
People with unfortunate names.

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It's a good policy never to comment about a person's name. Now matter how clever you think you're being, they've heard it before and you just come off like an ass.

Although that shouldn't keep you from amusing yourself with it. [Laugh]

Amen! Sometimes I dont mind it so much but if I'm in a hurry or something I'm like "ok quit obsessing over my name and give me my shit, so I can get outta here".Because it always happens when I'm either in a hurry,trying to get out of a store or not in the mood to screw with it.Feel free to play with my name all ya want after I'm gone,but just let me leave already so I can get on with my life.:S

Hell sometimes my husband and I have fun with our name.His voice mail answers to "please leave a message for Loco Cervesa after the tone", which freaks some people out who dont know him.Then I go by MoodyBeers alot,so it works out even though its annoying at times.

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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People I knew in college:

Rusty Wrench

Glory Alleluia Wright (ugh :S it was a Catholic University, go figure)

Christy Corpus from, you guessed it, Corpus Christi, TX.

My college algebra teacher was Dr. Richard Fast. And that's how he was... a Fast Dick. :D

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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When I was at Ft. Knox there was a Captain America there.

There was also the patient we were doing an ultrasound scan on named Mrs. Case, who was planning on naming her son Justin. I started laughing at the clever pun. She started crying because she hadn't thought of that.[:/]

The lead singer of the band "Lit" goes by the name "A. Jay Popoff." I went to high school with him. That REALLY IS HIS NAME!!!! He was a cool guy, too.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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When I was at Ft. Knox there was a Captain America there.

There was also the patient we were doing an ultrasound scan on named Mrs. Case, who was planning on naming her son Justin. I started laughing at the clever pun. She started crying because she hadn't thought of that.[:/]

The lead singer of the band "Lit" goes by the name "A. Jay Popoff." I went to high school with him. That REALLY IS HIS NAME!!!! He was a cool guy, too.

Seeing you, an attorney, post here reminded me of another... I once did a psych assessment on a prisoner in the federal jail in nashville who was being defended by Sumpter Camp, Esq.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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There was a guy a school called Chuck Baita.

One of the priestly teachers had a pompous habit of prefixing surnames with "Master". eg "Master Brown !.... bring that out the front so every-one can see."

No matter how much trouble Chuck got in we laughed every time.

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There's an old woman in the small town I live in and her name is, no shit, Iwana Bone.

Also, at an FBO where I used to work, there was a security guard, complete with gun, tazer, pepper spray, etc. named Dick Breath. We all wondered with a name like that and the ridicule he must have suffered all his life, when he was going to snap and start shooting everyone in sight.:o:o
The older I get the less I care who I piss off.

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Very right. My name is Ernie and people always ask me "Where's Bert". At least they could get a little clever and ask me "how's Bert is in the sack" or something, but they all say the same thing... "Where's Bert".

damn why didnt i ever think of that
light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak

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My Physics Professor in College..

Allan Allen

To bad he could not go for Allan squared! :S[/reply/

That's what I always said to "Ben Ben" ... he didn't get it.


Went to College with:

Rocky Gravelly

That's either a porn star name, or an NBC Dateline name ... and now, here's Rocky Gravelly with the latest on affairs in the workplace


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That's either a porn star name, or an NBC Dateline name ... and now, here's Rocky Gravelly with the latest on the affairs in the workplace

I did ask him, is Rocky just a nickname? He said no his Mom always did have strange humor. :S Maybe she wanted a porn star son! :o

Muff Brother # 3883, SCR # 14796 ICD # 1 - Pres.
Yeah, I noticed and I think it's funny!

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That's either a porn star name, or an NBC Dateline name ... and now, here's Rocky Gravelly with the latest on the affairs in the workplace

I did ask him, is Rocky just a nickname? He said no his Mom always did have strange humor. :S Maybe she wanted a porn star son! :o

Or an NBC host ...

Let's give her the benefit of the doubt!



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