
Apple SUCKS Right Now..

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My iPod, which is just over a little year old, decided to shit the bed the other day. It's been in a leather protective case since the day I bought it, and babied to the highest extent. Apple gives a 1 year warranty with the iPod and it's kind of ironic that just after a year of owning it the damn thing dies.

I was listening to it and pressed fast forward. It froze up on me and wouldn't turn off, wouldn't do anything actually. Finally the battery died, I plugged it in and turned it on. I saw a "Sad iPod" icon with the website for Apple support. Went to the site, found out the I have a hardware problem which I can do nothing about, except for sending it in and having a refurbished unit sent to me. The cost to have that done?

$285 fucking dollars. That's $15 less than what a brand new iPod will cost me. I called them and bitched, told them I thought it was bullshit and ironic that it just happened to die after a year of use. I even threatened to buy a Dell DJ. Ha! They could've given two shits.

So, I'm wondering if there's anything I can do. Anyone have any hook-ups at Apple? Maybe an inside number that, with the right amount of bitching, might score me a new iPod?

This blows. I really don't feel like spending $300 to buy a new one, and I use my iPod daily. It's been shitty not having it for even 4 days now.

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Are you sure it's dead? My mini did this to me a couple weeks ago. I reloaded it from the ipod updater and it's back to normal again. It was the same thing though, got the sad apple face, went to the website and reloading it was one of the options.
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You've got to be kidding me.... the exact same fucking thing just happened to me!!!! My iPod is 13 months old and 4 days ago it shit the bed. I also am getting the little sad iPod frowny face when I try and turn it on. I only ever use it at the gym and it has never been dropped or exposed to "the elements". I brought it back to the Apple store where I bought it to see if it could be fixed but of course this wasn't an option. Sucks for me too because I really rely on it to motivate my ass at the gym. Thinking about buying a portable XM radio instead of another IPOD.....

For all the shit Microsoft gets I am surprised that Apple doesn't get beaten down every now and then for crap like this.

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Yup, same thing. I tried that restore thing and it didn't work. My computer doesn't even recognize it when I plug it in.

Fucking thing. I'm so pissed off. I also rely on it to get me through my work day. Also rely on it on the weekends at the DZ, trying to fall asleep/sleep through all of the noise.

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Yup, same thing. I tried that restore thing and it didn't work. My computer doesn't even recognize it when I plug it in.

Check out the links to the other articles in the link Bigway posted. There could be other issues that you can rectify on your own.

I had the same thing happen to my Nano (sad face) and it restored fine but there are several other articles to check for other fixes that might work.

Good luck!


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I just slammed the iPod on my carpet floor and managed to get it to turn on and connect to my computer. Trying to restore it now, it's working so far, so we'll see...

Thanks for the suggestions.

Hmmm ... I don't recall seeing "slam it on the carpet" in those articles but hey, good on ya! ;);)

You might want to tell Apple to add that little tid bit of info!

Glad it's working ...

Good luck with the restore!


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HA! Yeah, I remember my friend Ben (he fixes computers) tell me that one of his friends' computers was acting up, he slammed it, and then it was fine. So I figured I'd give it a go with the iPod!

Now why would I want to tell Apple that? ;)

Yeah, it deletes all of the music from the iPod but I have all of the music in my iTunes library, so not a big deal.


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I really don't like my Ipod... I especially dislike that it has an internal battery that is not user replaceable.

It may be internal, but it is user replaceable, without much difficulty.

However I have heard (but not verified) that if you send it back to Apple for a new battery, they send back a new iPod.
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If at first you don't succeed, get a bigger hammer. If it breaks, it needed fixing anyway.

That is one of Murphy's laws.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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I especially dislike that it has an internal battery that is not user replaceable.

Yes it is....please do research.




otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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Apple offers a 59Dollar applecare during the first year of purchase. If you had that you'd have a new iPod right now. It really is cheap insurance for what really is a delicate machine. I have a 4th gen iPod that shit out on me after about a year and a half of daily abuse. They gave me a new one same day I walked into the apple store. I know this doesn't help you...BUT this is why they offer it. I now just bought the same for my wife's nano that I purchased last week. Worth every penny in my opinion but you take your risks when you don't pony up the extra scratch from the get go like you.

I don't understand how apple is supposed to warran a product for more than a year. EVERY other player/computer/ etc. usualy only has a 1yr or less warranty unless you pay for more coverage. My advice to you is go get an XM receiver and tell me how that goes for you. Either you like the iPod or you don't.

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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My boyfriend's ipod did the exact same thing just after the one year mark as well. He took it to the shop and they were totally unhelpful and gave him a number to call for help. He rang the number and the guy sent him this URL.


It took many many tries to get the ipod into disk mode but it finally worked. Then we left it to charge for ages and tried to put it back into ipod mode and got the sad icon again. I then tried to restore it quite a few times until it started charging (this is all using a power point charger). We left it for hours and then plugged it into the computer. It has been working perfectly since... it was previously lying useless for 4 months. Maybe it will help you?

Good luck!

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Apple really need to sort themselves out..

I had a 3rd generation ipod that pissed the bed regularly until one day it shit the bed and locked up, the buttons didn't work at all so all you could do was play the 5,000 tracks in sequence. Then it got stolen. They're welcome to it the fuckers..[;)

This is a problem that seems to apply to all apple products. I'm writing this on a g4 ibook, which was sent back to apple twice in its first year, for a new mother board then a new cd drive. Just glad it happened while still under warranty, replacing the hard drive last year was not covered..>:([:/]

I've used macintosh computers for work for over 10 years, and they built their reputation in the media industry based on the ruggedness and durabilty of their hardware, especially the laptops (and the operating system but lets not get into pc v mac os .. a losing battle for you windows lovers..:P)

In their rush to flood the world with groovy looking little mp3 players the quality control seems to of gone out of the window.. go to the apple store helpdesk (sorry.. 'genius bar') in London and see the hoards of hapless punters qeueing up with dodgy pods.

Rant over.

Having said all that,despite the price difference compared to PC based machines, I still want a Macbrook pro with intel dual processor. :D:S
but what do I know

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I was a huge fan of apple...used the same apple computer for 12 years (uh hu!) since I was 6 (family compute) then got a brand new flat screan imac. After 3 years that totally died - CD drive AND hard drive. All it is now is a nice display with an external hard drive and external dvd drive doing the work.
then a few weeks agio my ipod died>:(
and then i upgraded to itunes 7, it tiotally mucked everything up, went back to itunes 6 and lost all my playlists that took me so so so so long to make.

damm stupid apple. i an never buying another piece of trheior overpriced white plastic again. (although i do love osx)

next stop, a cheep windows laptop...
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I don't understand how apple is supposed to warran a product for more than a year. EVERY other player/computer/ etc. usualy only has a 1yr or less warranty unless you pay for more coverage. My advice to you is go get an XM receiver and tell me how that goes for you. Either you like the iPod or you don't.

It's not the fact that they only warrant the product for a year that pisses me off, it's the fact that JUST over the one year mark and the damn thing shits the bed. Seems a little coincidental, and how many iPods are in existence? 4 or 5 people just on this forum alone had the same thing happen. Shitty iPod after only a year of use. Seems a bit shady.

And I never said I don't like my iPod. I love it, which is why I was so pissed when it shit the bed. I've been using Apple products for as long as I can remember. I have never owned a PC, only used them in school and whatnot. But I do think that they should have better customer service, and maybe charge a lesser amount to fix the iPod, as opposed to a price which could buy a brand new one. That's just BS.

Update! I managed to get the iPod to restore and now it is working again. We'll see how long it lasts.. thanks to everyone for the suggestions!

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