
Might as well start a post.....Party in Atlanta!

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A party? At the Farm....no such thing....parties are relatively tame compared to activities at The Farm.

And Shari....you are on my list for jumps.....
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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And Shari....you are on my list for jumps.....

I've at least met ya before, so you can jump me... er jump with me all ya want. :D

I may attempt to do a lingerie jump... Depends on my jump numbers and landings when I get there. :S We'll have to see.

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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...I've at least met ya before, so you can definitely jump me...when I get there. :S

There...fixed it for ya'

Thanks for the help. I've left a few things out before. :S Glad someone's got my back. ;)

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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Party Starts in 4 Days!!!!

Git yo Ass`es to Atlanta and Skydive the Farm!!

Check List:
Party Bus with Stripper Pole (Check)
Super Cheap Jumps (Check)
Tons of Jello Shots (Check)
Lingerie Jumps Planned (Check)
Great Organizers Lined Up (Check)
Assorted Farm Animals (Check)

What Am I forgetting??

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