
They are done!!

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The final outcome!


Nice job! How refreshing to see 'real' wood stairs and wood work. Most home I've been in over the years, the woodwork was painted![:/] You really did a good job. The finished work is beautiful.


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Looks like you forgot a piece of tape on the wall in the last pic. Nice job it looks professionally done. Have you tested it yet for sturdiness. Having drunk skydivers over someone is going to try and slid down it.

CSA #699 Muff #3804

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Trust me...it was a shit ton of work to do! I have all the pictures to prove it. I used to have a web site that showed pictures of the construction update, but it crashed because I overloaded it. If I ever get it back up I will post the link.

The very original house was a stilt house built in the 70s. They enclosed the bottom in the 90s, but kept the stairs on the outside. To get upstairs, when I first bought it, you had to go outside up the stairs and back inside. So, I took on the project of enclosing the staircase and making a beautiful Oak Staircase.


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***one of these days you will have to stop by and take a look at them personally.

"I'm not a gynecologist but I will take a look at it"
RB #1295, Smokey Sister #1, HellFish #658, Dirty Sanchez #194, Muff Brothers #3834, POPS #9614, Orfun Foster-Parent?"

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Yey! :)

My dad did all the design and cutting. I did all the wood work of sanding and finishing

Way to go, babe!:P My daddy and I used to do the same things together. Not only was he (retired now) a big-time, suit-wearing, always-out-of-town business man, but a ROYAL do-it-yourselfer and take-it-apart-er, and all of the above:D

He's a big boy, and always needed a smaller set of hands. He preferred to call them "learning experiences"[:/]:D I don't think there's any home improvement I haven't done---I even recently wired a new circuit breaker in my house:D

Strange, but true;)
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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The cast of characters:

Dad (design/cutting)
Jean (sanding/finishing)
Bob (psycho punching)
Assorted skydivers (slide-testing)
Les (fall-testing after punch)

Looks great, Jean...so when's the stair-warming party?
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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"changing oil"

Let's not go there...

OK, I will;) My father....>:(...despite that I bought my own car at 15 (OK it was a GEO Metro but it's all I could afford and his only rule was that it be brand new)...would NOT let me drive it (did I mention I BOUGHT IT!) until I changed the oil & a tire>:(:D

Looking back I'm SOOOOO thankful he did the things he did. But imagine being a know-it-all-prissy 15-year-old in this situation:P
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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