
Am I dead?

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I've either got a really bad allergy attack (except I'm not allergic to anything at this time of year, generally) or I'm coming down with a bad, bad cold. So I took my temp, trying to determine if I'm sick or just having allergies. I have one of those new fangled digital thermometers, so I used that.

I apparently am running a negative temperature. Three times in a row, I've had readings of 96.something - difference only a little bit, maybe 2 tenths or so. I generally run low (97.8 or so, nothing too terribly weird, just a bit lower than average), but not that low...that's like, dead-low.

If it hadn't changed from 96.5 to 96.8, I'd be thinking it was something wrong with my thermometer. I took it under my armpit, too, just to see if it could read differently. Under my arm is just about 97.5, low but much closer to my normal normal. Then I did it under my breasts (the hottest place on my body), and it came out at about 98.6. So it's not the thermometer.

So, to all the medical people, am I dead? I don't feel dead, just really bad. But with a negative body temp like that, I'm apparently dead. Or if not dead, pretty damned cold. (in fact, I'm sitting in my heavy robe, jammies underneath, and still am tucking my feet under me because I'm cold...).

So...anyone have any advice to either quell this damned cold as fast as possible (I have a midterm Anatomy exam on Tuesday, and I am hoping I'll make it through...), and/or any thoughts on the really low body temp?

Thanks in advance.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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I have had lowered body temps more than once when sick with upper respiratory infections....they suck....

I would love to see what some fo the medicos have to say about that one too....

I have had a body temp down to 94.2 before as well.... course I was hypothermic.. testing some equipment on top of a freakin mountain in the middle of winter... and they would not even let me use the kewl snow shelter I built.....screw the test criteria.. I am colder than shit here....>:(>:(

Long ago and far away...[:/]

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Then I did it under my breasts (the hottest place on my body),


Really girls are such wimps when they are ill:S
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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1969912, That's a great shot of the flying bengal!!! Thanks, it did indeed bring a smile to my face.

Jeanne, I too am interested to hear what the medicos say. I suppose they're all out jumping (lucky them!!!), but maybe they can share something when they come back. I just wonder, you know, what a low body temp is for. I know that the body raises temps to combat infections, but what the low temp is for I'm not sure. I just took mine again, and am at about 95.6. Just sounds really low to me. And yes, I'm pretty darned cold, too. Sigh.


Yes, you are dead.

What are you going to do now?

Well, I have a Biology exam in a few hours, so I guess I'll study that and then go to class. Then I'll be opening up the Anatomy notes and text, and pounding that through my stuffy head until Tuesday morning. After that, I have a class to attend Tuesday night. So after all that, then they can bury me. In a bed with fluffy blankets and kitties surrounding me, for about 5 days.

That's the current plan, at least.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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maybe this is the "pre-quiz" for the anatomy exam...
since it's got you thinking about physiology

No, this exam is the musculature of both cats and humans...nothing to do with colds, death (well, except the cats we've dissected are dead), and homeostatic body temperatures...that might be the next exam, but not this one.


You better not be... I still have a hug to collect on!!

Hope you're feeling better soon!

You'll get your hug, darlin. I promise. I hope I feel better soon too!!


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Really girls are such wimps when they are ill :S

Right. I'm a wimp because I'm sick.

Lessee....I have a 4 hour class today, that I will attend and this class has an exam in it, as well. So I'll be studying for that exam this morning, attend class from noon until 4, go to the market and get some cold stuff, and then come home and start plowing through the material for the anatomy exam on Tuesday morning.

Tomorrow, I will be studying for the anatomy exam, and leading a study group - with a cat to dissect - for 6 people. From 1-6 or 6:30. Then I'll come home and study additional musculature information until I collapse.

Then on Monday, I have an appointment I can't miss at about 10 am. Once that's done, I'll be back burying my nose in the anatomy book again, making sure I know where every muscle - big, small, and middle - are.

Then on Tuesday morning, I'll be up at 4 am, out the door at 6, at school in front of the lab by 7:30-7:45, and lead a study group of about 15 for pre-exam refresher for 2 hours. Then I'll take the exam, which is about 90 minutes long. And then I'll sit through the lecture post exam. I'll get out of there about, oh, say 1 pm.

I'll come home, and study for the class I have on Tuesday night...and attend said class from 6-10 pm.

Then I can get into bed and sleep as long as I need to. I just hope that this doesn't develop into bronchitis or pneumonia...'cause I just don't have the time (literally) for that.

I have plans to get all my Christmas shopping done next Saturday, wrap on Sunday, boxed and into the mail on Monday. And then the schedule starts again, with another enormous exam set for the first week of December. And then finals start.

Yeah, Jamile, I'm a wimp. Wimpy me...yeppers, me's a wimp. Perfect attendance and straight As...sure, I'm a wimp. :S


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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If you want to get a good reading of you core temp you'll need a longer thermometre, Rectal BABY RECTAL:ph34r::ph34r:

I'm serious too:|
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
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What's the quote I'm thinking of from "Natural Born Killers"?? "A lot of folks are walking around dead, they just need to be put out of their misery" ?? Is that it?


Anyway, I don't think you're dead, with a negative temperature, you might be "undead"...:P
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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If you are typing don't worry

she'll probably still be able to do that after she's gone, sort of like a reflex response:ph34r::ph34r:
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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LOLing at Tigra and Gawain. Yeah, Max, I'm "un-dead"...Tigra's here with me, so at least I've got good company.

Squeak, you're right; when one types as fast as I do, it becomes a reflex, rather than an intentional action...so I just might be dead anyway. Sigh.

Well, it's a fullblown cold or flu. My bio professor was really cool and let me go without penalty from the lab work today; I took the test, and then went home rather than stay and do the work. So at least I got home and rested for a while before spending the last - 5ish?? - hours on Anatomy.

I just have to make it through Wednesday afternoon...then I can sleep and rest and sleep and rest...it seems so far away, Wednesday afternoon does...

And just in keeping with the topic of the thread, this morning I was in the 95.4 range. Tonight, I'm up at 99.6. So my body is trying to kill the illness, making the temp range fluctuate so it will not be habitable for the buggies that are making me sick. I hope it works - I hate being sick; and I hate cold/hot fluctuations even more.

I still wish the medicos would weigh in, though...they might actually understand it rather than me guessing about homeostatis and whatnot. :)


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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It's gas. Heres how to fix it.

With one hand find your belly button.
with the other find your sternum(sp?)
now, find the center.

move three inches to the left...and push.

hold your breath, because if its enough to lower your temp it's going to be a bad one.

If that don't work do the samething but move to the right.

Its wiseto let any animals you may own to have the ability to exscape...and keep your windo open tonight. Once th gas finds the escape hatch it willkeep sending after quakes.
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You don't need a doctor to tell you that you are alive. :P Or that you have a viral illness. You just want one to tell you that you're sick, but "it will all get better."

I wish I could tell you that and be 100% honest. But I don't know. Is your loss of thermostatic stability a sign of just trying to kill the bug? Is it fibromyalgia? Is it a post viral fatigue/chronic fatigue situation? There is so much about viruses that we just don't know.

But... whether you're alive or "undead".... you have good friends that are willing to help and entertain you.... That should help you feel more better :ph34r: than any silly medico trying to tell you "You'll be fine"

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Hey, Dr...no problem. I was more concerned at the rather low temp readings than being sick. I've got a cold at least, no doubts or question. I just didn't understand the readings is all. I don't think it's anything like fibromyalgia; just the common cold or flu. Life will continue, undead or not. LOLOL!

And yes, I've got good friends to entertain me - including one who's trying to teach me how to fart (as if I didn't already know...!!!). Only issue is that I have that giant test on Tuesday morning. But oh well...I've got to get it done, so it will get done.

No worries, Karen. I know nothing really can be done, so I'll treat symptoms, get rest when I can, and get through this like I've gotten through other colds/flu - by complaining about it and getting on with life anyway!;)


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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