
Hitchhiker's Guide: The Movie

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I'm one of the geeks who has read all five books in the trilogy!

Count me in on that. B|

I've also read the Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency and The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul.

People who ride with me say that I get from place to place on the same principle as Dirk. ;)

I've got all the "increasingly inaccurately named" HHGTTG trilogy books. I thought they were all about perspective. Getting you to think about things by looking at them from a different angle, rather than just arguing a point.

The other books were mostly just entertaining reading.

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People who ride with me say that I get from place to place on the same principle as Dirk. ;)


And those who jump with you?

They like me well enough to let me back inside the plane with them. ;)

The Dirk Gently approach is to find someone who knows where they are going and follow them.

For some reason, I get lost a lot. :) Vacations are a hoot though. I accidently ended up at Pigeon Forge while aimlessly hitting tourist traps one year on the way home from Quincy.

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I'm one of the geeks who has read all five books in the trilogy!

Count me in on that. B|

I've also read the Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency and The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul.

People who ride with me say that I get from place to place on the same principle as Dirk. ;)

I've got all the "increasingly inaccurately named" HHGTTG trilogy books. I thought they were all about perspective. Getting you to think about things by looking at them from a different angle, rather than just arguing a point.

The other books were mostly just entertaining reading.

Ah yes.

"It was an act of God, but which God? What God would be hanging around Heathrow trying to catch the 3:37 to Oslo?"

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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I have read all the books including, 'Dirk Gently' series and the obscure 'meaning of liff', but it was a long time ago and if I remeber correctly the best character in the Dirk Gently books was the truck driver who didn't know he was a rain god, everywhere he went the clouds would pay homage to him by constantly raining on him. He even had all the different types of rain categorised into about 400 types, but was still unaware he was a rain god.

Classic! I'm going to Amazon.com to buy up all the books!

Oh, I've got another one, the astronomers who discovered a 10th planet in our solar system and had called it something odd (for a planet) like 'Rupert' which in turn completely screwed up all the astrologers, as the had never accounted for it in all their predictions, eg. how exactly is Leo affected when Rupert is rising over Pisces! Again Classic!

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Managed to see the film on Monday.

I have been a fan of the Guide for many years and have experienced most of its incarnations.

The film is very very funny and well worth watching although I did find the ending trailed off a little.

It pretty much follows the book and TV series with some minor changes.

The main characters have been cast very well with Mos Def playing Ford just as I imagined him, Steven Fry is excellent as the voice of the Guide and Sam Rockwell plays Zaphod just right.

Some of the most noteable inclusions to the film are the Slapsticks and the Point of View Gun.

One thing I was annoyed at being left out was the complete explanation from the guide of the Babel Fish and the importance of towels. The latter particularly important as the Bug Blatter Beast of Trall makes an appearance.

On the whole this is far better than I expected a big budget film of the Guide to be, and the way is left open for the Resturant and hopefully the other books also.


A hoopy frood who really knows where his towel is.

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see I thought the bable fish explaination was great how they did it, but the importance of the towel was slacked on. just saying that its the most important thing in the universe didnt do it for me[:/]

They didnt explain the Babel Fish's part in the down fall of God.

Man " But what about the Babel Fish............"

Ahh said God I hadnt thought of that .........
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

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They didnt explain the Babel Fish's part in the down fall of God.

Man " But what about the Babel Fish............"

Ahh said God I hadnt thought of that .........

What?! Other than its obvious utility, the babel fish's greatest achievement was its role in killing God! How could they leave that out?!

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I always knew Greg Gasson was cool, but President of the Universe? ;)

visually i loved the movie.. lots of homage paid the the various incarnations.. (i think i have nearly every thing DA has written, radio scripts and all) but there really wasnt any way to make it align with the book versions... even the books are terrible from a plot point (until you get to Fish..) because they were written as episodes and Douglas was making it up every week without much preplanning at all...

the entire bit with John Malkovich could have been left out, but i can see how/why they did it... tying in the original device to connect the books would have been VERY VERY difficult without alot of side narratives and flashbacks...

Ford was perfect....
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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I thought it was a good film, apart from the ending, It ended half way through the 1st book, and they tried too hard to make it happy.

The romance was not in keeping with the radio/book/tv, what would Fenchurch have said?

You only have one life, make the most of it.

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I thought it was a good film, apart from the ending, It ended half way through the 1st book, and they tried too hard to make it happy.

The romance was not in keeping with the radio/book/tv, what would Fenchurch have said?

The romance was 'enhanced' by the director over what DA had in the script.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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I went and saw this yesterday with a friend, hmmm...is all I can say...weird too...but hmmmm

Yeah I guess I grew up in abox, cuz I had never heard of it til now... :|

It kept my attention tho, so that made it better than some I have seen;)

Hmmm....You are now the 2nd person I know that never heard of the Guide until now. Odd.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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MY thoughts:

1) I haven't seen the movie yet, but want to.

2) I think a lot of people, especially Americans, know HHGTTG from the books, and will be disappointed by the fact that themovie won't be like the books. What they don't realize is: Hitchikers was a radio series FIRST, and then the books were written. And the books aren't exactly like the radio series. (I've only heard an episode or two, and that was back in high school during the '80s)

so therefore, if the books weren't completely loyal to the radio series, there's no justification to expect the movie to be loyal to the books.

3) someone need to tell me where I can get the recordings of the original radio series.

4) The TV series that came out in the '80s was based on the books. It was OK as far as it went, but they cast some blonde bimbo for the part of Trillian (is that her name?) the astro-physicist. That actress would have been more appropriate on the Benny Hill show. :P

edited to add 5) I wonder if there will be a longer version, ie, The Director's Cut, coming out later on DVD. That's what happened with the Lord of the Rings movies.

that would be cool.B|
Speed Racer

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The romance was 'enhanced' by the director over what DA had in the script.

I saw the movie tonight. I thought the romance was also enhanced over the book content. You figure that Brits do have sex because of the little Brits, but they don't seem to make such a big deal out of it. Something that we Americans could learn.

The enjoyment wasn't like it was a huge laugher, it was quietly enjoyable. The book worked you into the whole process more slowly, so it built. Hard to do in a movie.

I enjoyed it though.

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I thought the movie was great. It was different than the book for sure but do you guys really think they can translate that book to screen? I never saw it possible. Damn I'm kinda drunk.

That is all


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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I thought the movie was great. It was different than the book for sure but do you guys really think they can translate that book to screen? I never saw it possible. Damn I'm kinda drunk.

That is all

Actually the book could easily translate to the screen, the book is adapted from a RADIO PLAY, so it was a script to begin with:)

The book is the only literature I've read that made me belly laugh whilst reading it:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:
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I thought the movie was great. It was different than the book for sure but do you guys really think they can translate that book to screen? I never saw it possible. Damn I'm kinda drunk.

That is all

Actually the book could easily translate to the screen, the book is adapted from a RADIO PLAY, so it was a script to begin with:)

Dude, radio and screen are totally different. Visuals man, visuals. :D

The TV series sucked.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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