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  1. alxnder

    We're Jumpin'

    I though I'll share this with you guys, so everyone sing along.... (Music from Bob Marley, Jammin') Ooh, yeah! all right! We’re jumpin’: I wanna jumpin’ wid you. We’re jumpin’, jumpin’, And I hope you like jumpin’, too. Ain’t no rules, ain’t no vow, we can do it anyhow: I’n’i will see you fly, ’cos everyday we pay the price with a little sacrifice, jumpin’ till is time to pull. We’re jumpin’ - To think that jumpin’ was a thing of the nuts; We’re jumpin’, And I hope this jump is gonna last. No weather can stop us now, we neither beg nor we won’t bow; Neither can stay on ground. We all fall from the sky; jah - jah freaks must unite: Freedom is worth much more than gold. We’re jumpin’ (jumpin’, jumpin’, jumpin’) And we’re jumpin’ in the name of the lord; We’re jumpin’ (jumpin’, jumpin’, jumpin’), We’re jumpin’ right straight from the sky. Yeh! holy mount zion; Holy mount zion: Jah sitteth in mount zion And rules all creation. Yeah, we’re - we’re jumpin’ (wotcha-wa), Wotcha-wa-wa-wa, we’re jumpin’ (wotcha-wa), See, I wanna jump it wid you We’re jumpin’ (jumpin’, jumpin’, jumpin’) I’m jumpin’: I hope you’re jumpin’, too. Jam’s about my freedom and feelings I cannot hide To keep you satisfied. True love that now exist is the love of flying I can’t resist, So jump by my side. We’re jumpin’ (jumpin’, jumpin’, jumpin’), yeah-eah-eah! I wanna jump it wid you. ------------------------------------------------------- Danger brings fear, but fear... brings more dangers.
  2. alxnder


    Shamans, won;t aloud you to take them pictures or any video, they belive your soul gets capture with it which it will prevail them from achieving total freedom. There's some books in reference to this, most of them written by Carlos Castaneda. ------------------------------------------------------- Danger brings fear, but fear... brings more dangers.
  3. Hello everyone, I'm just a newbie but I saw the treat and I had to post what and uncle of mine did, goes like this: After years of marriage, he suspected of his wife cheating on him, so he placed a recorded on the home phone, he later found out the obvios, a conversation of his wife with another man laughing about him having the horns. he acted like nothing happend, got home all romantic an offer his wife to move to a new and bigger house (which he signed under his name only) then they sold the car and got a nicer new one (which he also signed only under his name), after all of this was done, he invited his parents in law to a nice dinner, after eating e pulled a recorder to the table where he had his wife talking with this other guy, and told them, "we'll now you all know what I know, you can have your doughter back, I don;lt want her anymore and left. I think this was one the smartest and cold headed actions i have seen. ------------------------------------------------------- Danger brings fear, but fear... brings more dangers.
  4. There is a chinesse saying that goes like this: "A man need never revenge himself; the body of his enemy will be brought to his own door." I have to say that this saying, in my opinion is really true, since I have experince it many times, ofcourse I haven't seen them death or anything, but is strange when you let it go, in the future you always hear how they can;t skip their karmatic payments. ------------------------------------------------------- Danger brings fear, but fear... brings more dangers.
  5. alxnder

    Logo design

    I can help you with it, check my site in my profile is a little old, like 2 years but I have a lot of more nocer work i'll upload soon ------------------------------------------------------- Danger brings fear, but fear... brings more dangers.
  6. I have a bunch of passowords if you get stock... ------------------------------------------------------- Danger brings fear, but fear... brings more dangers.
  7. Hello all, besides of all the dark episodes from this weekend, my office being robbed on friday night where they took my G5 with all my lastest work, and the fight with some dude trying to steal my car who I had to punch in order for him not to get away, thing I hate since I'm trully a peaceful person, I had the good luck to be in the plane with Joe Jennings this saturday, they where filming a new pepsi comercial with a couple of dudes dressed up as baiseball players, I was doing a 3'500 hop ann pop on the first load where he wished me good luck and on my second jump I got to see them on exit and probably a couple of seconds on freefall, I was really exiting since I have always admire Joe's work, I found him to be a really down to earth person!!!!! Blues Skies !!!! ------------------------------------------------------- Danger brings fear, but fear... brings more dangers.
  8. alxnder


    it might sound a little crazy, but once in a trip to south america, walking down a street, i saw someone stearing at the sky with a pair of binoculars, when we got closer he told us there was a ufo on the sky, we didn;t believe him at first, then he let us look by the binoculars and i can swear it was not a plane or a ballon or anything like, people started gathering to see it, someone even call the cops, they showed up and asked the lady that calles what should they do, "Should I shoot at it?" one sayd laughing and after that they left, we leave with the ";thing going around in circles, I don;t know how long it actually stayed there, but it was really cool ------------------------------------------------------- Danger brings fear, but fear... brings more dangers.
  9. Oh my god!!! this treath is so me, I have done it 4 times in my life and I'm about to do it for the fifth, they where usually sporadic meaning that the descition was taken and i was on the place within a month or two. Some places is harder to acomodate than others, but the experiences you get from moving like that are priceless, I had recently came back from south amercica, I tried to settle down there but it was not happening because of the economy issues there, but my ogd is fun down there I'm now again agobiated by the life here and planing in leaving again, the only problem is that I'm getting sick of starting from scratch all the time, I was thinking either Colorado (fort collins) or San Diego. JUST DO IT, if anything you can always go back to you old rutine, believe me it'll be there waiting. ------------------------------------------------------- Danger brings fear, but fear... brings more dangers.
  10. Thats pretty close to one of the stupidest comments I've ever read. It probably is...... but how much spupid is to not realize is a joke.....sad go ahead now take it out of your chest ------------------------------------------------------- Danger brings fear, but fear... brings more dangers.
  11. if everybody hates cops, and everyone knows it, what makes someone become one, do they want to be heated unconsciously ? or maybe they where bullied out on high scholl... go figure ------------------------------------------------------- Danger brings fear, but fear... brings more dangers.
  12. I use photoshop, is a really great software, I can help you with your picture if you want,. ------------------------------------------------------- Danger brings fear, but fear... brings more dangers.
  13. SKYDIVING IS A DRUG! and you need some help I been thinking in opening a rehabilitation center for this, although I don't think I'll have any clients. ......and it's more expensive than crack! ------------------------------------------------------- Danger brings fear, but fear... brings more dangers.
  14. I personally never had a problem with heights, I'm actually atracted by them, I love been up high for the views you get, I think in the plane you don;t really feel the same vertigo there is from standing on the edge of a tall building or mountain, you don;t feel the atraction of gravity as much, ling to pull you down. Just relax and enjoy the view, don't feel nothing in the stomach either like in the rollocoaster (seems to be the most popular question when going to jump for the first time ) HAVE FUN!!! ------------------------------------------------------- Danger brings fear, but fear... brings more dangers.
  15. Hello --------------------------------------------------------------- I found I am less nervous if there is less time between jumps! Looking forward to the forum and the jumps again! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I started my aff on march 30 I took the straigh aff course and I felt the same, I also found out I would get more relax in the second jump, after my first solo it all vanish and it gets a lot more confortable when you are not concentrating in not messing up to have to repeat the jump. ------------------------------------------------------- Danger brings fear, but fear... brings more dangers.