
My parting question . . .

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Not sure. I have never understood the sexualisation of breasts.

While I acknowledge that as they exude a certain femininity which has it's own beauty I do not see them as sex objects. For example I can apreciate the breasts on a woman as much as I may admire any other aspect of a woman who keeps herself fit (much like a woman may admire a mans biceps, pecs, or abs if he takes care of himself), but they do not turn me on. I am probably a minority on this.

That is why I don't understand why topless laws for women exists. Women should have the choice of walking around topless much like thier male counterparts (I am not just being a perv). It is not as though they would be walking around flashing genitalia. It is simply a part of thier upper torso which in addition to being used for feeding is simply an uniquely feminin feature. Why "taliban" it into being taboo?

Most people do not understand my position on this but nonetheless it is my position. Sorry for babbling.
My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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. . . For the weekend:

What is it about boobs? They're just lumps of flesh. Why are they so darned fun and exciting?

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Its in our DNA??? B|
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I have never understood the sexualisation of breasts.
I do not see them as sex objects.
They do not turn me on.

Turn in your guy card. :|

Noooooooo!:oNot my guy card!!! I can change! I really can become a dirty perv!!

But really. I can be as much of a pig as the next guy, but i just do not see breasts that way.
I am more of a leg guy.
My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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She's not worth your anger. Strike it off as bad judgement of her character. It's just a little wet hole.:P;):o

I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you're not married. And if you are, let me talk to your wife. She needs to deny you access to the 'little wet hole' if that's all a woman is to you.:S

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She's not worth your anger. Strike it off as bad judgement of her character. It's just a little wet hole.:P;):o

I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you're not married. And if you are, let me talk to your wife. She needs to deny you access to the 'little wet hole' if that's all a woman is to you.:S

Well, there is another hole in back. But ya might wanna use some vaseline or 3-n-1 oil.;)
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. . . For the weekend:

What is it about boobs? They're just lumps of flesh. Why are they so darned fun and exciting?

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

There are so many differen't sizes and shapes to look at or imagine looking at that I just can't stop thinking about them!
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yeah, what are guys such fucking idiots? Why will they fuck you over to get a girl undressed. There's not a girl in this world that could make me betray my friends for a chance to hit it.

Then you are doing something wrong there skippy! :o

Empires have fallen for a chance to "Hit IT" with the right one! :ph34r:

~ "Pack Fast, Pull Low... and Date Your Riggers WIFE!" ~

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. . . For the weekend:

What is it about boobs? They're just lumps of flesh. Why are they so darned fun and exciting?

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

It's very simple. Men don't have them, so it fascinates them. I know if I had them, I would not leave home (for at least a week). ;);)

But you have to understand, mental illness is like cholesterol. There is the good kind and the bad. Without the good kind- less flavor to life. - Serge A. Storms

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