
Full face that doesn't fog?

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Is there such a beast? I'm thinking of getting a full face since I'm doing more 4-way lately and would like to have some "kick" protection. My worry is that I always run hot and sweat a lot, which seems to be a recipe for fogging. I've read that many use anti-fog liquid, but it would be great if it wasn't necessary.

Could I get the same protection benefits from an open full face, and keep on using goggles?


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Phoenix-Fly Stinger

super comfort, holds your face like a bike helmet.
Only fog it after landing and walking and forgetting my helmet is still closed.

1 downpoint : pockets for audibles are too small
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Any SCUBA shop will sell you a bottle of anti-fog solution. Works well and it's not expensive. Spit will work just as well and has the advantage of being free and you always have it with you. Sounds gross but it works. Spit onto the inside of your face-plate and rub it around.

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Phoenix-Fly Stinger

super comfort, holds your face like a bike helmet.
Only fog it after landing and walking and forgetting my helmet is still closed.

1 downpoint : pockets for audibles are too small

I agree, even when it was so cold my hands were too numb to open the visor it only fogged a little at the bottom, no visibility problems at all.

Plus, everyone goes "Cool helmet, what is it?":P Its nice to be different:)

Oh yeah, and its about half the price of a Z1 / Oxygn.
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see this is something that you get for bike helmets to prevent them fogging which is a insert that you put on the existing visor. i have one on my bike helmet as i used to get pissed with it fogging up.

think it was fog city or something like that don't know if it could be adapted to a fullface skydiving helmet but don't see why not, just don't qoute me on that.

Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun

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Half Price ? Where?

Phoenix-Fly Stinger 200E - webpage

Z1 - Parasale.com 253 E

I stand corrected. But in UK kit stores the standard price is around £210 (300E) for a Z1, and I forgot I got my Stinger a bit cheaper than normal.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I use a Oxygen A3 and never had and issue of fogging up. I'm not sure if I would try this on my skydiving helmet, but for my diving mask I would smear tooth paste on it and let it dry. Then right before the dive I would rinse it out and wouldn't fog. Hope this helps -- Johan
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Spit will work just as well and has the advantage of being free and you always have it with you. Sounds gross but it works. Spit onto the inside of your face-plate and rub it around.

I'm not sure this is a great idea. Spit will dry into smears and lines on the faceshield, unless you wash it off while the spit is still wet.

I would go with anti-fog liquid made for eyeglasses, not SCUBA. All of those require you to rinse the hell out of the plastic you put it on... kinda hard to do with a helmet without getting the inside all wet.

MB 3528, RB 1182

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I've not had a problem with either a Z1 or OXYGN (about 800 jumps on each, including a bunch at 21,000ft). I keep the visor open until the door light, and exhale through the mouth vent once the visor's closed. The trick is to minimise the amount of humid breath trapped in the helmet.

Weekend before last I saw a guy kicked hard in the face during RW. He was wearing a Z1. Had he been open-face I suspect he would have been knocked out.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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put that stuff on the visor, then stick teh helmet in the fridge for 30 mins - if it hold then it may work :)

I doubt it will though, as it will probably freeze on the visor and you'll be looking through stained glass

so whats my option :) go to ski shop and get fog cloths?

your option is to be a tough russian. but otherwise see what snowmobiles use - they quite fast in damn cold temperatures.

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sounds stupid but works...

Take dry bar soap, on a dry lense. Put a thick coat of soap on it (dry) and when your done with a dry rag- wipe off the soap, and you will not have any fog... Just left with a clean lense.

TA-DA, a military trick I learned from the Drill Sergeant a while ago for helping soldiers with glasses on the rifle range during rainy days.
-Eddie B (feel free to message)

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I have no problems with my Mamba, except when it's extremely cold(sub 20's fahrenheit on ground). When it's that cold, i use a face mask under the helmet, and it helps direct my breath out the mouth holes and away from the lens. That helps. And there's always the option of taking off the visor and using goggles. The jaw piece will still protect you from the vast majority of kicks to the face

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sounds stupid but works...

Take dry bar soap, on a dry lense. Put a thick coat of soap on it (dry) and when your done with a dry rag- wipe off the soap, and you will not have any fog... Just left with a clean lense.

TA-DA, a military trick I learned from the Drill Sergeant a while ago for helping soldiers with glasses on the rifle range during rainy days.

One of the KEYS is to keep the lens clean. Be careful using toothpaste on your skydiving lens because many are abrasive. The cleaner the better.

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