
Traffic..... Only in India

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hopefully people will understand why I was so scared the first time I went out and had to cross the road by myself when I was living in India!

Right of way is directly proportionate to the size of your vehicle and your balls. In what order depends on the size of your balls...:)
Don't ever save anything for a special occasion. Being alive is a special occasion. Avril Sloe

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not only in India...the traffic in Cambodia and Afghanistan are 10 times worse. Morocco as well in the Casbah.
Hell, the only countries I have been to outside of the US or Europe that had sane traffic were Israel and Jordan.

As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD...

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While in Malaysia for work day, my co-workers kept commenting on all the bad driving. (It looked alot like the driving in the video posted in this thread). At first I had to agree but then I began to notice a certain beauty in all that chaos and I realized something.
The stereo type that asians can't drive is simply not true. In fact, they are amazingly good at it. How else could they drive like that and not get killed.

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yeah traffic in Grenada isn't any better...those mofos would drive so close to a group of children and just honk for them to get outta the way...car would be within inches from them and honking like crazy for kids to get outta the way, one way street ain't one way, its both way! YIKES :S
PMS #113
PMTS #19

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Picture this....

Downtown Saigon...drive on the right...4-lane undivided road...with actual traffic signals at the intersection of another 4-lane undivided road.

Light turns red and mini cars and Honda 50s stop and start lining up across the road filling the right-most lane first, then the left-most lane then the two on-coming lanes creating a solid wall of vehicles across all 4 lanes...on BOTH sides of the light.

Huge clouds of smoke rising from all the Hondas revving their engines...varroom VAAROOM...well more like Ringa-dinga-dinga RINGA-DINGA-DINGA....

Light turns green...700 Hondas and mini-taxis pop the clutch and zoom forward...a big conglomeration of vehicles in the middle of the intersection...potential death! But NO! They all pass through, unscathed and proceed merrily on their way to the next intersection and the process repeats.

Now THAT'S driving skill.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Now that is some drivin! I wish Americans were that smart of drivers. Put the phone and fries down and fucking drive. They did all that with out a traffic light.

There is hope. Yea right.

(In the US) A guy from Pakistan thought that I was taking too long and went around me to the right on the grass.
When I pulled into traffic, he pulled forward and took off my right panel, front bumper, and tire.

This may be video of the 90 seconds where there wasn't an accident.

Of course, you have to consider the elephants too.
Who has the right-of-way? You or the elephant?

We want talk about cheetahs because the women get too angry.

"F- those cheetahs. My b/f was a cheetah and I kick his a--."

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Of course, you have to consider the elephants too.
Who has the right-of-way? You or the elephant?

The elephants tend to walk slowly in relation to the rest of the traffic (in India at least) so the motorised members of traffic take the right of way. There are significantly more cows around though than elephants and the cows just sit there or stand there and don't really move. People just swerve 'round them even if they are moving.

Don't ever save anything for a special occasion. Being alive is a special occasion. Avril Sloe

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