that it no longer reads that you have to first try to run away ... and if you can't do that, you can defend yourself against an unwanted intruder.

I believe it was Florida, and i think it only applied to attacks in public.

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In other places you can only use as much force as you are threatened with.[:/]

That's what I was worried about...

There was something on the radio (NPR?) very recently where a state (not sure which) was trying to change their law so that it no longer reads that you have to first try to run away ... and if you can't do that, you can defend yourself against an unwanted intruder.

That is the "Duty to Retreat" principle. It varies from state-to-state and applies only is situations where you are out in public, and NOT at home. In states that require it, it is spelled out in the state code. In states that do not require it, there will likely be no mention of it in the code. My state of CO falls into the latter group.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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i haven't read what's been posted up to this point.

under normal circumstances you have to search for all possible routes of escape and attempt to access them. Also, you have to use reasonable use of force (i.e. - don't shoot someone who pulls a potato peeler on you)

when someone breaks into your house, most of this goes out the window. You no longer have to search for retreat (this is known as the 'castle doctrine'). HOWEVER, you must make attempts to resist use of deadly force unless it is completely necessary. (you can't shoot an assailant in the back...UNLESS he is thretening the life of one of your family members.)

here's how the situation might play out.

you hear the breaking and entering, grab your gun and seek out the cause of the noise. You catch the assailant from behind and shout "DON'T MOVE, I HAVE A GUN. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW!!!!" he turns and starts charging at you.

At this point you have made an attempt to resort to not using deadly force, the suspect did not comply and began to charge you. You are now authorized to use deadly force.

hope this helps.

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i haven't read what's been posted up to this point.

So you don't know that it has been stated by a few of us that laws vary state to state and what you described is most likely what is needed in FL; however, in TX you have more options for use of force.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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No, not trolling, being dead serious cause she broke into our house, stripped down and crawled into bed with my roommate... That's not a troll, considering we each have a weapon in the room and various throughout the house.

First, see if you can get her out of the house by putting a big bowl of Alpo in the front steps ... if she goes out to grab it, slam the door and lock it.

Second, if the first idea doesn't work, keep in mind that you are a skydiver, so you aren't really entitled to claim any moral high ground to begin with. There are two of you, so at least one of you should be able to get some sleep on any given night.

Go with the flow ... or move to another town while she's in the bathroom and assume a new name.

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While obviously not applying in this particular case, and old expression comes to mind - "better to be judged by 12 than carried by six".

That being said, I had a roommate once who pulled on gun on his phsycho girlfriend because she came to the house and started banging on the door and windows after one of the many times they "broke up" (they're married now with a daughter). I almost kicked him out of my house after that. The gun was totally unnecessary in that case.

Definitely the most fucked up people I have ever had the misfortune to be associated with.
There is a fine line between 'hobby' and 'mental illness'.
--Dave Barry

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keep in mind that you are a skydiver, so you aren't really entitled to claim any moral high ground to begin with.

Huh, what does being a Skydiver have to do with moral high ground?
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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overall legnth of a shotgun has to be 32 inches with a barrel no less than 18 inches.

government agents obviously don't have to abide by these rules as we're expected to use weapons that would otherwise be illegal (class 3 automatic weapons, etc.)

and those aren't all my guns. ;) and gun afficionado's can appreciate the pic.

put it this way: to anyone who enjoys guns, posting that pic is the equivalent of someone who enjoys skydiving posting a picture of their rig. and since this IS a gun thread, it only seemed appropriate.

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You actually posted a pic of all your weapons
on the INTERNET?

That was my thought. I've talked about a couple of the ones I have on the net before, but never all of them and never a picture.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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