
Couch FREAKS!!!!!

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JOE!!! Good to see you, can't wait to party w/ ya @ the boogie.

Don't worry, our t-shirts this year are WAY better than that (but we'll keep that one in mind for next year). We've got different ones for different days (or something like that, i don't attend the meetings), with each shirt being malicious (but in a loving way) towards a different freak.

7 days, 11 hours, 1 minutes, 45 seconds...

*SIGH*...just crossing my fingers that FedEx pulls some miracles and gets my canopy to me in time.

see ya soon,

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Are you ready kids???
aye, aye Captain!

Arg Maytees,

Looking forward to another great Couch Freaks this year. I think this will mark the 12th year that Zoomeeland has soiled the grounds of the Ft. Dodge airport. ;)

Zoomeeland is proud to be the party host on Thursday night. We've got some activities to help keep the natives from getting restless...

"The Wheel of Mis-Fortune": An opportunity to win many fabulous prizes (opportunity probably slim). If the sky-gods are in your favor, you could win a jump ticket! If you got bad karma on your back...well, you might find yourself drinking a beer off of your buddy's crack. :o Feeling lucky??

"Revenge of the Blister Brothers": Remember the Blister Sisters? Well, there was other spawn in their family too. We'll be introducing the Blister Brothers this year. They'll be serving various libations throughout the crowd, so keep an eye out for them. Oh, and in the event that one of them starts humping your leg for no apparent reason...just let him finish, its just easier that way.

Video and Tunes: We'll be playing various videos on the wall, and mixing out tunes for all to enjoy. Get yer' groove on.

"Fire Breathing shows": Paging Dr. Armstrong....please report to Zoomeeland....and bring your lighter. Everyone else...stand back.

"Free beer": Teacher...mother...secret lover....mmmm beer.

Hokey Pokey: You know what its all about. Now would be a good time to pick up some Nair.

"Streak n' Slide": If you are drunk and naked, and you are looking for something to do. Just watch out for tent stakes. :)

"Weenie Roast": If you are drunk and naked and cold and wet...stop by the Zoomeeland camp. We'll keep the torches lit and the fire on.

And you know what's crazy about all of this?? Its only Thursday night! So let loose, lower your inhibitions, and have fun. Its Couch Freaks...what happens here, stays here! (unless you are really good and happen to get reported on NPR or Letterman) (yes, its true).

I'll see all of you kiddies next week! Arg, Maytees!


PS: "Thong Thursday". Obviuously a rumor. Since when have you known us to wear anything? :$

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"Free beer": Teacher...mother...secret lover....mmmm beer. :$

Mmmmm beer - the cause, AND solution to all of life's little problems

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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"Streak n' Slide":

Oh my goodness!!!! Is that like a slip and slide for naked people?????? Please say someone is going to have a Slip N Slide!!!! I won't go naked, but that would be too much fun! :D
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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"Streak n' Slide":

Oh my goodness!!!! Is that like a slip and slide for naked people?????? Please say someone is going to have a Slip N Slide!!!! I won't go naked, but that would be too much fun! :D

In the right crowd, naked is comfortable and fun. Zoomieland is THE right crowd.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Here I can show you what not to wear to the Couch Freaks Polyester Party....and Bill-O the nekkid slip-n-sliding was definately a blast!

Beavers, why don't you show them the REAL picture of you at Freaks last year? You know that picture doesn't describe what really happen to you that night
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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Both of them!? You greedy bastard. You can have one, give the other one to Hobbs. Just FYI though, a better cam isn't going to make you a better camera flyer...;)j/k I don't think that flying your xaos would even rank in the top 5 of the stupidest things i've done at the boogie...go figure...

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Both of them!? You greedy bastard. You can have one, give the other one to Hobbs. Just FYI though, a better cam isn't going to make you a better camera flyer...;)j/k I don't think that flying your xaos would even rank in the top 5 of the stupidest things i've done at the boogie...go figure...

Watch out for Bill O driving the golf cart around! He threw my brother off it one year, and me off it the next year!! :D

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jeez, a cellphone gets broke, marc falls off, hutto gets hit, chewie gets run over, nimbus's wife puts a bounty on my head...i can't imagine why you would suggest to people to watch out for me and golf carts. come on, let them find out for themselves! B|

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Hey Beav, someone needs to post a frame grab of all you guys streak'n sliding. Your the one spread eagle in the middle on the couchfreaks video from last year right? I could probably find that and post it if you want.


"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."

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Damn, Beavers, that pic brings back some memories! No wait, almost. I think i drank away most of my brain cells that night, but i do vaguely remember all of the naughty acts that happened to you while you were passed out in that chair. :) I swear it wasn't me!

Drive safe, i'll party with ya in a week.

- Tenacious B

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I just mentioned Golf cart and Billo to Chewy and he growled....>:(>:(>:(. How could you mangle such a cute dog Billo? Jealous over penis size or not being able to tongue lash yer own?

Oh, and by the way, you swoop like a bitch in toggles.

death,as men call him, ends what they call men
-but beauty is more now than dying’s when

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OK OK I get the point. What happens at couch stays at couch.

I'll give you that 20 if you never mention that again.:D

We'll see ya up there Hixx.

"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."

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