
Who is over weight ?

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I need to make a lifestyle change (which for those who have never had to do it) is not an easy task. But it is something I am determined to do. Not only to get healthy to be able to jump, but to be healthy for my family.

Take a look at your diet and decide on 1 thing at a time that you are going to take out of your diet and substitute it with something healthier. Next week, add something else. That way, it won't be so overwhelming for you.

Also, remember that you don't have to go hungry. If you switch to a program that advocates 6 small meals a day (I like The Abs Diet, but there are others that are similar), you won't be hungry at all.

In addition, set an exercise plan and stick to it. Try just a half-hour a day or cardio, 6 days a week to start. Weights can be added later, right now you need the cardio to burn the calories.

Today is a good day to make your plan, tomorrow is a good day to start. ;)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Also, if you cook for yourself from scratch (or someone in the family cooks), it's easier in a lot of ways. Because there's any number of delicious foods that will fill you up as much as out that you can make.
I'm the queen of the fast dinner -- as long as I don't have to cook the rice, it's done in 30 minutes. Salad, starch, 1-2 veggies, and meat.
You just have to not buy the crap food in the first place. If there is candy at home, I'll eat it. So I solve the problem by not buying it. If I really have to have a piece of candy, I buy 1 piece at the store, and eat it (or a part of it).
You don't have to change everything at once -- find something that's comfortable for you, and keep doing it.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I'm in good shape. "Round" is a good shape.

I have the body of a god. "Bhudda" is a god.

I'm pretty sure Buddha isn't considered to be a god by Buddhists. More like a prophet or spiritual leader.

HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
"Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

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I'm definitely overweight. Luckily, it distributes pretty evenly so I at least look proportioned, but I would love to see about 15-20 lbs. go bye-bye. I did lose weight while skydiving, but it was only on vacation.

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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I'm a solid guy, but i've always been big not fat, just athletic. and my DZ only had packs set for 220 bs; so I dropped those 20+bs any way i could!
This summer I did it again, but I havent had as much time to jump. sucks.~

What should I do?! Is it safe to jump a rig if i'm pushing the weight???
"I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies, for the hardest victory is over self."
-- Aristotle (384-322 BC), Greek philosopher

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I've lost weight in part because of skydiving. I bought a scale in March of 2004 -- just before my broken ankle was healed enough to begin jumping again. I hadn't known my weight in about 7 years. It was a shock to see 172 on the scale. I was already doing half assed workouts, but really decided to make the commitment to increase my activity & watch what I eat. It has been slow and steady, but I have lost a total of about 28 pounds & feel sooooo much better. More energy. I don't feel as self conscious in my jumpsuit. I feel I can maneuver better. Etc. Etc. It really was a lifestyle change, and not living with blinders on.

PMS #394

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"I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies, for the hardest victory is over self."
-- Aristotle (384-322 BC), Greek philosopher

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I need to make a lifestyle change (which for those who have never had to do it) is not an easy task.

No, it's not easy. But once it becomes habit you do it without even thinking.

Years ago I would always get all the junk food at the grocery store. Yesterday I realized that as I was putting my items on the check out belt, that not one item was junk. I even passed on the free candy bar the cashier was giving away. It has now become habit for me.

Take it a day at a time and keep a journal. That helped me. I wrote down every thing I ate.

Yep, same here. Its all in your head. I used to eat crap, and lots of snacks. I lost 75 lbs by cutting out all of that, plus sweets and soda. People often ask me how I do it (keep the weight off - its been 6 yrs), like its this huge ordeal. But flyangel's right, its just your way of life after that. Like, I can't tell U how many people have come to my house and after dinner they say "U got any cookies or cake?" When I tell them no, they can't believe it. But thats one of the easiest ways to not eat that stuff -- don't keep it in your house! And don't poo-poo foods that are good for you. When I tell people I have granola bars instead of cookies, they don't want one. But they have never even tried one!! And what they don't realize is that these have chocolate and snickers pieces and are yummier than a lot of cookies! Don't think of everything as something you're giving up, look at it like you're discovering new yummy things that are better for you. :)
Anyway, point is that once you get over the initial shock of not automatically eating whatever is put in front of your face, its not as bad as you're thinking it will be. :)
For the record, I could lose 10 lbs. But more importantly, I have been feeling stiff, stressed and my back has been acting up cuz I haven't been in the gym like I usually am. Since jumping has taken up my weekends this summer, my other stuff has moved to weeknights so my workouts got pushed out. But I am going to find a way to balance it all in the future cuz I definitely feel (and look) better when I am working out regularly.
"At 13,000 feet nothing else matters."
Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109
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I went from an active job to pushing paper. Lost muscle tone and gained flab. Went up 25lb. I changed my diet and lost the 25, but haven't regained the muscle. I'm at my ideal weight, just need to exchange the fat for the muscle. Seeing that the plane does the work for the way up and gravity on the way down, haven't had much luck since started skydiving. Festivities post beer light illumination don't help. Still working on it though.
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You know you want to spank it
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When I was REALLY jumping a lot, I enjoyed a few extra pounds, because it improved my fall rate B|

Now that I don't take skydiving quite so seriously, I enjoy being at a "skinnier" weight.... Hard to keep it off sometimes, tho....

Them ribs tonight shore were good....

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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