
How have you gotten out of a traffic ticket?

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because I saw on 20/20 about guys who use lights just like his to pull women over and rape them
And not pulling over is a GOOD thing. Unless you go into a crowded parking lot.
Be yourself!

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I got out of a ticket in a really weird way...

I'd just gotten a new celtic/folk album in the mail that I'd been waiting for forever, and I was listening to it. The musician, Heather Alexander (who is pretty much responsible for me getting into skydiving, but you'll have to read my logbook on my website for that story), isn't well known, but has quite a cult following.

So, I'm driving along listening to my new CD when I see those blue and red flashing lights. I rolled the window down, but for some reason didn't turn the music off. The cop comes up to the window and says "License and registra -- Is that Heather's new album?!" We chatted for a few minutes about Heather (she was in town playing the following night and the cop was annoyed that he was stuck working and couldn't go), and then he told me to have a nice day, and added "by the way, slow down!"

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I got out of a ticket in a really weird way...

I'd just gotten a new celtic/folk album in the mail that I'd been waiting for forever, and I was listening to it. The musician, Heather Alexander (who is pretty much responsible for me getting into skydiving, but you'll have to read my logbook on my website for that story), isn't well known, but has quite a cult following.

So, I'm driving along listening to my new CD when I see those blue and red flashing lights. I rolled the window down, but for some reason didn't turn the music off. The cop comes up to the window and says "License and registra -- Is that Heather's new album?!" We chatted for a few minutes about Heather (she was in town playing the following night and the cop was annoyed that he was stuck working and couldn't go), and then he told me to have a nice day, and added "by the way, slow down!"

Good one! Since I don't have cleavage, conversation is the next best thing.
Be yourself!

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Yep. Los Alamitos, CA. About 1998. I got pulled over. I didn't know why. Up came the single hottest cop I'd ever seen, but that's beside the point.

After running my info, she asked if I knew why I was stopped. I said, "No." She said I was doing 40 mph, to which I told her, "Yes, I was. That's the speed limit." She said "Not over the bridge" over Coyote Creek. "It's 35."

I said, "40 before the bridge - 35 on the bridge - and 45 after the bridge?" She nodded, so I said, "Do what you have to do."

She let me off with a warning.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Yep. Los Alamitos, CA. About 1998. I got pulled over. I didn't know why. Up came the single hottest cop I'd ever seen, but that's beside the point.

After running my info, she asked if I knew why I was stopped. I said, "No." She said I was doing 40 mph, to which I told her, "Yes, I was. That's the speed limit." She said "Not over the bridge" over Coyote Creek. "It's 35."

I said, "40 before the bridge - 35 on the bridge - and 45 after the bridge?" She nodded, so I said, "Do what you have to do."

She let me off with a warning.

The question is...what did you do to deserve that warning ;)
Be yourself!

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I probably didn't try to bullshit my way out of it.

Ummm ok, but I did ;) And it worked so who cares.

Most people don't dig my he-hooters. [:/]

Oh, I so didn't go there..I just had to giggle this time:ph34r:
Be yourself!

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Now that being said I manage to get at least a ticket every 6 months or so and I am pulled over more often. I never make excuses anymore unless having a lead foot is an excuse, I apologize (ever since the time I said I was speeding because I was sick and had to get to the bathroom, I got a police escort and he waited outside while I ran in... I came back to a written warning)

Dang... If I were you, I'd invest in a really good radar detector (I like the Valentine 1). Warns you over a mile away, usually giving you plenty of time to slow down.

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Now that being said I manage to get at least a ticket every 6 months or so and I am pulled over more often. I never make excuses anymore unless having a lead foot is an excuse, I apologize (ever since the time I said I was speeding because I was sick and had to get to the bathroom, I got a police escort and he waited outside while I ran in... I came back to a written warning)

Dang... If I were you, I'd invest in a really good radar detector (I like the Valentine 1). Warns you over a mile away, usually giving you plenty of time to slow down.

Oh I so need that in L.A.
Be yourself!

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I don't really know what I've done to get out of them.

I guess I'm just honest with them and they've always let me go.

"Are you in a hurry, ma'am?" "No, just have a heavy foot."

Once, though, I REALLY had to pee and when the officer came to my car I pleaded for him to follow me to a restroom so I could pee first and then give him my license and all that junk. I think he saw the near tears in my eyes and he let me go w/out looking at anything.

But the rest of the times---I don't know---just honesty I guess.

I've mentioned before I've been pulled over for speeding 32 times. I've had 8 tickets. The first ticket was from a really mean/rude female state trooper---cut me a break, lady, it's 2 a.m. there is NO-ONE on the road and I just want to get home and get some sleep>:(. The ones after that I got b/c I had just received that first and b/c it was so recently on my record and so-on and so-on---but NONE of them were for the speed I was actually going EXCEPT the evil state trooper lady. Boy was she pissy.

Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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Well, a few actually but one memorable one...

Late night, me and wife in borrowed POS car, stoned, going to friends house with stash.

Me: Whassup?
Cop: You were weaving. Step out of the car.
Me: I was in my lane.
Cop: You didn't cross the line but you were weaving. Blow into my face.
Me: Uh...you don't want to do that. I have really bad smoker's breath.
Cop: Do it anyway.
Me: OK!?
Cop: Well, I don't smell alcohol on your breath.
Me: I'm telling you it was this POS car. It drives like it's falling apart and the steering wheel...Look at it! It's a tiny little thing. One of those chromed "chain" wheels.
Cop: OK, just be more careful.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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all you peeps listen up

want to know how to get out of a ticket..at least in GEORGIA??

when stoped..officer will ask you "is there any lawful reason you were speeding"

you answer is.."I have to shit as i have diarrhea

it goes back to old english law ..a person can't be forced to soil his pants in publik

however you can be made to urinate in public????

also if you are armed tell him as soon as stoped
do not let him DISCOVER you are armed


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I have been let go so many times it's ridiculous...

NEVER LIE TO THE COP, he may not be an asshole, but will be if you lie...it's only a ticket relax;)

Keep your importand IDs and Business cards in easy view in your wallet...COPS hate to give tickets when doing so makes them a shithead;)

It's always nice to remember to say thankyou and remind them to stay safe.:)
I like it when I drive away even in Macon Co GA with nothing from the cop except " well sir, you have a nice day and be on your way!"B|

I was once let go for 170mph in a 55mph zone, I will refrain from stating where:|

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Thats not a way to get out of a ticket, no they cant force you to use the restroom outside and as a matter a fact its against the law to go to the bathroom outside isnt it (come on law junkies lol) but you have no legal right to speed. Even cops technicually cant speed, nor firefighters etc. There is no lawful reason to speed ever... its always against the law. Ive been pulled over at least 10 times in georgia and have never been asked that question. Most the time werent even asked why I was speeding.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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Being female and cute helps, alot! Cleavage or otherwise. My problem is that I always see their side of the story. Well, I was speeding, wasn't supposed to be, how about that ticket?:S

Now I just keep it under 10 over and I'm ok.

Seriously, W.T.F. mate?

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1st attempted pull over - got away. I had just got my license (and *that* car) and doing 90 in a 65, I knew I was in big trouble. Highway offramps right after the crest of a hill can be your friend. :)

- 4 years go by -

1st successful pullover - got a verbal for reckless/careless driving. He came back after running my license laughing and said, "I see you just got your license back a short while ago." Long story behind that... >:(

- 4 months go by -

2nd successful pullover - got a verbal for speeding - 80 in a 65. When asked 'do you have any reason for going that fast?' - answered with 'no, sir'. Honesty is definitly the best policy. ;)

- 6 months go by -

3rd successful pullover - got a verbal for a headlight out. G/f was drunk and I was driving her and her car home - guessed it to be a typical OWI check. [:/]

Sounds like now that the Vancouver City Police are doing random pull overs of motorcyclists for spot checks of license endorsements and insurance. So I'm sure I rack up a few more pull overs before the months end. :)

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I don't. The last ticket was really annoying. I got it for not using my turn signal...which I really did use (no matter how bad of a driver I am...I always use my turn signals.) There was a problem with my car, though, so the lights didn't actually flash when I used my signal. I could've contested it, but, since I didn't have vacation time accrued yet, it would've cost me more to take off work than to pay the ticket.

I also got towed when they passed a law but didn't post any signs. Once again, I could've gone to court, but it would've cost more to take off work.

I hate driving. I love the train.

Thats called a burned out bulb.:P:D


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T... but you have no legal right to speed. Even cops technicually cant speed, nor firefighters etc. There is no lawful reason to speed ever...

Not so. When we are in operation of an emergency vehicle with proper warning devices activated, we are permitted to exceed posted speeds by no more than 20 mph in the state of VA, although some organizations have SOPs that limit you to 10 over.

In your personal vehlicle responding to a call, you are permitted to place warning lights in your car, and believe me, if you've ever lived in a small country town, you've seen personal vehicles with lightbars and such. However, if a cop sees you breaking the posted limit like that......man, you had better hope that they are your good friend, are on the way to the same call, or that the world is ending.

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