
Threesomes, jealously, and confusion...oh my

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I'm a regular poster but have to be anonymous because this is a matter I'm embarrassed to be dealing with, so I apologize for the anonymity. Here's the situation: My SO wants to have a threesome (as if that's different from any other guy). His obsession with it though comes from the fact that I previously had a threesome with 2 men (over 7 years ago...long before I met my current SO). I even intensely regret doing it, but for some reason it weighs heavily on my current SO. I want to do it to make him happy but due to jealousy issues I just don't know if I can handle it. I keep thinking "he wouldn't do this for me with another guy, so why should I do this for him with another girl?" Any and all thoughts would be appreciated. Have you done it? If so, was it for you or for someone else? Or if you have advice on overcoming jealousy issues, that would also be appreciated.

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I apologize for the joking in advance. I'm not touching that one with a 10 foot pole and the other guy pushing. :D

Seriously, if there were a jealousy issue or you think there will be one- don't do it.

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Ok, I haven't done it (in fact I haven't done anything...:P) but I think you've answered you're own question.


even intensely regret doing it...

You need to explain that to you're SO... and if he still "really wants it..." then well... [:/]
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I'd highly recommend against it, jealousy is already an issue and I don't see that changing. There are so many things other than jealousy to consider here. There is a very real possibility it would have a detrimental affect on your relationship.
What happened before you two were together is irrelevant to your current relationship. If he can't accept that then you need to sit down and have a long talk and consider where you really stand with each other.
The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

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Have him check out the movie The Sex Monster

Maybe he'll not be so willing to risk it. :P

It should be pretty good to just fantasize about it together. No risk and the fantasy can be perfect.

It could be very destructive.

edited to fix a wrong link.
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I'd highly recommend against it, jealousy is already an issue and I don't see that changing. There are so many things other than jealousy to consider here. There is a very real possibility it would have a detrimental affect on your relationship.
What happened before you two were together is irrelevant to your current relationship. If he can't accept that then you need to sit down and have a long talk and consider where you really stand with each other.


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I'm a regular poster but have to be anonymous because this is a matter I'm embarrassed to be dealing with, so I apologize for the anonymity. Here's the situation: My SO wants to have a threesome (as if that's different from any other guy). His obsession with it though comes from the fact that I previously had a threesome with 2 men (over 7 years ago...long before I met my current SO). I even intensely regret doing it, but for some reason it weighs heavily on my current SO. I want to do it to make him happy but due to jealousy issues I just don't know if I can handle it. I keep thinking "he wouldn't do this for me with another guy, so why should I do this for him with another girl?" Any and all thoughts would be appreciated. Have you done it? If so, was it for you or for someone else? Or if you have advice on overcoming jealousy issues, that would also be appreciated.

My advice is to *not* do it. I'll PM you.


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Well, i would suggest you get a video guy to record the episode. Then, let DZ.commers deceide if it was inappropriate. :D

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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I've seen this sort of thing cause problems before, it just isn't worth it. He may get to enjoy his fantasy but at what cost to the relationship? She said she did it before and regrets it, that says alot.
The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

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Tell him that "I just don't feel comfortable with this," and explain why.

After that. If he really loves you he won't bring it up again. If he dosen't care. Get a guy who's worth your time.
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Don't lie...Ok folks, The annonymous person is shannon. She called jello jay to fly out there for this 3some. can't you see them flirting with each other on the dublin thread..........
I can't believe your in hiding asking for advice?

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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I say go for it. More than likely the realtionship is falling apart anyway. :P

I've never had jealousy issues considering all the many, many, many, many, threesome, foursomes & outright orgies I've been involved in over the years. Some of my fondest memories are still captured on video tape. My college days wore me out for a few years but was able to recover by going through a 12 step program. :) I've completely recovered.

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Don't lie...Ok folks, The annonymous person is shannon. She called jello jay to fly out there for this 3some. can't you see them flirting with each other on the dublin thread..........
I can't believe your in hiding asking for advice?

Oh honey, I learned long ago that threesomes were a bad idea. (unless it's someone neither of you know and they're totally hot and you'll never see them again and it doesn't cost that much).


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Sex is voluntary. Pleasing your partner doesn't mean doing something that makes you feel bad, especially when it will inevitably destroy your relationship because it made you feel bad.

Fantasy has a place, but bringing it into real life is most often a very bad idea, unless both you and your partner have a very well-defined sense of who you are and what you can handle.

The alt.polyamory faq has some good information, particularly the supplemental faq on how to fuck up. You might want to read that for an idea of what can go wrong.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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