
"Gourmet" skydives.

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$400 to jump from a B-17's bomb bay at less than normal altitude.
$380 to do a 30,000' night jump on oxygen
$100 to do a jet jump from just above normal altitude
$80 to do a balloon jump at significantly less than normal altitude.

Are these, or other jumps like them, worth it for you?

For me personally, I wanna do the 30,000' night jump, and in theory I'd like to do a balloon jump. Jet jump, probably worth it.

The B-17 jump is the only one I just can't wrap my head around.
cavete terrae.

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i'd skip the night jump...

30k in day time is on the list...

Balloon -check.. in fact its one of my favorite dives, but I dont tend to do them unless there is a group of us.

Jet at normal altitude i care nothing about.. seems a waste of time and money (runway upgrades [:/]) to me..

the B-17 is DEFINITELY on the list simply because of the uniqueness of the experience, even in a skydive context...

same thing with a "Pitts" jump.. (which i've missed scheduled jumps twice due to last min plane issues and weather...) for me those last two are not "just" 'jumping out of an airplane'

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I'm with you about the B-17. I know our sport developed out of the military. but, I just can't see myself leaving a plane at the same place where a bomb to kill people left.

Oh, that doesn't bother me. I just can't fathom $400 for a 6,000' jump.
cavete terrae.

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I'm with you on the B-17, I don't see the value.

My jet jump was $85 and I got to exit first on a light load:ph34r:.

You missed a popular one:

Helicopter - $50 (?)

P.S. if I had to pick ONE I'd do the 30k jump, night or not. (might be better during the day actually)

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those sorts of jumps aren't about the altitude it is the ride up, the exit and the visuals as you leave...(at least imo)

as for the cost? well there is always more money... but somethings you wont get more than one chance to experience (unless you are very very lucky)
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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those sorts of jumps aren't about the altitude it is the ride up, the exit and the visuals as you leave...(at least imo)

as for the cost? well there is always more money... but somethings you wont get more than one chance to experience (unless you are very very lucky)

Agreed, except for the 30k jump, it's about the visuals at 30k and the delay.

I think every skydiver should do a helo or balloon jump at some point, (unless perhaps you're already a BASE jumper).

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Gotta do a balloon jump.

People I know who have done it say that the silence and the sensation of falling is incredible.

I wouldn't need full altitude to do that. 5k just to accellerate to terminal from a complete stand still and complete silence would be plenty.


And afterwards I'd make a gourmet steak dinner.


Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet.


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The 30k might be about visuals, but the idea of doing it at night is just so intense :o Maybe I can get a discount on doing two of 'em, one during day, one at night :D

Have you done a night jump from 14K yet Steve?
I cnat see myself paying more than about $100 for ANY kind of jump
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I really like airplanes, so logging jumps out of different ones is very cool to me. On the older birds, you're not just paying to jump, you're donating to keep a bit of history flying. For me, any warbird jump is worth it, Given the chance, I'd do the jet and balloon. The high altitude stuff doesn't appeal to me. Different strokes....
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I've done a balloon jump and helicopter jumps but that's it and probably won't do any more. Even if I had money to spare, I'm just too practical to pay all that extra money for just one skydive out of a big plane.
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I think they are worth the price. These are the jumps you will remember for the rest of your life. Jumped the jet in Quincy and have done multiple helo jumps there and I can still remember those jumps in detail.

growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional.

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The 30k might be about visuals, but the idea of doing it at night is just so intense :o Maybe I can get a discount on doing two of 'em, one during day, one at night :D

Have you done a night jump from 14K yet Steve?
I cnat see myself paying more than about $100 for ANY kind of jump

Yeah, I've got a night jump. I just can't log it for a variety of reasons :D
cavete terrae.

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If the opportunity arose and I had the money to spare I would do all of these, especially the B17.

Life is all about experiences. In the end you dont remember the money you had, you remember the experiences
“Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and their hopes and dreams. If I didn’t drink this beer, th

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I really like airplanes, so logging jumps out of different ones is very cool to me. On the older birds, you're not just paying to jump, you're donating to keep a bit of history flying. For me, any warbird jump is worth it...

Exactly! There are not many flying b-17's anymore and the operating cost and maintenance must be HUGE!

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I really like airplanes, so logging jumps out of different ones is very cool to me. On the older birds, you're not just paying to jump, you're donating to keep a bit of history flying.

Yeah....like YOU pay to jump'em! :P

BTDT on everything EXCEPT the B-17....(I have done a B-29,B-25) so I'll eventually have to bite the bullet and buck up...DOES seem like a chunk of change though. :|

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I really wanted to do the bomber jump that was earlier this year in FL... bomber jump with a beach landing.

Too bad I was broke and couldn't get off from work. :(

"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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my gourmet jumps include a bi-plane jump, a sikorsky helicopter, and a balloon jump (all around $80). all worth it. the balloon jump was actually the most memorable of my skydives. sunset jump at rantoul in 2004, with my husband. just amazing.... the rush of sound that takes over the silence when you leave the balloon is so surreal and beautiful.

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I'm with you about the B-17. I know our sport developed out of the military. but, I just can't see myself leaving a plane at the same place where a bomb to kill people left.

Those bombs didn't kill people, they killed Nazis who were killing people. The B-17 is a beautiful tough old bird of an airplane. Most of them have died by now, but I used to know several older guys who served on B-17s. And almost every one of them had been shot down in them more than once. A few even cooled their heels in a German Stalag for the duration of the war.

If it weren't for B-17's dropping bombs, you'd be speaking German today and doing the cutest goose step. Unless you're one of those "undesirable" types, in which case you'd have discovered the wonders of inhaling Zyklon B in a concrete "shower" room.

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Unless you're one of those "undesirable" types, in which case you'd have discovered the wonders of inhaling Zyklon B in a concrete "shower" room.

And turn the oven to bake! :|

...always amazes me how some people fault a machine,
for any kind of dastardly deed! :S;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I have a very generous Uncle.

Jump from a B-17's bomb bay at less than normal altitude (got one for free)
30,000' night jump on oxygen (have about a dozen from 25,000 for free)
A jet jump from just above normal altitude (one from 26,000 for free)
A balloon jump at significantly less than normal altitude (one from 3300 for free)

OK . . . so they weren't really free - I have happily given him 23 years in return.

Many thanks to Uncle Sam. B|

If I were to pay for them as a civilian, and they could be done relatively safely, the O2 jump and the balloon jump would be worth the cash.

Arrive Safely


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Jump from a B-17's bomb bay at less than normal altitude (got one for free)
30,000' night jump on oxygen (have about a dozen from 25,000 for free)
A jet jump from just above normal altitude (one from 26,000 for free)
A balloon jump at significantly less than normal altitude (one from 3300 for free)

So...THAT'S where all my tax dollars have been going?! >:(

Straight into John's LOGBOOK! :ph34r::P

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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