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There seems to be a lot of projects ending, and new ones replacing them at the folding project. I have received 8 genome units, with 3 more woking right now. I have two processes set to ask for the Genome units, and received Folding units on those more than 50% of the time. The sudden increase in Genome assignments may be the Folding server having trouble (it was down completely a few days ago), and the Genome server fulfilling requests in its place.

Those who have trouble with the graphic client (the "recommended" installation on the Folding@ Home website) may want to switch to the text version. The text version doesn't have the easy interface and kewl pictures of your protein folding, but is more stable than the graphical client. For those of us folding on our work computers, you may consider using it as your screensaver. The screensaver has a history of bringing new users into the fold (pun intended), when they see it and ask what it is. It does slow down the process a bit (it takes a bit of computer power to generate the pictures that could be used to fold), but can generate overall returns for the project by getting new users into the project. It should be noted, folding should not be run on computers you don't have permission to use. I'm sure as skydivers many of us know the philosophy of "easier to ask forgiveness than permission."

I am a bit suprised Kev has his client set to Folding only, and still received a Genome unit. There are some pains expressed on the users forum for folding@home about these problems. Most of these posts reflect users pain about not getting credit on their stats for this work. As TB99 politely pointed out - it's not about the "credit" - it's about helping for most of us. Kudos to everyone who does.

The laws of physics are strictly enforced.

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I just installed it at home where I am running XP home and installed the regular recommended version. It is running, but funny enough, when I open it, it shows the folding, it shows the ads, but it doesn't show any of the writing on the left.....

Have it running on three computers now, should be on the board at some pointB|

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Gratuitous bump time...

Woohoo, in the top 500 teams, pretty good considering we were in the top 3,000 teams only a week ago. Everytime I look we have jumped another 20 or 30 places. Personally I'm struggling to stay in the top 10 of our team, but then I don't own the 512 cpu Cray monster that I think CAJones must have in his garage :P;) I've managed to find enough bits to build another half decent machine which works nicely as I can now have a dedicated video editing box and a general working box, but much more importantly I can do more WUs!! :ph34r:

I would like to run this as a service on WinXP but don't know how. Can anyone help?

Rich M

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Wow ... 400 when I just checked! We're doin pretty good I think as well, as you statedB|
I'm not helpin our team stats lately, the last 3 now are genome, ah well!:S

Trailer 11/12 was the best. Thanks for the memories ... you guys rocked!

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the 512 cpu Cray monster that I think CAJones must have in his garage

I'm only running it on two computers. An old Pentium III laptop Lew gave me for my birthday (my Compaq laptop died on my birthday), and my edit station. I wish I had the loot to upgrade my edit station - it's running on slow processors that could be bumped up another 667MHz, if someone wants to sponsor me.

As far as setting up Folding as a service, I'll write some detailed instructions on my next break, including the files you'll need to generate. I'll include how to set it up on multi-processor machines in case there are some out there...

The laws of physics are strictly enforced.

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just joined in...since i'll be in the middle of the mojave for a bit i figured my computer needed something to do to keep it busy...

she gets lonely if i dont keep her occupied...ussually its flight sims but...B|

Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Hes running HyperThreading on Windows 2000 with dual processors. It effectively lets a dual system run as a quad.

What is the benefit in that? Wouldn't it get just as much work done with one instance of Folding on each processor, as opposed to two getting half the cycles? Or something like that?

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Hyperthreading under Windows 2000 is not quite as good as under XP. Under XP (and Windows 2003, apparently) the gains are much better.

Under Windows 2000 Server, the losses can outweigh the gains in some applications. I won't get into it too deeply, but it basically depends on what instruction sets are being used within the processor. This coordination within the processor is much better manged with XP and 2k3 than under 2k. The gains with 4-way processing with Avid and After Effects (the two programs I use most) are measureable, even though I use Windows 2000 Server.

I haven't benchmarked this with Folding@Home, but it's probably faster to do two at a time with hyperthreading disabled under Win2000 (since Folding uses such a limited instruction set). Because of the virtual processor management of XP, Folding should be overall a little bit faster, though.

Although it's probably faster overall to disable hyperthreading and just fold two units at a time, I don't want to reboot my computer just for this benefit. I leave it running 24/7 and the hyperthreading makes me more productive editing - and I need all the productivity I can get there.

The laws of physics are strictly enforced.

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who you calling a nerd, nerd?

Don't make me fire up the flux capacitor on you.... >:(

Just to prove you wrong I'm going to install Folding on ALL the PCs in our call-center and I'll hide the icon so nobody will know it is running. And then I'll have more WUs than your boyfriend and everybody will know I am not a nerd!! B|

Now excuse me while I go find my inhaler...

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who you calling a nerd, nerd?

Don't make me fire up the flux capacitor on you.... >:(

Just to prove you wrong I'm going to install Folding on ALL the PCs in our call-center and I'll hide the icon so nobody will know it is running. And then I'll have more WUs than your boyfriend and everybody will know I am not a nerd!! B|

Now excuse me while I go find my inhaler...


you're not a nerd, you're a supernerd!


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This coordination within the processor is much better manged with XP and 2k3 than under 2k. The gains with 4-way processing with Avid and After Effects (the two programs I use most)

goddamnit cajones, you just HAD to mention those 2 names.... now you've got me considering an upgrade and a conversion to Intel (from AMD)... and man, i can't afford that... i've got jumpin to do!!

Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

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What is this W2k3 that you speak of? After having gone through too many versions Windblows, I have settled on W2k. I swear by it, unlike swearing at it, like the other flavors.

Is W2k3 in beta? Know where I might get my grubby lil hands on a copy?

Edit: I found references to W2k3 Server on the Microsoft website, but nothing about a possible Pro version. Any ideas?
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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W2k3 is the release name of .Net server. VERY cool OS that I'v got on a test box here. It totally rocks the Casbah and makes me wish it would get out of beta and get to final release soon. I'll probally stay at 2k or XP on my editing machine for now and get used to 2k3 on another PC and swap over in a few months. In terms of a networking OS I can't imagine anything as clean or easy as 2003.

If your a linux person you can even run the entire OS from a command line and never have to touch a GUI :ph34r:

Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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I found the 180 evaluation stuff on microsoft's website. Says the eveal will be available after the release free of charge. I'll get that, and if it impresses me, I'll get it!
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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As far as setting up Folding as a service, I'll write some detailed instructions on my next break, including the files you'll need to generate. I'll include how to set it up on multi-processor machines in case there are some out there...

Found an easy way to do this. Get Firedaemon Lite and download the console version of folding.

Move the Folding .exe to any sensible directory (e.g. /Program Files/Folding/). Install Firedaemon, run it and use it to create a new service; point the working directory to the Folding directory, point the executable to the Folding .exe; set parameters to "-local" (without the quotes); and under the settings tab set priority to IDLE; then click INSTALL and it's done. Remember to remove the Win version of Folding from automatic startup if you have set that.

See the attached pics for my setup.
Rich M



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