
What is the worst thing you have ever put in your mouth?

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Ohhhh... Yea! Baloot? :S:S Looky here; I was over at bartsdaddy's, getting smashed....( one of many times ):P:P:P;)!!! I was of the miss fortune, to ask for some "tequila" ?????:o he poured a "shot" of it? :SB| Pepe Lopez? more like....What the (%#**! ) F'n.. shit is this ? He smiles and say's, you asked for a shot of >>>>>>> Peee Peee Lopez.:ph34r: Yes tis' is a brand and NEVER AGAIN !!!! Unless you wake up with : your ex-mother in law. Just as ugly as it can be.:o I hear that today, my " ex " will eat most anything... should I ask her? HELL NO! She just might put all to shame.
C-ya.... El peludo B|

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a mostly empty beer we had been ashing into. (by accident obviously!!) i was young, drunk, and stupid...:D
the good bottle was right next to it, ofcourse! ick that makes me cringe.

edit --- did i win?
i didn't lose my mind, i sold it on ebay. .:need a container to fit 5'4", 110 lb. cypres ready & able to fit a 170 main (or slightly smaller):.[/ce

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oysters, yuk :(

But Mr. Jeremy... I thought you *loved* oysters!!! :D (Nice pic--reminds me of his early days, before he got obese and hideous!!!)
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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That is a hard one after all the years I have spent in the military.

There may be no description for what I have put in my mouth. :S

Not to mention all of the drunk moments. I am just not able to pinpoint it.

I have definitely eaten things that most would not. Put things in my mouth temporarily that most would not.

I figure since the Government is always pumping my body full of crap diseases that I have built an immunity to most things.



"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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At a party, drinking beer.. set the beer down... picked up the beer... drank... not the beer... someones spitoon they had been spitting their vile Skoal into. One big swig then a quick evacuation of all contents in my stomach.

That was by far the nastiest thing and huants me to this very day.... oohhhhh..

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I am thinking of food, but well, knowing how things go in this forum... go for it.

NB. Crumpets are off limits.

On one drunken night many years ago, I brushed my teeth using Hemorrhoid cream for toothpaste. In one stroke of the toothbrush, I realized that:
1/ such cream does NOT improve one's breath
2/ my mom or my dad (or both) had hemorrhoids.

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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Was sitting around a friends house watching TV and went to the kitchen in the dark to get something to eat. Spied a box of raisins and was sitting in the dark eating them when I felt something moving around in my mouth and hands. I turned on the lights and the box of raisins was full of maggots.

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Didn't do it personally, but still made me sick.
In basic all the nicotine addicts had to get their fix. So.. you either crawled through the woods at 3am for a smoke, or chewed tobacco (I was the dumb ass crawling in the woods). Anyway... the guys who chewed needed a place to spit, so we stole a couple extra canteens and they would spit into those. Some kid had the misfortune of grabbing one of those canteens before going out for PT... Not sure if it was cause of the CAT 5 heat or what.. but they would tell us "drink EVERYTHING in your canteen then hold it upside down over your head to prove its empty"... yuck. this kid not only got very sick, but very messy when he turned it over. DSs were NOT amused. We ended up doing PT for about 16 hours that day because of that.
"People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid." - Kierkegaard

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I drank a full ashtray once, just because some fool said I couldn't.

And there was that chuleton that time in Lillo... it wasn't the worst going in, but I sure did regret it for a while afterwards. Seriously kids, never try and eat anything bigger than your head.
"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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I'm reminded of another post:

If you have children you will probably relate to this father...

As ham sandwiches go, it was perfection. A thick slab of ham, a fresh bun, crisp lettuce and plenty of expensive, light brown, gourmet mustard.

The corners of my jaw aching in anticipation, I carried it to the table in our backyard, picked it up with both hands but was stopped by my wife suddenly at my side. "Hold Johnny (our six-week-old son) while I get my sandwich," she said.

I had him balanced between my left elbow and shoulder and was reaching again for the ham sandwich when I noticed a streak of mustard on my fingers.

I love mustard.

I had no napkin

I licked it off.

It was not mustard.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Vegemite is really, really bad. Judging by the smell, I imagine kimchee is worse, but I've never been so brave as to actually try it.


Kimchee truly is some nasty stuff. I tried it to see if it really deserves it's bad rep. Yes, it does.

One time I bought some limburger cheese to see if it really is as bad as they say. It smells like cat shit. I don't see how anyone could eat it without being truly desperate for food. I didn't try it. The smell convinced me that I would just puke it up anyway.


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The worst tasting thing I ever put in my mouth?
It was something that I truely love to taste (except the ONE....)
A girl I was engaged to...her puss was FUNKED![:/]
(you'd think a Med school student from PCOM, would know what hygiene was):S
glad that's over!:)
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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I remember that! :D:D:D

My college roommate who was on the track team (I was too but didn't go on the trip) got to go down to Florida for spring break and camp out in tents and train their asses off on the tracks. Well, he had run out of money with 2 days to go. The whole team got together around the campfire (coach was staying in a motel) to figure what to do to help him. Finally, one guy came up with this, if everybody pitched in $2 (there were 20 guys), and you can eat a live cockroach, you get the money.

So, they set out to find a big ol' cockroach. Got one! Looked pretty big and nasty too, about an inch and a half long too. So they hand it to him, and are egging him on, "eat it, eat it, eat it" and sounding like Michael Jackson in his "Beat it" video. So, finally my roommate asks for salt, gets it, heaps a good amount of it on the roach, pops it in his mouth, then bites down on it, resulting in kind of a mini-explosion than makes his mouth and cheeks puff out momentarily (like the cartoons where someone swallows a bomb). Anyway, the look on his face right at that moment was priceless! :D:D B|B|
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I swallowed a toad on a $25 dare when I was 11...threw it back up 5 minutes later, but 25 bucks when you are a kid is like winning the lottery.

It was horrible though...

Hell, some of the more daring Toadsuckers (CRW club) suck in a toad from time to time. ;)
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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On one drunken night many years ago, I brushed my teeth using Hemorrhoid cream for toothpaste. In one stroke of the toothbrush, I realized that:
1/ such cream does NOT improve one's breath
2/ my mom or my dad (or both) had hemorrhoids.

:D:D Now I don't feel so bad about waking up half drunk and mistaking hair cream for toothpaste. I think we should sue the manufacturers for putting foul-tasting goop in tubes that resemble toothpaste (seeing as we both live in sue-happy CA and all). :D:D

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