
Kbord needs a hug

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well.... he put me on the schedule ASAP to pin it. [:/]

pissing and moaning about the past aint gunna help you now.
SHORT CAST though :)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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When women stop at the counter for some new gear, the salesperson says, "If buy this $85 product, we will give you this extra stuff for FREE in this cute bag."

So, you really just want all the free stuff that you get in the hospital tote bag. ;)

"If I get ankle surgery, I get a free air flow thingie that makes me cough? Woo-hoo" :D

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Actually with this one, I shouldn't need the incentive spirometer cuz that's to counter the risks of general anesthesia. The case this week I hope to do with a spinal and watch the whole procedure. So no free thingies. [:/]

But that's ok.... cuz watching them open me up and put metal in my leg will kinda be like watching me become that Terminator chick

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I've had spinals for all but one of my ankle surgeries*- I don't remember much of anything aside from shocking the hell out of my doctor by asking for the hardware in the middle of one of them. Gotta love versed......

*two tib/fibs 5 years apart- hardware in and hardware out. I've also had issues with my flare in the past...... :$

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I'm going to try to see if Anesthesia will trust me enough to do the spinal without sedation (they did when I had my ACL repaired) That way I get to remember all of it too. Not that the drugs aren't cool, but if you get a cool story, doncha wanna remember it?

ps. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one with this *cough* problem with the ground, and even more glad to see your jump numbers and know that this is something that can be overcome! :)

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My second "incident" was at the end of one of Scott Miller's canopy control classes, but I actually blame that one on my over 40 eyes, late afternoon light and poor depth perception. I had a perfect flare just a little too high........ No more sunset loads for me, and night jumps are out of the question.

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How did you break it?

(I'm guessing a bad landing of some sort, but what happened exactly?)

It was nice to meet you and I hope you heal well!

I was flying a Sabre2 190. Winds were at about 10kts prior to manifesting. Came in with a pattern, but with my wingloading and the winds, I didn't have a lot of drive. I didn't come straight down, but at a steep enough angle that I just kinda watched the ground come up and didn't finish my flare (got it to my shoulders.... and then just kinda froze) According to others, it didn't look like it was a hard enough hit to cause considerable injury.... but I guess looks can be deceiving.

I need to work on the flaring. I have an issue with the ground.... so I keep staring at it, which doesn't make it go away. I need to learn how to better control that fear and nervousness.

Heal fast doc and lots of hugs your way - you and I are very similar creatures when it comes to flaring.[:/] - although I haven't broken anything yet.
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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