
Threesomes, jealously, and confusion...oh my

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I love my husbands take on the whole girl/girl thing, but I'll let him explain...

Really, why men want their SO to get it on with another girl puzzles me. While I might have a chance to compete with another man, no way in hell can I compete with another woman!

By the way, sex with others without jealousy from either SO is very beautiful in thought , but oh so difficult in practice!

Good luck with your situation....do what feels right for you!

Beautiful Landings!


Have a yippee ki ya day!

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Do you have any desire to be with a woman? As someone suggested above, maybe it would sate him (and you) just be be in bed with both of you, but with you inbetweem him & the other girl. Or it could be a big frustrating tease, YMMV

If not, absolutely not. here's why:

These things can turn into a can of worms even when everyone is into the idea from the start.

Having someone begruggingly enter into such an endavour, especially with as strong of feelings as you have against it, is tantamount to deciding to break up..... after your heart is broken by being present for that, of course.

There's a big difference between begruggingly dressing up for some goofy fantasy of his, and letting him fuck someone else.

Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

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You don't. If you don't want to do something and he's trying to force you or guilt you into it then in my opinion he's a big jackass that doesn't really give a shit about you or your feelings. If you don't want to do it, don't do it. Seriously. If he doesn't like it, tell him to get lost.

Totally and unequivocally agreed.


ditto. If he keeps up this monkey business about a threesome, then he'll soon be playing solitaire....
Scars remind us that the past is real

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Don't you girls talk about these things when you go to the bathroom together?!


You guys would love to know what we do in the bathroom together, wouldn't you? :ph34r:
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Don't you girls talk about these things when you go to the bathroom together?!


You guys would love to know what we do in the bathroom together, wouldn't you? :ph34r:

didn't two carolina panthers cheerleaders get caught in the bathroom....ah..nevermind...:D:D:D
Scars remind us that the past is real

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Don't you girls talk about these things when you go to the bathroom together?!


You guys would love to know what we do in the bathroom together, wouldn't you? :ph34r:

didn't two carolina panthers cheerleaders get caught in the bathroom....ah..nevermind...:D:D:D

Dammit! Those cheerleaders blew our cover!


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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You guys would love to know what we do in the bathroom together, wouldn't you? :ph34r:

I'm guessing that a lot of the same stuff that goes on in here...

Also goes on in the bathroom...


btw: I still haven't gone to the Women's forum... :)
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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I would tend to agree with you. So if this is the case, what's the solution? Keep the past a secret, away from the sensitive ego, and hope it doesn't get uncovered later? Let the past out, and get stuck in a situation like this one? Somewhere in between?

People generally don't find out unless you blab. Generally, people don't come up and let you in on your SOs past. Occasionally, another chick will want to be hurtful and bust them.

In Tampa, there is the Orlando trip (this works both ways). When Tampa girls want to discretely party, they go to O-town for the weekend. Nobody is going to find what they did 40 miles away.

Instead of the average guy, no commitment scores the two hottie guys. Double the attention.


Hoping that the "first" will lead to a "second" and that the guy's desire to have a 3-some will diminish over time.

For most guys, 3-somes are ego, not sex. One really interested woman can wear a guy out. 3-somes are adventure stories. "This one time, at band camp..."

She just needs to figure out what he likes and do a lot of that instead of the 3-some. Give him a story that both of them could repeat.

If both people are on the same wavelength, it sometimes works. However, she isn't. She's moving closer and he's doing a thing that is distancing her.

One set of rules for everybody. That includes the direction things are taking.

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The only advice that I can give you is that you have to be TOTALLY comfortable with it!!!!!!!!! If you decide to do it.......you MUST have ground rules set up before you do it!!!! If you decide not to and he is not ok with it.......GET A NEW MAN THAT IS WORTH YOUR TIME!!!!!!!! or try and come up with some sort of compromise!!!!!

till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates....
In skydiving, the only thing that stops you is the ground..............
PMS# 472 Muff #3863 TPM#95

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I've never had a threesome with another girl, and that's what he's asking for.

Ahhh, my misunderstanding - you did say that, didn't you. Ooops, I overlooked that in all my excitement! :$

Speaking of excitement, I have to know one thing: did the guys just take turns bouncing up and down on you, or was it both at the same time? I've seen it in movies, but that's all acting for the camera; how does it happen in real life? Did the guys 'high five' each other during the act?

Heh, heh - your new nickname can be 'fingercuffs'. :D Ok, enough screwing with your head. ;)

I'm really shocked that you told him about your past sexual escapades. Alot of guys (myself included) are very competitive, and it's human nature - you know, natural selection and all. We always want to out do the other guy, this is particularly true in sexual experiences. Ego? Absolutely!

Personally, I'm not sure that I'd want to visualize two guys tag teaming someone I loved. Hell, I've done some pretty sexually degrading things to girls before and they're hilarious stories, but I wouldn't want a loved one knowing that I'm capable of such antics - hence I'll never tell them.

Back to your original question - all guy's want threesome's, (those of you who don't, get back in the closet! :D), so of course he's going to playfully bring it up from time to time. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. It's a small price you have to pay for your actions. Now if he's really pushing for this, that's just being disrespectful, and you'll probably end up resenting him down the road as a result. Lack of respect is usually a precurser (not always) to worse things, ie. cheating, beating, lying, etc. :(

You're not without blame though - you can't expect him to have more respect for your body, than you do yourself... [:/]

Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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You're not without blame though - you can't expect him to have more respect for your body, than you do yourself... [:/]


I think you're missing the point here. She did it when she was young. Not yesterday. People experiment with things when they're young to find out what they like and don't like. She's embarrassed about it and she wouldn't do it again so she obviously didn't like it. That doesn't mean she doesn't respect herself. Now if she lets him make her do the threeway when she doesn't want to, that would mean she didn't respect herself.

Believe it or not, some people (like myself) believe that you need to be totally honest with your significant other in order for them to understand you completely. There's nothing wrong with talking about your past and if they can't handle it then maybe they just aren't the right one for you.

So there!



(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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You're not without blame though - you can't expect him to have more respect for your body, than you do yourself...

How was she disrespectful of her body?

And even if she was (but she wasn't), it is her body, and if she chooses to treat it disrespectfully, it does not confer on another the right to do the same.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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And even if she was (but she wasn't), it is her body, and if she chooses to treat it disrespectfully, it does not confer on another the right to do the same.

Well this is the problem with jealously, and confusion and bitterness and untruthfulness and differing moral values of the different people involved and the outsiders people let in.

I really can turn out to be a mess. More often than not it precedes a break-up.

Do it outside of serious realtionships. Or within extremely stong ones.

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All guys want threesomes huh? :S:S:S

There are some guys out there, who's woman is woman enough for them.;) Please don't make generalizations about all men. ( do you know every single man and have you asked them if they want a threesome? no? didn't think so:|) :S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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People experiment with things when they're young to find out what they like and don't like.

Yup, I agree. But sometimes there are things I just don't want to know about...


Believe it or not, some people (like myself) believe that you need to be totally honest with your significant other in order for them to understand you completely.

A book I read once had this story (paraphrased): One morning, a woman asked her husband to think of twelve things he'd like to change about her. That evening, he returned home with twelve roses and said that he couldn't think of a single thing about her that he wanted to change.

The guy isn't being totally honest, everybody has flaws. You believe this was the wrong answer? He should have been totally honest and listed her flaws? I think he did the right thing, even if he wasn't being honest.

My point here is that honesty isn't always best.

Ignorance is bliss! There are some things I'm content being ignorant about. Girls pooping, and where they pee from are two of them.

So THERE!!! :P
Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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Ignorance is bliss! There are some things I'm content being ignorant about. Girls pooping, and where they pee from are two of them.

So THERE!!! :P

There. I fixed it for you. :P Yeah I really don't want to watch my SO going poop either but I know he does it.

If you feel like your history is so bad that you can't tell the person you love then I guess you don't trust them enough with it.

I'm not saying I know everything here, I'm just giving my opinion. I've had to break up with someone because they used stuff I did in the past against me and constantly brought it up. They were too immature to deal with it. And yet I was supposed to be ok with the things he did (sexual and non). So I said goodbye.

The man I'm with now knows every dirty little secret about me and he still loves me for it. He doesn't use any of it against me and I'd never use anything he ever told me against him but I feel like I know him very well because we're so honest with each other. Damn I'm lucky.


Girls have a vagina.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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do you know every single man and have you asked them if they want a threesome?

Nope. I haven't asked all men if they have a penis either, but I think it's a fairly accurate generalization.


There are some guys out there, who's woman is woman enough for them.

It's not about 'being enough', it's about the trophy, the accomplishment, the bragging rights, and yes, ego. You girls aren't any better - you girls flock over Leonardo Decaprio (sp?), it's because he's a movie star - a trophy. If he were a pizza delivery guy, you girls wouldn't give him the time of day.

Women tend to be emotionally attracted, whereas men are physically attracted.

Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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A book I read once had this story (paraphrased): One morning, a woman asked her husband to think of twelve things he'd like to change about her. That evening, he returned home with twelve roses and said that he couldn't think of a single thing about her that he wanted to change.

The guy isn't being totally honest, everybody has flaws.

Yes everyone has flaws. The wife asked for 12 things he would change. Its our individual flaws that make us unique. Its the flaws we love. If everyone was perfect - where's the fun in that? I'd just go to Wal-mart to pick up a perfect mate at a good price.

So the guy was honest - he didn't say she had no flaws - just there was nothing he wanted to change.

Now that my friends is one way to define true love.
Scars remind us that the past is real

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There. I fixed it for you.

Brat! ;)

I know the general area girls pee from... duh. :S I just don't know exactly where it comes out, and I don't want to know! I'll think about it every time I go down there - it'll ruin me... :$

My history isn't 'so bad', but I've done things in my life I'm not proud of, I don't like thinking of them myself, so I certainly don't want others, especially a loved one, thinking about them. It's not a matter of trust.
Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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All guys want threesomes huh? :S:S:S

There are some guys out there, who's woman is woman enough for them.;) Please don't make generalizations about all men. ( do you know every single man and have you asked them if they want a threesome? no? didn't think so:|) :S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S:S

Ok, I think I've made it pretty clear that I like women--a lot!

I'm not interested in a threesome at all. I'd rather have one truly extraordinary woman who loves me and really, really means it.


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