
new Mac laptop.. what to get

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So I'm looking to get a new laptop, PC is seriously not an option, I'm tired of them and have been using a Mac desktop for a while now and I love it.

My desktop is an iMac G4 1Ghz 17", very nice, performs well.

What I want to do on my laptop is:
web browsing (postwhoring on this site)
video editting

all this is also done on my iMac and it works fine.. that's why I am wondering.. should I just go for an i Book, or get a powerbook..

Sell me on the powerbook? What are the big advantages over an iBook?

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Just picked up a Powerbook a few weeks ago. IMO, they are much nicer than the iBook - a much nicer user experience. The case is a solid aluminum, rather than cheap looking plastic. They have a bit more power, but not a lot.

The real problem with Mac laptops is that they can't put a G5 in them - too much heat. That's why Apple is moving to Intel chips starting next summer. If you can wait until then, I would suggest it. The developers that have prototypes are saying they are MUCH faster than the PowerPC chips.
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What I want to do on my laptop is:
web browsing (postwhoring on this site)
video editting
surf porn

There. I fixed it for you.

That's why I want a Mac, so I can focus.. most of the porn is windows media.. :P
Oh wait.. that plays on Mac too..

never mind.. I wanted to make myself look good, I guess I have to come up with a better defense.. B|

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If you are looking to replace your desktop with your new laptop, get a powerbook. It has more ports, including Firewire 800.

If you need a DVD burner, 12"iBook is out.

I have an iBook; my roommate has a Powerbook. His is more versatile; mine is more durable. (The hinge design is better on the iBook, and polycarbonate is tougher than super thin aluminum.)

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I've got an iBook and I love it.

An iBook should do everything you describe. However, if you're going to do serious video editing, you'll probably want an external hard drive also, whether you've got the powerbook or iBook.

If you can, call up your nearest Apple store and find out if they have an iBook with photoshop installed (sometimes they do). If not, ask if they can install it on one for you to try. They installed World of Warcraft on an iBook for me to try. It ran great!

I'm not sure if this is still true for the new generation iBooks, but previously, the biggest difference was that you could attach an external monitor to the powerbook to get more screen real estate. You could have a different image on the powerbook and the external monitor. The iBook would just mirror what was on the iBook screen onto the external monitor (there was a way to hack this to make it work like the powerbook, but it voided AppleCare, which you definitely want for a laptop).

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Love my iBook, but now wish I got 12in stead of 14in - they are just so darn portable. I've dragged it around the country all year and it's been to more boogies than many skydivers - tough little thing.
And, the white plastic is some fancy space shuttle stuff, purty as can be.
Good luck choosing, they are all soooo nice :)

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The real difference, if you're comparing 12" powerbook to 12" iBook is the dual-monitor support. iBooks can use external monitors, but it's always a mirror of the internal display, but a Powerbook can use the external monitor as extra desktop space - which is very nice for video editing. For that reason, I recommend PowerBook. I would wait a week at least to see if there are any new announcements - it's rumored there'll be an upgrade on Oct 12 - which would mean existing units could get cheaper or faster units could be available.

(Typed on a 12" Powerbook - 3 years old and going STRONG)
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