
Who has quit for something...then returned?

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Just curious. I plan on selling my rig and using the money to get the highest ranking for my job...Master Professional.

Just wondering who else out there has quit, then came back?

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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I can't see myself selling my rig for any reason. Especially for just the dollar amount. It'll cost MUCH more to replace it than it will bring at sale. Just take an extra couple months and save up?!?!?!?! This being said........I can't skydive for 90 days at a time but I haven't quite. I get 30 days off between each 90 day rotation. I never get as many jumps as I want but I'm sticking with it.

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Its not so much the amount that I jump, its the fact that I dont want to be out for 2 years and have $4G in a rig sitting there when I can use that money to further my education.

Just kind of curious who is out there who has done the same and what they thought and would they do it again?

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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Well..........you're using the money to make a solid investment in your future. I'm doing the same thing right now with my time. I work over seas because it will allow me to retire FAR earlier than I would if I was working in the US. It'll all pay off in a few years.

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I didn't exactly quit, but I took a couple of years out because it was causing issues with my whuffo SO.

Now I'm back and jumping every time I can get out... it's not all bad.

(OK, so not many people (myself included) would say skydiving is better than sex. But is lack of skydiving worse than lack of sex? Right now, I tend towards "yes".)
"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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I quit in 1981 when I got married and didn't jump again 'til 2003. Sold the rig in '82, to a kid who was just getting into the sport and we worked out a deal that made the two of us both VERY happy.

My wife never made me quit by the way, she never even asked me to. It's just a case of life having its "chapters" and it's always time to be turning the pages if you don't want to keep doing the same old shit. The kids came during the eighties, and while I know plenty of jumpers with small children, I personally couldn't justify the risk with so much at stake. Now I'm back and I bought a lovely rig for a reasonable $3 1/2 grand, all told.

If you're selling your rig to help pay for your education, you'll be worth more money after getting your degree. You get a better job, whip out the plastic and go deeper in debt like a good American - it's good for the economy. Either that or we'll be out of oil and you won't be left holding a rig you can't use anyway, so don't worry about it. The education is more important.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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Either that or we'll be out of oil and you won't be left holding a rig you can't use anyway

There's enough oil in Alberta to power the entire world for something like 50 years. But you Yanks need to be nice to us Ice-Backs if you want us to share it with you. Then again you could always use your military to take it from us. But let's not go down that route since we wouldn't want to have Joe's thread moved into the Speaker Corner. :ph34r:

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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I'm in a situation very similar to yours.
I'm starting med school, so for the next 2-3 years I won't have enough free time to jump with any regularity to stay current. I was therefore thinking about selling my rig and using the money to pay off some CC debt.
After some thought, I'm going to owe an incredible amount of money (~$250 - 300K), and will be indentured servant (resident) making very little money (much less than now). I will more than likely not have money to buy gear, so F it. I'M KEEPING IT.

Your situation is different than mine, because your education will result in more money in a relatively short term.

So if you know that you're not going to be jumping, sell your gear and hook up a new jumper. Everybody wins.
That's how I got my baby:)
You'll probably be able to buy nice color coordinated brand new gear.
Inveniam Viam aut Faciam
I'm back biatches!

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I quit smoking and then started back up again a few years later. Never have quit jumping. Don't really want to either. I'd rather sell my truck off and have to walk and bum rides then sell my gear.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I quit and came back. Family issues, and a change of jobs and education and the like. I quit in '81, with a few jumps here and there until about 5 years ago, when I came back. Never sold my gear, but it was out of date/style big time, so upgraded to something a little more modern.

I wish I had never quit, but I know it was for the best. I used to say I wasn't retired, just inactive.

If you want it bad enough, it'll still be here when you're ready for it again.

. . . . .
"Make it hard again." Doc Ed

“A person needs a little madness, or else they never dare cut the rope and be free” Nikos Kazantzakis

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mmm, I quit men and then went back.
I tended to save money and work harder and get more and better work when I am on my own. Not to mention skydiving more.
But inevitably, I end up going back when the skydiving does not cover the sexual frustration anymore.

If you are not going to be jumping for a while and for a good cause, I would sell the rig now, get a good market related price and but a new one - better technology in a year or so when you have more money from your new highly paid job.

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Twitter: @Dreamskygirlsa

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If you are not going to be jumping for a while and for a good cause, I would sell the rig now, get a good market related price and but a new one - better technology in a year or so when you have more money from your new highly paid job.

Too bad you can't sell the men when you decide to quit them. :D
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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I gave up in '94 due to serious wife issues. I was at a comp in Australia and the deal was to pack it up at the end of the Meet. I gave my rig and all other saleable bits to a local dealer and that was it.

I lasted all of 7 months. Returned to the team and never really looked back after that.

Very difficult putting all the gear back together again. Not just the rig, but jumpsuit, alti, and all the other bits and pieces trhat you take with you to the DZ.

(Had to change wives, but that's another story...)

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I have a couple times. It was not a bad decision either time. Once, in medical school, I sold my gear to buy Jay's Christmas presents when there was just not much cash flow (and the ex sure as heck wasn't gonna chip in).

Putting jumping off for a little while isn't the same as quitting. There are other things in my life that are more important than skydiving, and it's always fun to come back. :)

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Cool...thanks for the replies everyone.

My plan is to sell it and use the money for education. Then next summer buy a new rig again with the knowledge I have aquired in regards to the sport.

I just dont want to take 5 yearsoff and have a rig sitting there just depreciating.

PS-didnt skymama quit?:P
For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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First jump was 1977. I quit in 1980 to get a degree and raise 4 kids. When the last kid graduated, I started back up. Miss it? Yeah, Regrets, not many -- my main resposibilty was raising 4 good kids. I did that. Now I'm having fun ... skydiving and being a grandparent.;)


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