
Napolean Dynamite

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Napoleon Dynamite sucked.

Lemme guess... you think formulaic cookie-cutter comedies are innovative and brilliant, right?

No, but Napoleon Dynamite, IMO, was a terrible movie. Just my $0.02 worth.
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Napoleon Dynamite sucked.

C'mon it was the Mormon's first shot at something other than a religious promo video. Give them some credit! The time machine thing was funny. "Wait! I almost forgot the magic crystals!"

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Haven't even seen it and I find it to be a constant source of annoyance.

Why not watch it, THEN make your mind up GOSHHH!? B|

I thought it was the sleeper hit of last year. You do need to have an ability to appreciate the subtlety of the humour and have an appreciation of off-the-wall comedy to really enjoy it though i think.

So far the only people who i have come across who didn't think it was hilarious were people that live in places like where it was based and see it as pointless because that's sort of what their life is like anyway, which i can understand.

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Napoleon Dynamite sucked.

Lemme guess... you think formulaic cookie-cutter comedies are innovative and brilliant, right?

Amen to standard-genre busting.
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I liked it...why did you think it was bad??? Didn't like it where the geeks won over the jocks and cheerleaders?

"Reveng of the Nerds" was funny. Napolean Dynamite sucked.

That's exactly what I was gonna say... Revenge of the Nerds rock! B|
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Well opinions are great, and the internet is a constant source of empassioned arguments about them, but they are still opinions.

If you are lucky people can tell you why they have them, ie "I dont like an FX canopy, cause the openings make me see stars" And then someone says "Oh, you need the H mod".

Other times people lack creativity, logic, linguistic ability, or just plain don't care. That is when you get generic "That sucks comments". In can only think a a few good uses for those, like "Your mom sucks" or your vaccuum sucks.

Now of course everyone has the right to make comments, but you know sometimes it is just silly. Would you go to an AA meeting and say "Sobreity sucks"? So, if you are gonna rain on a thread about something the author likes, at least explain your rain. Anyone can login and post a sux0rs my b0x0rs comment in about 15 seconds.

On the topic, I happen to love the movie. But even if I didn't I would say most of the movie goers in the country did, because the amount of response in the last year is amazing. I dont see too many Princess Diaries t shirts floating around the net. Pedro on the other hand is close to cult classic icon.

So....go watch what makes you happy. The rest of us will sit here and say "My lips hurt reaalll bad."

ANd oh yeah, you guys need this:

All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.

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It's one of those rare gems - squeaky clean and funny without beating you over the head with it. The awkwardness is priceless.

One of my favorite scenes: LaFawnduh climbs off the bus, packin' a smokin' hot blinged bod and 4-inch heels, takes one look at skinny, pasty, lispy little Kip holding a sign, giving her the eyebrows, and flips for him, squealing with delight.


you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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squealing with delight.


Tell me that wasn't an awesome moment. I dare you!

Jeez, I still get tears in my eyes when her huge smile breaks across her face... and when she gives Napolean her cousin's mix tape, it's so sweet and non-judgy of her...

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Haven't even seen it and I find it to be a constant source of annoyance.

I thought it was the sleeper hit of last year.

I haven't seen it either (though I plan to one of these days), but I'm not sure how one could call it a "sleeper hit"... I have had literally DOZENS of people in the past couple months tell me to see it. I'll admit the constant references to it everywhere I go get a bit old, but I'm still keeping an open mind about it.

As far as non-standard comedy... in my opinion the funniest movie I've seen in the past 5 years was Punch Drunk Love. I've forced so many people to watch that movie and nobody even cracked a smile at the parts where I was rolling around on the ground with my sides aching... [:/]

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I just didn't find it that funny.

I do appreciate films that deviate from the norm, just didn't really make me laugh that much. It had a few good moments but it sure wasn't the "OH MAN this is awesome" film that so many people make it out to be.
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Lemme guess... you think formulaic cookie-cutter comedies are innovative and brilliant, right?

Thanks suds....*slaps forehead* whatever....:S

er, uh.....meaning your comment was right on, and the second part is devoted to the poster who doesn't share the opinions of ppl who have a sense of humor and half a brain. wait, was that too harsh. Okay, they have a whole brain. damn, I'm no good at dealing with ppl who don't share my opinions. I am gonna have to work on that...starting tomorrow. ;)

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