
Filthy thread titles

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As an active member of this community would you want your family and friends to come to this site to read a memorial to you if you passed on from the love of this sport if it the first page looked like this......

*** Sticky: Memorial Contributions for "YOU"
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Poll: Women: How long is your dildo/BOB/strap-on stitch 873 45 Jan 11, 2007, 3:41 AM

Say what you want in the threads themselves but does the title have to be so vulgar for your entire family including sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, grandparents have to see if they come to this excellent site to read notes in your honour from your jump buddies? Is this what you want them to think you spent all that time on this site reading and talking about when you were on the computer?

Dont flame me here, I am just thinking of the people that are not members and more just visitors to this site. Even reporters read this site, they then quote members from dropzone.com and the people who read the paper may come here to find out more and what they see is disgusting thread titles from people who have thousands of posts asking 'what size is your dildo'

I am writing this poll cause i am interested in seeing if these thread TITLES are supported by the majority of the posters here.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Very good point....

Is there any way to maybe set those threads up so every post added to them bumps them up to the top of page 2 instead of page 1?

Not getting any hopes up, but yeah, it is a bit of a moral dilemma. This forum is hardly family material.
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That is similar to what i saw earlier ad why i asked the question.

I feel sorry for any of the families that come here to see what everyone is writing about their loved ones that have passed on, to be left with those titles as part of a memory of a community they belonged to

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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maybe there could be a dirty thread forum that you need to be a member to go into. Bonfire is great for banter but the past year i have noticed many of the old posters not spend as much time here and the newr guys writting dirty filthy crap every day, every post.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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maybe there could be a dirty thread forum that you need to be a member to go into. Bonfire is great for banter but the past year i have noticed many of the old posters not spend as much time here and the newr guys writting dirty filthy crap every day, every post.

Now there's an idea that should work, along with the secret drunk dial forum.
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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The problem in a public forum is that kids stumble across stuff. Our 10 year old girl was looking at a forum with kittens etc, and got curious about pictures that involved sex/anatomy.

The thread titles are a reflection of the content and I don't see that the titles are any cleaner than the content - if the content is banned then the titles would go with them , I don't see the point in separating the two.

Ultimately it comes down to a basic choice of whether you want that type of thread in the bonfire. As I think most of us visit those types of threads as reflected by the number of views they are probably here to stay. This type of content is certainly not limited to this kind of forum and however embarrasing some content may be it does reflect the general wierdness that can be found at some DZ's (In a similar vein my parents visited the DZ when I was a student and being were pretty taken aback that there was a woman sitting reading Penthouse).

Perhaps a suggestion would be that a separate forum related to memories & condolences was created? This would enable those who are not interested in the nonsence to avoid it.
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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Welcome to the bonfire!
Don't like the titles? Don't come in here!
Isn't THIS thread SC material anyway???
Who's wuffo family wastes time here like we do either????
My kids have less than zero interest in amything to do with jumping...plus I have always been honest with my kids so I'm not so worried.:P

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some boobies or such, even the male nudity thread for the girls is OK IMHO. The regular recent "dildo, shit, how many anuses have you licked" don't really make me laugh anymore.

And yes I do consult porn regularly, use dildos, lick anuse and also shit every once in a while, but I don't feel the urge to talk about it and brag blatatntly about everything I do in my private life.

I voted for a suppression/limit on these kinds of thread.
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Welcome to the bonfire!
Don't like the titles? Don't come in here!
Isn't THIS thread SC material anyway???
Who's wuffo family wastes time here like we do either????
My kids have less than zero interest in amything to do with jumping...plus I have always been honest with my kids so I'm not so worried.:P

Whose family comes in here anyway? I guess the unfortunate soles who die in this sport have their family come in here to read the condolences.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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If this is a problem in Bonfire, then move the posts to General Skydiving where these posts are not allowed. I perfer this rather than not allowing our community to discuss what they discuss on the off chance that a one time visiter might be offended.

I don't think they (the wuffo's viewing for "other reasons") are really interested in the other things we discuss behind our "closed doors". they are poking their head in the room for one reason and one reason only.

Mark Klingelhoefer

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Fair point, but while looking for that thread they are here for and directly under it seeing what size dildo do you own... here this is a problem. I just picture a mother and grandmother seeing this while trying to read good thing about their son/daughter. Surely there should be some seperation for these two different threads or at least the line has to be drawn somewhere.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Welcome to the bonfire!
Don't like the titles? Don't come in here!
Isn't THIS thread SC material anyway???
Who's wuffo family wastes time here like we do either????
My kids have less than zero interest in amything to do with jumping...plus I have always been honest with my kids so I'm not so worried.:P

Whose family comes in here anyway? I guess the unfortunate soles who die in this sport have their family come in here to read the condolences.

Why don't we stop drinking beer at the bonfire, stop partying, stop jumping out of planes, or anything else that some people look down on.

When people come to look for the memories of those lost they'll look at those threads. if they want to go searching through the seedier thread titles, they will, if not, they won't.

As long as the content is allowed by the site owner then so be it. Let personal responsibility take hold. If you view it, then well that was your choice.

Basically I am saying suck it the fuck up cupcake. If you don't wanna read it don't. If you do then don't come crying when you didn't like what you saw.

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I make an effort to not say or do anything that I wouldn't care if my mother or kids (if I had any) could read...

just like the rest of the world I have very limited (almost none whatsoever) control over what other people do... which is fine by me... and doesn't necessarily reflect who *I* am... more who they are...

I'd vote for an "I don't care" if you had included that option...
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my mistake.

i am not trying to have a go at anybody, just concerned for what our family member have to avoid to get to the material they are looking for.

Condolence threads having a thread of there own would also be a pretty good way to keep record.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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some boobies or such, even the male nudity thread for the girls is OK IMHO. The regular recent "dildo, shit, how many anuses have you licked" don't really make me laugh anymore.

And yes I do consult porn regularly, use dildos, lick anuse and also shit every once in a while, but I don't feel the urge to talk about it and brag blatatntly about everything I do in my private life.

I voted for a suppression/limit on these kinds of thread.

i agree about all your statements (haven't used a dildo in a while, but that can be remedied), especially about the fact it's getting boring. really boring. but blatant lack of taste and class is still preferable to censorship. or self censorship (not to be confused with self-restraint, which implies a minimum of awareness to one's surroundings) for that matter.
but I didn't vote. i already do it in 2 countries, so i'm tired of voting. and i'm also not using capitals tonight. that's the kind of bloke i am.:|

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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So what you are saying is a big old come on in to the PC Police.You want us to change our play ground for the benefit of the people that MAY visit here once or twice.Sorry but this site being what it is,is what made it big enough to have people visiting and make it possible for a contribution thread to be successful.

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I think there is only a couple of people thats post kind of go to far.
There is a lot of sexuality in the bonfire and i do not refer to all that, just threads called 'what size is your dildo"etc. surely that just goes a bit over board. It seems there are a few posters that only start filthy threads.
If everyone is for it then so be it, I just thought it was going downhill real fast.

i will leave the issue alone now as it seems a few people that i really respect in these forums are for it.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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I'm surprised at how many wants them banned...

Anyway, I don't believe we should cencor ourselves because someone MIGHT come here and read something they don't like.

I do suggest that condolence-threads be moved to General skydiving discussions, though. Such threads belong in a serious forum, the bonfire is not. Which is the whole point of the bonfire, I believe.

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