
I need an idea . . .

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Oh my god!!! this treath is so me, I have done it 4 times in my life and I'm about to do it for the fifth, they where usually sporadic meaning that the descition was taken and i was on the place within a month or two.
Some places is harder to acomodate than others, but the experiences you get from moving like that are priceless, I had recently came back from south amercica, I tried to settle down there but it was not happening because of the economy issues there, but my ogd is fun down there:ph34r:
I'm now again agobiated by the life here and planing in leaving again, the only problem is that I'm getting sick of starting from scratch all the time, I was thinking either Colorado (fort collins) or San Diego.

JUST DO IT, if anything you can always go back to you old rutine, believe me it'll be there waiting.

Danger brings fear, but fear... brings more dangers.

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My life is so very mundane right now.

Then, YES... you need to make a change!! :)

Has anyone here just picked up and moved?

Many, many times. Moving ROCKS! Change ROCKS! I say, get her done! B|


How did you decide where to go?

This time? I visited DC for a week. I left shitty-weathered Michigan - cold and cloudy - to come to DC for a week of sun, warmth and blue skies. I couldn't find a real job that I liked in Michigan. The job market was happening here. And I missed my sister who lives here. So..... I decided on a whim to up and move to DC. GOOD DECISION! :)

Was it scary?

Nope. It had it's moments. But you just have to keep reminding yourself what you are leaving and where you are going. Life is good.


Did it work out?

Heck yeah!!

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It's all about Texas, Kel....

My boys in Primer 55 agree you'd fit in just great:

"won't you take me there?
take me where i wanna
wont you take me there?
head back to texas

36-24-36 got those girlies all up in my mix
shaking hips on the poles doing flips
and you know this
head back to texas

where the girls bounce 24/7 right?
and they do it to you every fucking single night
you get yourself into a little sticky icky situation
head back to texas

so where my girls at? texas
you know i'm talking about texas
good times in texas
you know i'm headed back to texas
girl, let me holla at you, said girl
yea i'm talking to you
so where my girls at? texas
good times in texas"


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I feel exactly the same right now....want to pack up and start again....but I'm too scared, and have no idea where to go...I'm such a spoon...

Edit...because I can't believe I compared myself to a spoon in my first post...

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I know exactly what you mean. For some reason I have been feeling the same way too. I just wanna pick up and move somewhere other than were I am!! I would do it in a heart beat if I didn't have so much opportunity with this job. Plus, I would have to either find someone to rent my unfinished house out to, or out right sell it [:/]

Wanna buy a house in the middle of Florida?! :D

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Hey, Texas wouldn't happen to be in the USPA's Southern region, would it? ;)

Damn, I wish Chris Welker read the Bonfire. :D

LOL!! Spaceland, SD Houston and Aggieland are all Gulf, I believe... can't speak for the others....
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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It's all about Texas, Kel....

Houston is cool IF you can avoid the traffic. :S

Psh. Houston's cool. Period. I'm here. Duh's here. The gang's all here. You should move here. B| Traffic is not THAT bad, summers are not THAT bad, and the DZs, the people, and the night life are THAT GOOD!

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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