
"Da Vinci Code" sucked!

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Doesn't even come close!

Take my warning:

If you enjoyed the book, DO NOT go see the movie. They don't deserve your six bucks. Do yourself a favor and go buy 2 gallons of over-priced gas and help make Exxon execs rich. At least THEY make a product that you can get some use out of.

Six bucks for the movies, and 2 bucks a gallon for gas? I am moving to wherever you are.. ha ha..
How about 3.50 for gas and 10 bucks for the movies.. :S

Dang.. there goes my Friday night entertainment.. would it be good if I went to the movies really drunk? Or would it still suck?

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What made you think they could make an intersting movie out of a crappy, boring, boring, crappy book?

If you want a good documentary, rent Gunner Palace. Great choice for Memorial Day.

Holy shit, I almost agree with briguy....let this dat fall in history.

The book was a quick read, and a fun little story, but beyond that it was poorly written shite. Can't wait for the movie.

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I loved it.

Yes I was a fan of the book and loved the book and felt the movie was a direct depiction of the book.
If you have read the story there are no surprises.
It was a nice story and the art work was awesome.
I loved the screen shots and the camera work was excellent.
I thought Tom played a good role and the female lead is beautiful.

I was worried that it would take some creative licence away from the book, but if this is what they did with Da Vinci Code, I cannot wait for Angels and Demons.

Really guys, go see it with an open mind and see for the story.

It was over hyped, but what major movie is not.

I liked it and would get the DVD to see again.

Oh, and I won a PSP for deciphering the code in the cinema house competition... So it was worth bunking a half day of work to go see!! B|

I think true friendship is under-rated

Twitter: @Dreamskygirlsa

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The sad thing is, there are alot of people who want this movie to be good, so they will say it is good no matter what.

The exact same phenomenon occurred recently with “United 93”.

I usually check out movie reviews at www.rottentomatoes.com

If they score 90% or higher, something is fishy and there seems to be a bias. If a movie scores 70-80% then it’s probably a really good movie on it’s own merit.

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X-men 3 comes out in a week. It looks sweeeeeeet.

They have so ruined the whole character/timeline thing. You just have to accept it as "Hollywood's version" of the XMen. (shakes head at juvie style rogue)

I will probably go see Da Vinci tonight though. I'm amused at how much Da Vinci/Masonic stuff is on A&E/Discovery....

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They have so ruined the whole character/timeline thing. You just have to accept it as "Hollywood's version" of the XMen. (shakes head at juvie style rogue)

at least they are finally getting angel and beast into the story. they are original x-men.


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They have so ruined the whole character/timeline thing. You just have to accept it as "Hollywood's version" of the XMen. (shakes head at juvie style rogue)

Considering the expansive history of the Xmen as well as the deep, and multiple plot/story lines (hheheheh...deep....multiple....) I think they've done a great job so far.

Unfortunately there's simply no way they could have stuck with the original back stories for 2 movies that were about 2hrs in length.

Same for Spidey, although they seem to be leaning towards the Ultimate universe in the new one.

To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu

It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer

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I didn't read the book because, I thought, I'd wait for the movie. After the reviews here, I think, I'll just keep my money.


hey Chuck, when we can rent it for a buck, I'm in! If you and me and eigth other people watch it together, we'll have fun and only spend 10 cents apiece. Bet it's worth that much!
Not only that, bet we can come up with a drinking game to it!
[email protected]

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It's getting pretty bad reviews from most places and is another movie that was hyped up WAY too much.

That's too bad. It will be interesting to see if this film has a good opening weekend after so many bad reviews. I've already moved it to the "rent the DVD in six months" category. I am enjoying the book right now, on the entertainment level of a pot boiler murder mystery and nothing more.

The hell with Tom Hanks and Opie, I'm just sorry to see Audrey Tautou dragged down in this. She's been one of my faves ever since "Amelie". I figure Ian McKellan is a tough old bird who can take care of himself.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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I didn't read the book because, I thought, I'd wait for the movie. After the reviews here, I think, I'll just keep my money.


hey Chuck, when we can rent it for a buck, I'm in! If you and me and eigth other people watch it together, we'll have fun and only spend 10 cents apiece. Bet it's worth that much!
Not only that, bet we can come up with a drinking game to it!


I'm there, doodette!:D


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I'm just sorry to see Audrey Tautou dragged down in this. She's been one of my faves ever since "Amelie".

Damn that was her?

This movie can only be good to be associated with but it really did suck and i dont think it was the actors fault, they just did not seem to really have anything to act about.

I can't wait for the sequel!

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Well, I suppose I can go see "Over the Hedge" instead... :)

Went to see DaVinci code it was sold out. I wanted to se "Over The Hedge" but the other party involved was not interested.
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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Well, I suppose I can go see "Over the Hedge" instead... :)

Went to see DaVinci code it was sold out. I wanted to se "Over The Hedge" but the other party involved was not interested.

so... what did you see instead? anything?

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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just took the one hour drive home instead.

from all the reviews, (except the latest from sarah that you and I just posted too), your hour trek was probably more edifying than the movie.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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If we took enough poo put it under high temp and preassure for long enough do you think it is theoretically possible to convert it into fossil fuels.
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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