
Fat, Dumb and Stupid....

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Thats okay...Karma will come around one day and bite them in the ass ;)

I'd be happy to offer up my dog Karma to bite this person... if you figure out who it is... :P

That's just not right.

Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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Thanks guys....and yes my lovely soon to be bride always loves me...good days and bad days. that's why it will soon be official. all thanks to Sangiro and this little place called DZ.com.

Oh so you actually admit you are going to owe pimp fees! LOL
Try not to worry about the note babe.
Some people have nothing better to do and try to make themselves feel better by hurting others.
WE think you are the bomb and so does your future bride.
Seems to me those are the opinions that count anyway;)
X's and O's

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One of my favorite quotes:

"To live well is the best revenge" - Frank Sinatra


Somebody obviously has some issues. That is unfortunate, but it isn't your problem.

It's easier if you put it in context and consider the source...how can it be a personal attack, if they don't even know you?

Besides, that individual is so full of hatred and anger that he (most likely) never has a nice day, and wants to share that gloom with others. If you don't let it, it won't happen. You can choose to react. I would choose to feel sorry for someone who has real problems dealing with life and its frustrations.


"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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Oh so you actually admit you are going to owe pimp fees! LOL
Try not to worry about the note babe.

You do know I am the original one who sent the Email that started the pimp fee's thing right? and yes Anne and I have payed our pimp fee's. I just wish the man would come to the wedding!!!!!;);)

and to everyone else...Thank you!! you guys rock. I am feeling much better today and really do feel sorry for this assclown. makes me laugh that next week I could be saving someone's child and this guy calls me fat dumb stupid and an idiot....I hope it's him next time I fix.

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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You already got dumb going for you.

Tellme something I don't know! :D

since she missed her chance I'll tell you.

at least you already got dumb going for ya.:D:D

(it's only funny because youre dumb and had to be told twice)
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hey skymedic- i read this the other day but was too rushed to respond.
this happened las week (see attached):
for clarification (hahaha)- i'm the green one parked facing the same way as every one else:S...
i was so blocked in, all i could do was take pix after telling the people in the main office.
she came out 5 min later... but c'MONNN!!!!.... i would have preferred the note! :P

p.s. anne, i finally get your sig!:D
i didn't lose my mind, i sold it on ebay. .:need a container to fit 5'4", 110 lb. cypres ready & able to fit a 170 main (or slightly smaller):.[/ce

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If you're "a couple of pounds overweight," you're not fat. And I can tell by your posts that you're neither dumb nor stupid.

Perhaps the person who wrote that was making a commentary about his own life. I'm not sure about that person's weight, but it's certainly dumb and stupid to write stuff like that on a stranger's car.

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The guy who left the note is an idiot on so many levels:

" dumb, AND stupid?"

how about: dumb and stupid and redundant is no way to go through life?


And if he was quoting Dean Wormer's statement to Flounder, it was actually:

"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son."

Speed Racer

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