
The helpful household suggestion thread

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Hey y'all! I actually had one specific question, but then I thought, let's make it a question / suggestion thread if there's a market for it. :)
If you have any neat little time-savers or products that rock, say so!

If you need ideas to help with a home project, ask!

Here's my question:

What would a retired AF guy with 20+ old uniforms, BDUs, boots, etc. DO with all that crap? Army surplus? What's the best option?

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Avoid frivolous thrill rides like the jet at Rantoul until you have some spare cash saved up for unexpected house repairs like a new well.

Day 14 with no water. Well guy hasn't showed up yet.
Approximate cost = $2,000.
Or 100 jumps, or one very sweet jet ride.
Live for today, but save a buck for that rainy day.

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Avoid frivolous thrill rides like the jet at Rantoul until you have some spare cash saved up for unexpected house repairs like a new well.

Excellent suggestion! Well done! Anyone have any tips for 'cheese? Try the spare change bucket idea - you'd be suprised how quickly that adds up.


you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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I'm sure it's been mentioned, but I've just been reminded again:

If you're involved in an accident, paramedics will turn to your cell phone if you're out of commission.

Remember ICE. ICE stands for In Case of Emergency. If you add an entry in the contacts list in your cell phone under ICE, with the name and phone no. of the person that the emergency services should call on your behalf, you can save them a lot of time and have your loved ones contacted quickly.

Paramedics know what ICE means and they look for it immediately.


you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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no idea what to do with the uniforms, i gave someof my olf stuff away to friends, try that.... and hosehold tip

methl ethl keytone (MEK) will remove anything that you don't want smudged oarond the house... just be warned, it will also take the paint off and isn't the most helthy stuff, but , man, it sure cleanse good!!!!!....lol....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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methl ethl keytone (MEK) will remove anything that you don't want smudged oarond the house... just be warned, it will also take the paint off and isn't the most helthy stuff, but , man, it sure cleanse good!!!!!....lol....


MEK, is also used for making speed! :D


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if your house smells funky, buy a new one

oh wait , i am gonna be serious,

in addition to the dryer sheet thing, spray condensed nice smelling oil on your AC vents and then kick the smelly bum out of your house
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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My best housekeeping friend. With 2 dogs and a tile floor, I love it. It'll do the whole downstairs, and I don't have to mess with cords.

Other than that, well, vinegar in the rinse water makes a pretty good fabric softener. And hydrogen peroxide will get out blood stains, generally without damaging the fabric.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Im an accident prone person so I keep super glue around all the time.

I have used super glue in a pinch to close a cut that should have been stiched, and it actually healed better than any stiched cuts ive had.
I do reccomend if there is any indication you have major damage (vessels, tendons, etc) seek medical help. Or if you need it cleaned. Theres no way I can scrub a bad cut without some local. ;)
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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I used MEK to create a "factory" edge for the windshield on my motorcycle
that I cut down because it was too tall.

IT disolves the edge and produces a smooth look thats indistinguishable from the factory edge.

My mighty steed

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MEK, is also used for making speed!

And you know this how? ;)



I worked for a company, whose painter/sandblaster used MEK for drying paint faster in colder weather. My wife, who has been in law enforcement told me it was used for making 'speed'. How's that?;)


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I worked for a company, whose painter/sandblaster used MEK for drying paint faster in colder weather. My wife, who has been in law enforcement told me it was used for making 'speed'. How's that?

A likely story.... ;)

Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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First clean, then shine. One-stop-shopping isn't. I like Armstrong floor cleaner if there isn't a bunch of old wax to strip on it. Use a brush, let it dry completely. Then a couple of coats of a good appropriate wax/urethane/whatever they use these days (I don't wax floors)

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Now, now. We don't need to be that helpful - these tips are for 'normal' households only.
Please reserve your Meth Lab household tips for the appropriate forum. Thank you.


you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Does anybody have a good trick to cleaning floors? Mop-n-glo just doesn't seem to get them very clean...

kinda sorta but not what you're after. When I mop the floors, I use the kitchen garbage can as the bucket. Of course ,if the GC is pretty danged gross, I'd clean it first but if I mop regularly, the GC stays clean
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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as far as the uniforms are concerned a lot of people out there actually collect that stuff... in fact theres a guy i pass every time on the way to my grandmothers that has this huge sign on his front lawn thats says "i buy ANYTHING military related" so keep your eyes out someone will want it...

one of the most amazing things aside from bleach :) is the mr clean magic eraser... holy crap that thing is awesome... i use them everywhere (different ones of course) but you can use them in your kitchen, walls, bathrooms, cars... really theyre great for just about everything...

and the only "medicine" i will ever swear by is airborne... for those of you that dont know its this stuff created by a second grade teacher that was tired of getting sick.... you drop it in water like alka seltzer and chug... use it if you are starting to feel the oncomings of a cold... great immunity boost :)...

also for streak free windows---white vinegar and wipe them down with newspaper ;)
"life does throw curveballs sometimes but it doesn't mean we shouldn't still swing for the homerun" ~ me

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as far as the uniforms are concerned a lot of people out there actually collect that stuff... in fact theres a guy i pass every time on the way to my grandmothers that has this huge sign on his front lawn thats says "i buy ANYTHING military related" so keep your eyes out someone will want it...

I'd move away from this guy. Sounds like he's forming a militia. :D

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