
Dropzone and Dropzone.com flirting

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I'm way to shy to flirt. I wouldn't even know how if I wanted. Maybe there are some hot chicks on here that would be willing to help me breakout of my introverted shell.:):$

Need I remind you of the Farm? :P (Of course, there were a lot of chicks in lingerie and then later in leather so that must have helped some. :D)
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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I'm way to shy to flirt. I wouldn't even know how if I wanted. Maybe there are some hot chicks on here that would be willing to help me breakout of my introverted shell.:):$

Need I remind you of the Farm?

Nothing ever happens at The Farm... :| I know I was there... :D
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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If the boundary is never set and and one or the other gets upset about it then it needs to be discussed and possibly a new boundary set.

This is a very good statement!


Relationships are dynamic. they always change. This is where communicating expectations and boundaries being set are important. Yes there should be a level of trust if there isn't that means a boundary or a percieved boundary that was set has been stepped over.

I agree to some level. I guess my question(s) to that are:

1) If the people entered into the relationship and it was known that 1 (or both) individuals are flirts (and for argument's sake, let's say that nothing is meant by the flirting of either as they are happy in their relationship), wouldn't it be ridiculous to expect a person to change who they are?

2) Shouldn't there be a level of trust - again, assuming that each individual is happy with their relationship?

(And, obviously, both questions are not valid if the flirting is serious and an attempt to get out of the relationship, etc.)

Relationships are dynamic. they always change. This is where communicating expectations and boundaries being set are important. Yes there should be a level of trust if there isn't that means a boundary or a percieved boundary that wasn't set has been stepped over.

edited to add. The person shouldn't feel like they are changing who they are rather than changing how they respect the relationship. If either or both don't want to respect the relationship then that starts another dicussion.

Gunnery Sergeant of Marines
"I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker

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I very rarely mean anything by it, but there are those once-in-awhiles when it's a vent for unspoken attraction.

It's okay, Dave, you can admit your love for me. You don't have to hide it anymore in Ambien-and-wine fueled hazes. :D:D
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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I've decided to start flirting with Sunshine back in 2001.
There. Fixed.

You're funny Remtard. If you weren't ugly and smelly, i'd flirt with you. :D

Tanks for the smile Chris. :)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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I flirt a lot. Sometimes I don't even know that I'm doing it. I'll even flirt with ugly chicks. If anything, it makes them feel good about themselves, so that's always nice.

I usually don't mean anything by it. Sometimes I'll flirt just to see what the reaction is like. But usually it's just something I do.

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don't mind the flirting...i know who i go home with and i know who my fiance is going home with....so i really don't worry about it.:)
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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Any "flirting" I do, is unintentional as such in the sense of the word... it's just my personality to laugh a lot and be friendly with guys and girls and my surroundings. Also, I've been told I have quite a sense of humor. I would never take it too far, and if I seen somebody else was taking it to a further level, I would definitely set them straight. ;) To be honest though, I think most people have to really know me, to know my morals, judgments, and limits. Thus, most would know to take me with all the humor and light heartiness that is in my intentions. If I was single and I wanted someone... they would know it. ;):)
My mind is like a parachute...it functions only when open.

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I never flirt. :|

Me either... how you doing???!!!


Are you flirting with me? :|

I don't flirt. Never have, never will. Don't even know what it means.:|

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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I don't flirt. Never have, never will. Don't even know what it means.:|

So all those PMs you sent me meant nothing? [cry]

There, there, Remi. It's ok. ;)
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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I don't flirt. Never have, never will. Don't even know what it means.:|

So all those PMs you sent me meant nothing? [cry]

He sends them to all the guys. You should know better than to trust 'goggles'. :o
Please feel free to reply to my posts and pm's, but only if you're smart enough to understand what they really mean.

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I never flirt. :|

Me either... how you doing???!!!


Are you flirting with me? :|

I don't flirt. Never have, never will. Don't even know what it means.:|

I know. You really need to lighten up and get out more. :D

I on the other hand, get yelled at and attacked constantly for flirting. I flirt all the time.
It's 2nd nature now. That and exhibitionism. :|

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I never flirt...I've never flirted in my life.

No Never! Dr. Flirt :P

It's Monsieur Dr Flirt to you, Gatorade girl!
Will you bear my children!:|

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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every thing I've evber said to you or about you I meant, and I'm just sorry my wife was with me when we met :)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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