
What is the weirdest thing your cat/dog does?

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My family has a male cat less than a year old. This is its first spring outside. He's a very layed back cat with my kids, and in the house. Outside, he's killing everything: chipmunks, squirrels, birds, moles, hornets (oops, no he didn't get that one, and hasn't tried again).

Our female cat is very skittish. She's just starting to go outside.
We are all engines of karma

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I once had a cat that refused to let me sleep in late on weekend mornings. She tried everything to wake me but I would never budge...

until she figured out licking my EYELASHES got me up in a hurry! :o:S>:(

I used to have a cat that would sleep with me all night, but wake up 5-10 minutes before me every morning and head off to his litter box to do his business. I couldn't understand how he knew when I would be getting up, but he had me waking up to the smell of cat-shit every single day, regardless of whether I was getting up early or sleeping in. After months of this, I finally realized it was either the sound or smell of the auto-timed coffee firing up in the kitchen that clued him in. :S:D

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Our dog always wants in on the action when my boyfriend and I are hugging. If we ignore Jonah for too long he'll tackle us both and force us to pet/hug him too. Most of the time I'll come home, give Jeff a quick hug, and then we share a 3 way hug with Jonah.:)


"Life is a temporary victory over the causes which induce death." - Sylvester Graham

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and I lived with 7 other women :oB|

And, the problem was?

Um yeah....8 women in one house = somone is always using feminine thingys + dog digging said feminine thingys out of trash = [insert puke icon here]

Not to mention everyone getting on the same cycle after a while... could be a major set of "the growls"!!!
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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the cat was a sick feral, one of 4. we ended up keeping her because one of my dogs and her became attached after the other 3 were adopted out. she brought the cat up, the cat now acts like a dog and is confused. the nightly occurence is they will pace back and forth through the rooms right next to each other, and then the dog humps her. the dog is also female.

see attached.

HK MP5SD.........silence is golden

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the cat was a sick feral, one of 4. we ended up keeping her because one of my dogs and her became attached after the other 3 were adopted out. she brought the cat up, the cat now acts like a dog and is confused. the nightly occurence is they will pace back and forth through the rooms right next to each other, and then the dog humps her. the dog is also female.

see attached.

That's just wrong on all levels. :D:o:D

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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My dog likes to run around the couch and then the table in a figure 8 and then he hops up on the couch and sits on the edge of it like a cat does....

When I come home from college, he knows I'm home so he'll go smell my bookbag and shoes and go wait by the door until I get back from whereever...not really weird, but cute nonetheless
Puttin' some stank on it.

----Hellfish #707----

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We cage our dog during the day. Before going in the cage he has to run around it at least one full time.
he too makes a human sound when he yawns.
when the alarm clock goes off he trotts over and noses it.
when you come home from anywhere he wants to smell your breath & will remind you till you do.
he eats underwear & bras. if he's dissatisfied with whatever he has infront of him to snack on (bit of food, insect, piece of paper, ice...) he paws at it till it crumbles then snorts out & blows the pieces all over the place.
when he's begging for food at the table & puts his front paws on your arm, when you push him away with said arm he swats back at you. Other's at the dz will agree, instead of bitting & other doggie play fighting stuff he boxes! That's hilarious.
when my b/f & i are busy he has to watch!1

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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My dog Zodiac sings back when you sing. She also chases invisible bugs, red laser lights, and obviously snakes since she brought one in the other night. :o

I used to have a cat, Crayon, that would play fetch with me. She'd bring me her toy to throw, she'd go get it and bring it back. She was the best cat I've had. I miss her dearly. [:/]

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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Dogs: I used to have a dog named Victor who would chase and bite at bird shadows going across the lawn in the summer. I also had a dog named Promethia who would run in the snow till tired, and still in full gait, scoop up a mouthful of snow to cool her off.

Cats: Cypres always bashes her head on the coffee table (EVERY time), and begs to smoke pot.* (Maybe there's a correlation?) Cessna drinks (only) ice water by scooping it up with his foot. Little Timmy Nutbag sounds like Macy Gray, and Oscelot is just a bulldog dyke bitch, but used to vertically jump for a toy up to 6 feet in the air.

* No, it isn't mine. I swear. Really.
Muff Brother #2169

"You can take the girl out of the sky, but not the sky out of the girl!"

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I used to have a cat, Crayon, that would play fetch with me. She'd bring me her toy to throw, she'd go get it and bring it back. She was the best cat I've had. I miss her dearly. [:/]

I have two cats that do that. If you can't find them, just wad up a piece of paper and they'll come running.
It's a gift, I don't try to explain it.

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Our cat, Ellie Mae's, favorite toy is a Q-tip. Well, that and chasing a laser pointer light. The cat races to the bathroom anytime you open one of the glass containers we keep Q-tips in because she wants one to play with. When we clean the house it's not uncommon for us to find them wedged between couch pillows and hidden under furniture. Ellie also likes to give head butts.

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Our dog always wants in on the action when my boyfriend and I are hugging. If we ignore Jonah for too long he'll tackle us both and force us to pet/hug him too. Most of the time I'll come home, give Jeff a quick hug, and then we share a 3 way hug with Jonah.:)


My dog does that too! My husband and I call it "Family Love." If he can't sqeeze inbetwen us while we are hugging, he will go behind me and stick his nose at my butt and nudge until I let him in the circle for some "family love." Weird and somewhat violating but again, oh so cute :)

"Excuse me while I kiss the sky..." - Jimi Hendrix

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We have three dogs.

PeeWee is a toy Manchester Terrier he has trained us to let him out whenever he "twangs" the doorstop in our bedroom (The doorstop is one of those metal springs with a rubber bumper on the end. He twangs the doorstop and then sits there and looks at us for about ten seconds and then repeats, until we get the message. He must think we're really stupid.

Buster aka Mr. "B" is a pointer and loves to eat the "good" parts out of our dirty underwear. That's the only reason we pick up dirty clothes off the floor.

Nilla is our Jack Russel/Beagle mix. She scares us sometimes ... she opens her crate from the outside and gets in it to take a nap ... when she's bored, she likes to tip the trash can in our office over just to sit there and watch us set it up again. Nilla prances around the house with her bowl in her mouth when she's hungry.

They have their own web page.

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