
Chronicles of Narnia

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At the movie theater tonight one of the previews was for The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the witch, and the wardrobe. It's being released in December. I'm so excited since i absolutely loved those books. I really really hope they make a movie for each book. Anyone else love the Narnia stories?


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I live out in NZ.

One of my mates was a stuntman on that.

I have heard fantastic stories about it from most of the production crew.

I have seen a few early rushes (technical term for the first prints of the film) and it does look fookin great.

Ill be in the queue to see it.


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I have seen a few early rushes (technical term for the first prints of the film) and it does look fookin great.

LUCKY!! The previews were amazing. I hardly ever go to movies, but i'll be damn sure to catch this one. :)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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I only saw the last 15 seconds of the trailer when i went to see Charlie and the Chocolate factory so i didn't get an impression of how the movie will be, but I love the books. I still read the set every three or four years so I'll be there when it opens.
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Also if you like vampiresq films check out Perfect Creature that should be coming out in 2006 sometime.

It was filmed in the area that Lion Witch was filmed.

Also my wife worked on it providing extras.
The rushes for that are fantastic.


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Also if you like vampiresq films check out Perfect Creature that should be coming out in 2006 sometime.

It was filmed in the area that Lion Witch was filmed.

Also my wife worked on it providing extras.
The rushes for that are fantastic.

from http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0403407/ it sound just like a video that's been out for a few year set in eastern europe, but I cant remember the tltle, but the bio on IMDB sounds exactly the same.
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I loved those books... I still remember reading them with my dad. I'm tempted to find my old copies or take them out of the library to read before the movie.

I remember reading those books with my dad too when I was young...eating chiclets!!! B| Aslan used to be one of my favorite characters while I was little. :)

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I think I read that series through about 15 times when I was a kid.

Wasn't Dawn Treader number 3? I can't wait to see what they do for Reepicheep. I think he was my favorite character in any of the books. My favorite book was undoubtedly A Horse and His Boy, though. I think that The Silver Chair was probably the one I liked least.

I seem to remember the books getting renumbered sometime after I read them, to go in chronological order. When I read them, they were in the order they were written in:

1) The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
2) Prince Caspian
3) The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
4) The Silver Chair
5) The Horse and His Boy
6) The Magician's Nephew
7) The Last Battle

Ah, the nostalgia...
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I seem to remember the books getting renumbered sometime after I read them, to go in chronological order. When I read them, they were in the order they were written in:

1) The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
2) Prince Caspian
3) The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
4) The Silver Chair
5) The Horse and His Boy
6) The Magician's Nephew
7) The Last Battle

That's the order they were written/published in. At some point, someone thought they should mess things up by putting the books in "Narnian chronological order." Can't remember what that is exactly. He wrote 'em the way he wrote 'em.

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If memory serves, the chronological order was:

1) The Magician's Nephew
2) The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
3) The Horse and His Boy
4) Prince Caspian
5) The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
6) The Silver Chair
7) The Last Battle

But I agree with you, and prefer the original sequence.
-- Tom Aiello

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Nope never read them.

My g/f pretty much called me an uneducated twit when she found out.:D:D:D:P:P:P:P just kidden.
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At some point, someone thought they should mess things up by putting the books in "Narnian chronological order." Can't remember what that is exactly. He wrote 'em the way he wrote 'em.

That someone was called Clive Staples Lewis, so while you're in principle right, you're also sort of wrong... or something.

Just reread the books a month ago :)
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Dawn Treader and Horse and his Boy are tied for me....

I really loved the books, and still wished someone hadnt pointed out all the Christian symbology.. i was less aware of such things when i originally read them and its hard to reread them now without feeling the edge of that lead pipe... :S I much preferred associating them with my 'innate' symbology instead ...

even though C.S Lewis was the one that 're-ordered' cronologically IMO the story tells itself better in the original order...

they did the same thing to Susan Cooper's The Dark is Rising Sequence but the first two (cronologically) are simply not as good, and you dont care about the characters as much yet, so the 'original order' is a better read as well..
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... made the mistake of reading some of the
books after reading Thomas Covenant, So Narnia was a bit of a let down.

Thomas Covenant is pretty heay stuff. Agreed. I'm waiting impatiently for vol. 2 of the "Final Chronicles".

EDIT: Dammit. Just checked. The series won't be complete until late 2013. :( That'll teach me to by books from unfinished series.
HF #682, Team Dirty Sanchez #227
“I simply hate, detest, loathe, despise, and abhor redundancy.”
- Not quite Oscar Wilde...

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